Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World
Ministries of Finance, Treasuries
- Afghanistan
- Government of Afghanistan, Kabul, Ministry of Finance
- Albania
- Government of Albania, Tirana, Ministria e Financave (Ministry of Finance)
- Algeria
- Government of Algeria, Alger, Ministère des Finances (Ministry of Finance)
- Andorra
- Government of Andorra, Finances (Ministry of Finance)
- Government of Andorra, Andorra la Vella, Finances (Ministry of Finance), Departament d'Estudis i d'Estadística (Department of Studies and Statistics)
- Angola
- Government of Angola, Luanda, Ministério das Finanças (Ministry of Finance)
- Anguilla
- Government of Anguilla, The Valley, Ministry of Finance
- Argentina
- Government of Argentina, Buenos Aires, Ministerio de Economía, y Finanzas Públicas (Ministry of Economy and Finance)
- Government of Argentina, Buenos Aires, Ministerio de Economía, y Finanzas Públicas (Ministry of Economy and Finance), Comisión Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia (CNDC) (National Commission for the Defence of Competition)
- Government of Argentina, Buenos Aires, Ministerio de Economía, y Finanzas Públicas (Ministry of Economy and Finance), Instituto Nacional De Estadística y Censos (INDEC) (National Statistical Institute)
- Government of Argentina, Buenos Aires, Ministerio de Economía, y Finanzas Públicas (Ministry of Economy and Finance), Secretaría de Política Económica (Secretariat for Economic Policy)
- Armenia
- Government of Armenia, Yerevan, Ministry of Finance
- Australia
- Government of Australia, Canberra, Department of Finance and Administration
- Government of Australia, Canberra, Treasury
- Government of Australia Capital Territory, Canberra, Treasury
- Government of New South Wales, Sydney, Treasury
- Government of Northern Territory, Darwin, Treasury
- Government of Queensland, Brisbane, Treasury
- Government of South Australia, Adelaide, Department of Treasury and Finance
- Government of Tasmania, Hobart, Department of Treasury and Finance
- Government of Victoria, Melbourne, Department of Treasury and Finance
- Government of Victoria, Melbourne, Department of Treasury and Finance, Victorian Funds Management Corporation (VFMC)
- Government of Western Australia, Perth, Department of Treasury
- Austria
- Government of Austria, Wien, Bundesministerium für Finanzen (Federal Ministry of Finance)
- Government of Austria, Wien, Österreichische Bundesfinanzagentur (Austrian Federal Financing Agency)
- Azerbaijan
- Government of Azerbaidjan, Baku, Maliyyǝ Nazirliyi (Ministry of Finance)
- Bahamas
- Government of Bahamas, Nassau, Ministry of Financial Services and Investment
- Government of Bahamas, Nassau, Ministry of Financial Services and Investment, Bahamas National Statistical Institute
- Bahrain
- Government of Bahrain, Manama, Ministry of Finance
- Bangladesh
- Government of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Ministry of Finance
- Belarus
- Government of Belarus, Minsk, Ministry of Finance
- Belgium
- European Commission, Bruxelles/Brussel, Directorate-General Economic and Financial Affairs (ECFIN)
- European Commission, Bruxelles/Brussel, Directorate-General Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
- European Commission, Bruxelles/Brussel, Directorate-General Taxation and Custom Union
- Government of Belgium, Bruxelles/Brussel, Administration of the Treasury
- Government of Belgium, Bruxelles/Brussel, Ministry of Finance
- Belize
- Government of Belize, Belmopan, Ministry of Finance
- Benin
- Government of Benin, Cotonou, Ministère de l'Économie et des Finances (Ministry of Economy and Finance)
- Bhutan
- Government of Bhutan, Thimphu, Ministry of Finance
- Bolivia
- Government of Bolivia, La Paz, Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas Públicas (Ministry of Economy and Finance)
- Government of Bolivia, La Paz, Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas Públicas (Ministry of Economy and Finance), Instituto Nacional de Estatistica (INE)
- Government of Bolivia, La Paz, Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas Públicas (Ministry of Economy and Finance), Servicio Impuestos Nacionales (National Service of Internal Revenues)
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, Federlno Ministrastvo Financija (Federal Ministry of Finance)
- Botswana
- Government of Botswana, Gaborone, Ministry of Finance and Development Planning
- Brazil
- Government of Alagoas, Maceió, Secretaria da Fazenda (Secretariat of Finance)
- Government of Amazonas, Aleixo, Secretaria de Estado da Fazenda (State Secretariat of Finance)
- Government of Bahia, Salvador, Secretaria da Fazenda (Secretariat of Finance)
- Government of Brazil, Brasília, Ministério da Fazenda (Ministry of Finance)
- Government of Brazil, Brasília, Ministério da Fazenda (Ministry of Finance), Secretaria da Receita Federal (Federal Secretary for Revenue)
- Government of Brazil, Brasília, Ministério da Fazenda (Ministry of Finance), Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional (National Treasury Secretariat)
