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Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World

Directorate-General Economic and Financial Affairs (ECFIN)

European Commission

Location: Bruxelles/Brussel, Belgium
Homepage: https://ec.europa.eu/info/departments/economic-and-financial-affairs_en

Fax: +32 2 298.08.23
Postal: Inter-institutional relations and communication Unit, B-1049 Brussels
Handle: RePEc:edi:dg2ecbe
Areas or Functions: Ministries of Economy, Ministries of Finance, Treasuries, International Organizations

People who have registered with RePEc and have claimed to be affiliated with this institution:

Their publications
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Their author profiles
Authors with publications are listed below with . We have lost contact with authors marked with ?, and they do not count towards the ranking of this institution. We would appreciate a note of their new email address or status.

  1. Aruqaj, Erza
  2. Asdrubali, Pierfederico
  3. Blondeau, Francois
  4. Bogdanov, Bogdan
  5. Bova, Elva
  6. Buelens, Christian
  7. Canton, Joan
  8. Carone, Giuseppe
  9. D'Adamo, Gaetano
  10. D'Auria, Francesca Maria
  11. de Castro, Francisco
  12. de Manuel, Mirzha
  13. Dias Martins, Vitor
  14. Giamboni, Luigi
  15. Giudice, Gabriele
  16. Hake, Mariya ?
  17. Havrlant, David
  18. Hristov, Atanas
  19. Kappeler, Andreas
  20. Katay, Gabor
  21. Ketterer, Tobias D.
  22. Kielyte, Julia
  23. Kiss, Aron
  24. Kontolemis, Zenon G.
  25. Larch, Martin
  26. Linden, Staffan
  27. Lisicky, Milan
  28. Manescu, Cristiana
  29. Maravall Rodriguez, Carlos
  30. Mata Garcia, Nuria
  31. Mattozzi, Giovanni ?
  32. Mohl, Philipp
  33. Morgese Borys, Magdalena
  34. Motyovszki, Gergo
  35. Mourre, Gilles
  36. Nikolov, Plamen
  37. Nogueira Martins, Joao
  38. Peeters, Marga
  39. Pfeiffer, Philipp Ludwig
  40. Priks, Ardi
  41. Rezessy, Andras
  42. Rutkowski, Aleksander J.
  43. Salto, Matteo
  44. Schmitz, Marie-Luise
  45. Schwierz, Christoph
  46. Stierle, Michael Harold
  47. Stierle-von Schuetz, Ulrike
  48. Szekely, Istvan P
  49. Terzi, Alessio
  50. Thum-Thysen, Anna Elisabeth
  51. Turrini, Alessandro
  52. Vandeplas, Anneleen
  53. Varga, Janos
  54. Vasicek, Borek
  55. Vierke, Hauke H.
  56. Viviani, Carlo
  57. Vlachaki, Irene
  58. Vogel, Lukas
  59. Vuksic, Goran
  60. Woehlbier, Florian
  61. Xavier, Ana
  62. Zeugner, Stefan Klaus


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