- Government of Ceará, Fortaleza, Secretaria da Fazenda (Secretariat of Finance)
- Government of Espírito Santo, Vitória, Secretaria da Fazenda (Secretariat of Finance)
- Government of Mato Grosso, Cuiabá, Secretaria de Estado de Fazenda (State Secretariat of Finance)
- Government of Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande, Secretaria de Fazenda (Secretariat of Finance)
- Government of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Secretaria de Estado de Fazenda (State Secretariat of Finance)
- Government of Pará, Belém, Secretaria da Fazenda (Secretariat of Finance)
- Government of Paraíba, João Pessoa, Secretaria de Finanças (Secretariat of Finance)
- Government of Paraná, Curitiba, Secretaria de Estado da Fazenda (State Secretariat of Finance)
- Government of Pernambuco, Recife, Secretaria da Fazenda (Secretariat of Finance)
- Government of Piauí, Teresina, Secretaria da Fazenda (Secretariat of Finance)
- Government of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Secretaria de Estado de Finanças (State Secretariat of Finance)
- Government of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Secretaria de Estado do Planejamento e das Finanças (State Secretariat of Planning and Finance)
- Government of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Secretaria de Estado da Tributação (State Secretariat of Taxes)
- Government of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Secretaria da Fazenda (Secretariat of Finance)
- Government of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Secretaria da Fazenda (Secretariat of Finance)
- Government of São Paulo, São Paulo, Secretaria da Fazenda (Secretariat of Finance)
- Government of Sergipe, Aracaju, Secretaria da Fazenda (Secretariat of Finance)
- Government of the Federal District, Brasília, Secretaria de Fazenda (Secretariat of Finance)
- Government of Tocantins, Palmas, Secretaria da Fazenda (Secretariat of Finance)
- British Virgin Islands
- Government of the British Virgin Islands, Tortola, Ministry of Finance
- Brunei
- Government of Brunei Darussalam, Bandar Seri Begawan, Ministry of Finance
- Bulgaria
- Government of Bulgaria, Sofia, Ministry of Finance
- Government of Bulgaria, Sofia, Ministry of Finance, Agency for Economic Analysis and Forecasting
- Burkina Faso
- Government of Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou, Ministère de l'Économie et des Finances (Ministry of Economy and Finance)
- Government of Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou, Ministère de l'Économie et des Finances (Ministry of Economy and Finance), Institut National de la Statistique et de la Démographie (INSD) (National Institute of Statistics and Demographics)
- Cabo Verde
- Government of Cabo Verde, Santiago, Ministério das Finanças, Planeamento e Desenvolvimento Regional (Ministry of Finance, Planning and Regional Development)
- Cameroun
- Government of Cameroun, Yaoundé, Ministère des Finances (Ministry of Finance)
- Canada
- Government of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta Finance
- Government of British Columbia, Victoria, Ministry of Finance and Corporate Relations
- Government of Canada, Ottawa, Finance Canada
- Government of Canada, Ottawa, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
- Government of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Department of Finance
- Government of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Department of Finance
- Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, St. John's, Department of Finance
- Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, St. John's, Department of Finance, Economic Research and Analysis Division
- Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, St. John's, Department of Finance, Newfoundland Statistical Agency
- Government of the Northwest Territories, Yellowknife, Department of Finance
- Government of Nova Scotia, Halifax, Department of Finance
- Government of Nova Scotia, Halifax, Department of Finance, Statistics Division
- Government of Nunavut, Iqaluit, Department of Finance
- Government of Ontario, Toronto, Ministry of Finance
- Government of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, Department of Finance, Energy and Municipial Affairs
- Government of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, Provincial Treasury
- Government of Québec, Québec, Ministère des Finances et de l'Économie (Ministry of Finance and Economy)
- Government of Saskatchewan, Regina, Ministry of Finance
- Government of Yukon, Whitehorse, Yukon Department of Finance
- Cayman Islands
- Government of the Cayman Islands, George Town, Cayman Islands Financial Services
- Chile
- Government of Chile, Santiago, Ministerio de Hacienda (Ministry of Finance)
- Government of Chile, Santiago, Ministerio de Hacienda (Ministry of Finance), Comisión para el Mercado Financiero (Financial Market Commission)
- Government of Chile, Santiago, Ministerio de Hacienda (Ministry of Finance), Superintendencia de Bancos (SBIF) (Superintendency of Banks and Financial Institutions)
- Government of Chile, Santiago, Ministerio de Hacienda (Ministry of Finance), Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros (Securities and Insurance Supervisor)
- Government of Chile, Santiago, Ministerio de Hacienda (Ministry of Finance), Tesoreria General de la Republica (General Treasury)
- China
- Government of China, Beijing, Ministry of Finance
- Government of China, Beijing, Ministry of Finance, Research Institute for Fiscal Science
- Colombia
- Government of Colombia, Bogotá, Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito Público (Ministry of Finance and Public Credit)
- Cook Islands
- Government of Cook Islands, Rarotonga, Ministry of Finance and Economic Management
- Costa Rica
- Government of Costa Rica, San José, Ministerio de Hacienda (Ministry of Finance)
- Croatia
- Government of Croatia, Zagreb, Ministarstvo Financija (Ministry of Finance)
- Cuba
- Government of Cuba, La Habana, Ministerio de Finanzas y Precios (Ministry of Finance and Prices)
- Curaçao
- Government of Curaçao, Willemstad, Ministero di Finansa (Ministry of Finance)
- Cyprus
- Government of Cyprus, Nicosia, Ministry of Finance
- Czech Republic
- Government of the Czech Republic, Praha, Ministerstvo financí (Ministry of Finance)
- Denmark
- Government of Denmark, København, Finansministeriet (Ministry of Finance)
- Government of Denmark, København, Skatteministeriet (Ministry of the Treasury)
- Djibouti
- Government of Djbouti, Djibouti, Ministàre de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Planification chargé de la Privatisation (MEFPP) (Ministry of Economy, Finance, Planning and Privatization)
- Dominican Republic
- Government of the Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, Ministerio de Hacienda (Ministry of Finance)
- Ecuador
- Government of Ecuador, Quito, Ministerio de Finanzas (Ministry of Finance)
- Government of Ecuador, Quito, Ministerio de Finanzas (Ministry of Finance), Servicio de Rentas Internas (Internal Revenue Service)
- Government of Ecuador, Quito, Ministerio de Finanzas (Ministry of Finance), Servicio de Rentas Internas (Internal Revenue Service), Centro de Estudios Fiscales (Fiscal Studies Center)
- Egypt
- Government of Egypt, Cairo, Ministry of Finance
- El Salvador
- Government of El Salvador, San Salvador, Ministerio de Hacienda (Ministry of Finance)
- Estonia
- Government of Estonia, Tallinn, Eesti Vabarigiigi Rahandusministeerium (Ministry of Finance)
- Ethiopia
- Government of Ethopia, Addis Ababa, Ministry of Finance and Economic Development
- Faroes
- Government of Faroes, Tórshavn, Fíggjarmálaráðið (Ministry of Finance and Economics)
- Finland
- Government of Finland, Helsinki, Valtiokonttori (State Treasury)
- Government of Finland, Helsinki, Valtiovarainministeriö (Ministry of Finance)
- France
- Government of France, Paris, Ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de l'Industrie (Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industry)
- Government of France, Paris, Ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de l'Industrie (Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industry), Administration Fiscale (Fiscal Administration)
- Government of France, Paris, Ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de l'Industrie (Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industry), Direction Générale du Trésor (Department of the Treasury)
- Government of France, Paris, Ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de l'Industrie (Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industry), Direction Générale du Trésor (Department of the Treasury), France Trésor (Treasury)
- Government of France, Paris, Ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de l'Industrie (Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industry), Direction Générale du Trésor (Department of the Treasury), France Trésor (Treasury)
- Government of France, Paris, Ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de l'Industrie (Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industry), Direction Générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes (Department of Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Repression)
- French Polynesia
- Government of French Polynesia, Papeete, Ministère des Finances (Ministry of Finance)
- Gabon
- Government of Gabon, Libreville, Ministère des Finances, de l'Économie, du Budget et de la Privatisation (Ministry of Finance, Economy, Budget and Privatization)
- Georgia
- Government of Georgia, Tbilisi, Ministry of Finance
- Government of Georgia, Tbilisi, Ministry of Finance, Department of the Treasury
- Government of Georgia, Tbilisi, Ministry of Finance, Department of the Treasury
- Germany
- Government of Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart, Finanzministerium (Ministry of Finance)
- Government of Bavaria, München, Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Finanzen (Bavarian State Ministry for Finance)
- Government of Berlin, Berlin, Senatsverwaltung für Finanzen (State Administration for Finance)
- Government of Brandenburg, Potsdam, Ministerium der Finanzen (Ministry of Finance)
- Government of Bremen, Bremen, Senator für Finanzen (Senator for Finance)
- Government of Germany, Bundesministerium der Finanzen (Federal Ministry of Finance)
- Government of Germany, Berlin, Bundesministerium der Finanzen (Federal Ministry of Finance), Finanzagentur (Finance Agency)
- Government of Hamburg, Hamburg, Finanzbehörde (State Ministry of Finance)
- Government of Hesse, Wiesbaden, Ministerium der Finanzen (Ministry of Finance)
- Government of Lower Saxony, Hannover, Finanzministerium (Ministry of Finance)
- Government of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Schwerin, Finanzministerium (Ministry of Finance)
- Government of North Rhine Westphalia, Düsseldorf, Finanzministerium (Ministry of Finance)
- Government of Rhineland-Palatinate, Mainz, Ministerium der Finanzen (Monistry of Finance)
- Government of Sarre, Saarbrücken, Ministerium für Finanzen und Bundesangelegenheiten (Ministry for Finance and Federal Affairs)
- Government of Saxony-Anhalt, Magdeburg, Finanzministerium (Ministry of Finance)
- Ghana
- Government of Ghana, Accra, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning
- Greece
- Government of Greece, Athens, Ministry of Finance
- Government of Greece, Athens, Ministry of Finance, Council of Economic Advisors
- Greenland
- Government of Greenland, Nuuk, Aningaasaqarnermut Nunanullu Allanut Naalakkersuisoqarfik (Department of Finance and Foreign Relations)
- Grenada
- Government of Grenada, St. George's, Ministry of Finance, Planning, Economic Development, Trade, Energy and Cooperatives
- Guatemala
- Government of Guatemala, Ciudad de Guatemala, Ministerio de Finanzas Públicas (Ministry of Public Finance)
- Guinea-Bissau
- Government of Guinea Bissau, Bissau, Ministro de Economia e Finanças (Ministry of Economics and Finance)
- Guyana
- Government of Guyana, Georgetown, Ministry of Finance
- Honduras
- Government of Honduras, Tegucigalpa, Secretaría de Finanzas (Secretariat of Finances)
- Hong Kong
- Government of Hong Kong, Central, Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau
- Government of Hong Kong, Central, Treasury
- Hungary
- Government of Hungary, Budapest, Pénzügyminisztérium (Ministry of Finance)
- Iceland
- Government of Iceland, Reykjavík, Fjármálaráðuneytið (Ministry of Finance)
- India
- Government of India, New Delhi, Ministry of Finance
- Indonesia
- Government of Indonesia, Jakarta, Kementerian Keuangan (Ministry of Finance)
- Government of Indonesia, Jakarta, Kementerian Keuangan (Ministry of Finance), Badan Kebijakan Fiskal (Fiscal Policy Office)
- Government of Indonesia, Jakarta, Kementerian Keuangan (Ministry of Finance), Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara (State College of Accountancy)
- Iran
- Government of Iran, Tehran, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance
- Government of Iran, Tehran, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance, Customs Administration
- Government of Iran, Tehran, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance, Economic Affairs Research Institute
- Government of Iran, Tehran, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance, State Tax Organization
- Government of Iran, Tehran, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance, Vice-Ministry of Economic Affairs
- Ireland
- Government of Ireland, Dublin, Department of Finance
- Government of Ireland, Dublin, Irish Fiscal Advisory Council
- Israel
- Government of Israel, Jerusalem, Ministry of Finance
- Government of Israel, Jerusalem, Ministry of Finance, Income Tax Commission
- Italy
- Government of Italy, Roma, Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance)
- Government of Italy, Roma, Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance), Agenzia delle Entrate (Revenue Agency)
- Government of Italy, Roma, Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance), Agenzia delle Entrate (Revenue Agency), Direzione Central Osservatorio del Mercato Immobiliare e Servizi Estimativi (Central Directorate for Real Estate Market Observatory and Estimating Services)
- Government of Italy, Roma, Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance), Dipartimento della Ragioneris Generale dello Stato (State General Accounting Department)
- Government of Italy, Roma, Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance), Dipartimento delle Finanze (Finance Department)
- Government of Italy, Roma, Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance), Dipartimento delle Finanze (Finance Department)
- Government of Italy, Roma, Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance), Dipartimento del Tesoro (Department of the Treasury)
- Jamaica
- Government of Jamaica, Kingston, Ministry of Finance and Planning
- Japan
- Government of Japan, Tokyo, Cabinet Office, Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy (CEFP)
- Government of Japan, Tokyo, Ministry of Finance
- Government of Japan, Tokyo, Ministry of Finance, Policy Research Institute
- Jordan
- Government of Jordan, Amman, Ministry of Finance
- Kazakhstan
- Government of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Ministry of Finance
- Kenya
- Government of Kenya, Nairobi, Ministry of Finance and Planning
- Kosovo
- Government of Kosovo, Prishtina, Ministria e Financave, Punës dhe Transfereve (Ministry of Finance, Labour and Transfers)
- Kuwait
- Government of Kuwait, Kuwait City, Ministry of Finance
- Laos
- Government of Laos, Vientiane, Ministry of Finance
- Latvia
- Government of Latvia, Rīga, Finansu Ministrija (Ministry of Finance)
- Government of Latvia, Rīga, Valsts Kase (State Treasury)
- Lebanon
- Government of Lebanon, Beirut, Ministère des Finances (Ministry of Finance)
- Government of Lebanon, Beirut, Ministère des Finances (Ministry of Finance), Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan (Basil Fuleihan Institute of Finance)
- Liechtenstein
- Government of Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Stabsstelle Finanzen (Finance Board)
- Lithuania
- Government of Lithuania, Vilnius, Finansø Ministerija (Ministry of Finance)
- Luxembourg
- European Stability Mechanism, Luxembourg
- Government of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Ministère des Finances (Ministry of Finances)
- Macao
- Government of Macao, Macau, Serviços de Finanças (DSF) (Department of Finance)
- Malawi
- Government of Malawi, Lilongwe, Ministry of Finance
- Malaysia
- Government of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Kementerian Kewangan (Ministry of Finance (Treasury))
- Maldives
- Government of the Maldives, Malé, Ministry of Finance and Treasury
- Mali
- Government of Mali, Bamako, Ministère de l'Économie et des Finances (Ministry of the Economy and Finance)
- Malta
- Government of Malta, La Valletta, Ministeru tal-Finanzi (Ministry of Finance, the Economy, and Investment)
- Government of Malta, La Valletta, Ministeru tal-Finanzi (Ministry of Finance, the Economy, and Investment), Economic Policy Department
- Man
- Government of the Isle of Man, Douglas, Treasury
- Mauritius
- Government of Mauritius, Port Louis, Ministry of Finance and Economic Development
- Government of Mauritius, Port Louis, Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, Central Statistical Office
- Mexico
- Government of Mexico, México, Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público (Ministry of Finance)
- Moldova
- Government of Moldova, Chişinău, Ministerul Finanţelor (Ministry of Finance)
- Monaco
- Government of Monaco, Monte Carlo, Département des Finances et de l'Économie (Department of Finance and of the Economy)
- Mongolia
- Government of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Ministry of Finance
- Montenegro
- Government of Montenegro, Podgorica, Ministarstvo Finansija (Ministry of Finance)
- Morocco
- Government of Morocco, Rabat, Ministère des Finances et de la Privatisation (Ministry of Finance and Privatization)
- Government of Morocco, Rabat, Ministère des Finances et de la Privatisation (Ministry of Finance and Privatization), Direction des Études et des Prévisions Financières (Directorate of Financial Studies and Forecasts)
- Government of Morocco, Rabat, Ministère des Finances et de la Privatisation (Ministry of Finance and Privatization), Direction des Impôts (Directorate of Taxes)
- Myanmar
- Government of Myanmar, Yangon, Ministry of Finance and Revenue
- Namibia
- Government of Namibia, Windhoek, Ministry of Finance
- Nauru
- Government of Nauru, Yaren, Department of Finance
- Nepal
- Government of Nepal, Kathmandu, Ministry of Finance
- Netherlands
- Government of the Netherlands, Ministerie van Financiën (Finance Ministry)
- New Zealand
- Government of New Zealand, Wellington, Treasury
- Nicaragua
- Government of Nicaragua, Managua, Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito Público
- Nigeria
- Government of Nigeria, Abuja, Federal Ministry of Finance
- North Macedonia
- Government of North Macedonia, Skopje, Ministerstvo za Finansii (Ministry of Finance)
- Government of North Macedonia, Skopje, Ministerstvo za Finansii (Ministry of Finance), Uprava Zajavni Prihodi (Public Revenue Office)
- Norway
- Government of Norway, Oslo, Finansdepartementet (Finance Department)
- Oman
- Government of Oman, Muscat, Ministry of Finance
- Pakistan
- Government of Pakistan, Islamabad, Ministry of Finance
- Government of Pakistan, Islamabad, Ministry of Finance, Board of Investment
- Government of Pakistan, Islamabad, Ministry of Finance, Federal Board of Revenue
- Palestinian Authority
- Palestina National Authority, Ramallah, Ministry of Finance
- Panama
- Governmená of Panama, Panama Ciudad, Ministerio de Economia y Finanzas (Ministry of the Economy and Finances)
- Papua New Guinea
- Government of Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby, Department of Finance and Treasury
- Paraguay
- Government of Paraguay, Asunción, Ministerio de Hacienda (Ministry of Finance)
- Peru
- Government of Peru, Lima, Ministerio de Economia y Finanzas (Ministry of Economy and Finance)
- Government of Peru, Lima, Ministerio de Economia y Finanzas (Ministry of Economy and Finance), Proinversión (Private Investment Promotion Agency)
- Philippines
- Government of the Philippines, Manila, Department of Finance
- Poland
- Government of Poland, Warszawa, Ministerstwo Finansów (Ministry of Finance)
- Government of Poland, Warszawa, Ministerstwo Skarbu Panstwa (Ministry of State Treasury)
- Portugal
- Government of Portugal, Lisboa, Ministério das Finanças e do Administração Pública (Ministry of Finance and Public Administration)
- Government of Portugal, Lisboa, Ministério das Finanças e do Administração Pública (Ministry of Finance and Public Administration), Direcção-Geral da Administração e do Emprego Público (DGAEP) (General Directorate of Administration and Public Employment)
- Government of Portugal, Lisboa, Ministério das Finanças e do Administração Pública (Ministry of Finance and Public Administration), Direcção-Geral das Alfândegas e dos Impostos Especiais Sobre o Consumo (DGAIEC) (General Directorate of Customs and Special Consumption Taxes)
- Government of Portugal, Lisboa, Ministério das Finanças e do Administração Pública (Ministry of Finance and Public Administration), Direcção Geral do Orçamento (Directorate General of Budget)
- Government of Portugal, Lisboa, Ministério das Finanças e do Administração Pública (Ministry of Finance and Public Administration), Direcção Geral dos Impostos (DGCI) (General Directorate of Taxes)
- Government of Portugal, Lisboa, Ministério das Finanças e do Administração Pública (Ministry of Finance and Public Administration), Gabinete de Planeamento, Estratégia, Avaliação e Relações Internacionais (GPEARI) (Office for Economic Policy and International Affairs)
- Puerto Rico
- Government of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Departamento de Hacienda (Department of Finance)
- Qatar
- Government of Qatar, Doha, Ministry of Economy and Finance
- Romania
- Government of Romania, Bucureşti, Ministerul Finantelor Publice (Ministry of Public Finances)
- Russia
- Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Ministry of Finance
- Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Ministry of Finance, Federal Tax Agency
- Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Ministry of Finance, Federal Treasury Department
- Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Ministry of Finance, Financial Research Institute
- Rwanda
- Government of Rwanda, Kigali, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning
- St. Helena
- Government of St. Helena, Jamestown, Finance Directorate
- St. Lucia
- Government of Saint Lucia, Castries, Ministry of Planning, Development, Environment and Housing
- St. Vincent and the Grenadines
- Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Kingstown, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning
- Samoa
- Government of Samoa, Apia, Ministry of Finance
- Saudi Arabia
- Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah, Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI), Islamic Banking and Finance Division
- Senegal
- Government of Senegal, Dakar, Ministère de l'Économie et des Finances (Ministry of the Economy and Finances)
- Government of Senegal, Dakar, Ministère de l'Économie et des Finances (Ministry of the Economy and Finances), Direction de la Prévision et des Études Économiques (Forecasting and Economic Studies Directorate)
- Serbia
- Government of Serbia, Beograd, Ministarstvo Finansija (Ministry of Finance)
- Sierra Leone
- Government of Sierra Leone, Freetown, Ministry of Finance
- Singapore
- Government of Singapore, Singapore, Ministry of Finance
- Slovakia
- Government of Slovakia, Bratislava, Ministerstvo financií (Ministry of Finance)
- Government of Slovakia, Bratislava, Ministerstvo financií (Ministry of Finance), Inštitút finančnej politiky (Institute for Financial Policy)
- Slovenia
- Government of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Ministrstvo za finance (Ministry of Finance)
- Somalia
- Government of Somalia, Mogadishu, Ministry of Finance
- South Africa
- Government of South Africa, Pretoria, Department of National Treasury
- Government of South Africa, Financial and Fiscal Commission
- South Korea
- Government of South Korea, Seoul, Ministry of Strategy and Finance
- Spain
- Government of Andalusia, Sevilla, Consejería de Economía y Hacienda (Department of Economy and Finance)
- Government of the Basque Country, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Departamento de Economía y Hacienda (Department of Economy and Finance)
- Government of Catalonia, Barcelona, Institut Catalá de Finances
- Government of Spain, Madrid, Ministerio de Economía y Empresa (Ministry of Economy and Business), Dirección General del Tesoro y Política Financiera (General Directorate of the Treasury and Financial Policy)
- Government of Spain, Madrid, Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas (Ministry of Finance and Public Management)
- Sri Lanka
- Government of Sri Lanka, Colombo, Ministry of Finance and Planning
- Suriname
- Government of Suriname, Paramaibo, Ministerie van Financiën (Ministry of Finance)
- Swaziland
- Government of Swaziland, Mbabane, Ministry of Finance
- Sweden
- Government of Sweden, Stockholm, Finansdepartementet (Ministry of Finance)
- Government of Sweden, Stockholm, Finansdepartementet (Ministry of Finance), Expertgruppen för Studier i Offentlig Ekonomi (Expert Group on Public Economics)
- Government of Sweden, Stockholm, Finanspolitiska Rådet (Fiscal Policy Council)
- Government of Sweden, Stockholm, Riksgäldskontoret (Swedish National Debt Office)
- Switzerland
- Government of Switzerland, Bern, Eidgenössisches Finanzdepartement (Federal Department of Finance)
- Government of Switzerland, Bern, Eidgenössisches Finanzverwaltung (Federal Finance Administration)
- Taiwan
- Government of Taiwan, Taipeh, Ministry of Finance
- Government of Taiwan, Taipeh, Ministry of Finance, Banking Bureau
- Government of Taiwan, Taipeh, Ministry of Finance, National Tax Administration
- Tanzania
- Government of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Ministry of Finance and Planning
- Government of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Ministry of Finance and Planning, Joint Finance Commission
- Government of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Ministry of Finance and Planning, Tanzania Revenue Authority
- Thailand
- Government of Thailand, Bangkok, Ministry of Finance
- Togo
- Government of Togo, Lomé, Ministère de l'Économie et des Finances (Ministry of Economy and Finance)
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Government of Trinidad and Tobago, Port-of-Spain, Ministry of Finance
- Tunisia
- Government of Tunisia, Tunis, Ministère des Finances (Ministry of Finance)
- Turkey
- Government of Turkey, Ankara, Başbakanlık Hazine Müsteşarlığı (Turkey Treasury)
- Government of Turkey, Ankara, Cumhurbaşkanlığı Finans Ofisi (Presidency Finance Office)
- Government of Turkey, Ankara, Devlet Bakanlığı (Ministry in Charge of Treasury)
- Government of Turkey, Ankara, Maliye Bakanlığı (Ministry of Finance)
- Government of Turkey, Ankara, Maliye Bakanlığı (Ministry of Finance), Bütçe ve Mali Kontrol Genel Müdürlügü (General Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Control)
- Uganda
- Government of Uganda, Kampala, Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MFPED)
- Ukraine
- Government of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ministry of Finances
- Government of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ministry of Finances, Academy of Financial Management
- United Arab Emirates
- Government of the United Arab Emirates, Abu-Dhabi, Ministry of Finance
- United Kingdom
- Government of Northern Ireland, Belfast, Department of Finance and Personnel (DFP)
- Government of the United Kingdom, London, HM Treasury
- Government of the United Kingdom, London, HM Treasury, Debt Management Office (DMO)
- United States: Alabama
- Government of Alabama, Montgomery, Alabama Executive Budget Office
- Government of Alabama, Montgomery, Alabama State Treasury
- United States: Arizona
- Government of Arizona, Phoenix, State Treasurer
- United States: Arkansas
- Government of Arkansas, Little Rock, Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration
- United States: California
- Government of California, Sacramento, Department of Finance
- Government of California, Sacramento, State Treasurer's Office
- United States: Colorado
- Government of Colorado, Denver, Colorado State Treasurer
- United States: Connecticut
- Government of Connecticut, Hartford, Office of the Treasurer
- United States: Delaware
- Government of Delaware, Dover, Department of Finance
- Government of Delaware, Dover, State Treasurer
- United States: District of Columbia
- Government of the District of Columbia, Washington, Office of the Chief Financial Officer
- Government of the United States, Washington, Department of the Treasury
- Government of the United States, Washington, Department of the Treasury, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
- Government of the United States, Washington, Department of the Treasury, Office of Financial Research
- Government of the United States, Washington, Office of Management & Budget
- United States: Florida
- Government of Florida, Tallahassee, Department of Financial Services
- United States: Georgia
- Government of Georgia, Atlanta, Department of Banking and Finance
- Government of Georgia, Atlanta, Office of Treasury and Fiscal Services
- United States: Hawaii
- Government of Hawaii, Honolulu, Department of Budget and Finance
- United States: Idaho
- Government of Idaho, Boise, Department of Finance
- United States: Illinois
- Government of Illinois, Springfield, Office of the State Treasurer
- United States: Indiana
- Government of Indiana, Indianapolis, Treasurer of State
- United States: Iowa
- Government of Iowa, Des Moines, Department of Revenue and Finance
- Government of Iowa, Des Moines, Treasurer of State
- United States: Kansas
- Government of Kansas, Topeka, Treasurer
- United States: Louisiana
- Government of Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Treasury Department
- United States: Maryland
- Government of Maryland, Annapolis, Department of Budget & Management
- Government of Maryland, Annapolis, State Treasurer
- United States: Massachusetts
- Government of Massachusetts, Boston, Department of the State Treasury
- Government of Massachusetts, Boston, Fiscal Affairs Division (formerly Budget Bureau)
- United States: Michigan
- Government of Michigan, Lansing, Department of Management and Budget
- Government of Michigan, Lansing, Department of Management and Budget, Census and Statistical Data
- Government of Michigan, Lansing, Department of Treasury
- United States: Minnesota
- Government of Minnesota, St.Paul, Department of Finance
- Government of Minnesota, St.Paul, State Treasurer
- United States: Mississippi
- Government of Mississippi, Jackson, Department of Finance and Administration
- Government of Mississippi, Jackson, Treasury Department
- United States: Missouri
- Government of Missouri, Jefferson City, State Treasurer's Office
- United States: Nebraska
- Government of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska Department of Administrative Services
- Government of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska State Treasurer
- United States: Nevada
- Government of Nevada, Carson City, State Treasurer
- United States: New Hampshire
- Government of New Hampshire, Concord, State Treasury
- United States: New Jersey
- Government of New Jersey, Trenton, Department of the Treasury
- United States: New Mexico
- Government of New Mexico, Santa Fe, Department of Finance and Administration
- Government of New Mexico, Santa Fe, State Treasurer
- United States: New York
- City of New York, New York City, Department of Finance
- Government of New York, Albany, Department of Taxation and Finance
- United States: North Carolina
- Government of North Carolina, Raleigh, Department of State Treasurer
- United States: North Dakota
- Government of North Dakota, Bismarck, Department of Economic Development & Finance
- Government of North Dakota, Bismarck, Office of State Treasurer
- United States: Ohio
- Government of Ohio, Columbus, Office of Budget and Management
- Government of Ohio, Columbus, Treasury
- United States: Oklahoma
- Government of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Office of State Finance
- Government of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma State Treasury
- United States: Oregon
- Government of Oregon, Salem, State Treasury
- United States: Pennsylvania
- Government of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, State Treasurer
- United States: Rhode Island
- Government of Rhode Island, Providence, Office of the Treasurer
- United States: South Carolina
- Government of South Carolina, Columbia, Office of State Budget
- Government of South Carolina, Columbia, Office of the State Treasurer
- United States: South Dakota
- Government of South Dakota, Pierre, Bureau of Finance and Management
- Government of South Dakota, Pierre, Office of the State Treasurer
- United States: Tennessee
- Government of Tennessee, Nashville, Department of Finance and Administration
- United States: Utah
- Government of Utah, Salt Lake City, Division of Finance
- Government of Utah, Salt Lake City, Treasurer's Office
- United States: Vermont
- Government of Vermont, Montpelier, Department of Finance and Management
- Government of Vermont, Montpelier, Treasurer
- United States: Virginia
- Government of Virginia, Richmond, Secretary of Finance
- Government of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia Department of Treasury
- United States: Washington
- Government of Washington, Olympia, Office of Financial Management
- Government of Washington, Olympia, Office of the State Treasurer
- United States: West Virginia
- Government of West Virginia, Charleston, Treasurer's Office
- United States: Wisconsin
- Government of Wisconsin, Madison, Office of the State Treasurer
- United States Virgin Islands
- Government of the United States Virgin Islands, Christiansted, Department of Finance
- Uruguay
- Government of Uruguay, Montevideo, Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas (Ministry of Economy and Finance)
- Uzbekistan
- Government of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Iqtisodiyot va Moliya Vazirligi (Ministry of Economy and Finance)
- Government of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Iqtisodiyot va Moliya Vazirligi (Ministry of Economy and Finance), Soliq Qi'mitasi (State Tax Committee)
- Government of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Iqtisodiyot va Moliya Vazirligi (Ministry of Economy and Finance), Soliq Qi'mitasi (State Tax Committee), Fiskal Institut (Fiscal Institute)
- Government of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Iqtisodiyot va Moliya Vazirligi (Ministry of Economy and Finance), Training Center
- Venezuela
- Government of Venezuela, Caracas, Ministerio del Poder Popular de Economí a, Finanzas (Ministry of Economy and Finance)
- Viet Nam
- Government of Vietnam, Hanoi, Ministry of Finance
- Yemen
- Government of Yemen, Sana'a, Ministry of Finance
- Zambia
- Government of Zambia, Lusaka, Ministry of Finance
- Zimbabwe
- Government of Zimbabwe, Harare, Ministry of Finance