Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
Translation: Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Location: Bucureşti, Romania
Phone: 0040-01-2112650
Fax: 0040-01-3129549
Handle: RePEc:edi:aseeero
Areas or Functions:
Phone: 0040-01-2112650
Fax: 0040-01-3129549
Handle: RePEc:edi:aseeero
Areas or Functions:
Subentities listed with EDIRC:
- Center for Advanced Research in Finance and Banking (CARFIB), Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
- Centrul de Cercetare în Administraţie şi Servicii Publice (CCASP), Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
- Facultatea de Administrarea Afacerilor, Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
- Facultatea de Administraţie şi Management Public, Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
- Facultatea de Business şi Turism, Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
- Facultatea de Cibernetica, Statistica şi Informatica Economica, Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
- Facultatea de Contabilitate şi Informatică de Gestiune, Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
- Catedra de Analiza Economico-Financiara, Facultatea de Contabilitate şi Informatică de Gestiune, Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
- Departamentul de Analiza şi Evaluare Economico-Financiara, Facultatea de Contabilitate şi Informatică de Gestiune, Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
- Facultatea de Economie Teoretică şi Aplicată, Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
- Facultatea de Economia Agroalimetara şi a Mediului, Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
- Facultatea de Finante, Asigurari, Banci şi Burse de Valori, Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
- Centrul de Cercetari Financiar-Monetare (CEFIMO), Facultatea de Finante, Asigurari, Banci şi Burse de Valori, Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
- Departamentul Finante, Facultatea de Finante, Asigurari, Banci şi Burse de Valori, Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
- Facultatea de Management, Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
- Facultatea de Marketing, Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
- Facultatea de Relatii Economice Internationale, Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
- Institutul National de Dezvoltare Economica (INDE), Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti
Publications that are listed with RePEc:
Published by this institution:
- The AMFITEATRU ECONOMIC journal, Academy of Economic Studies - Bucharest, Romania
- International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, Academy of Economic Studies - Bucharest, Romania
- Informatica Economica, Academy of Economic Studies - Bucharest, Romania
- Database Systems Journal, Academy of Economic Studies - Bucharest, Romania
- Journal of Doctoral Research in Economics, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies
- Journal of Social and Economic Statistics, Bucharest University of Economic Studies
- Social Responsibility, Ethics and Sustainable Business, Bucharest University of Economic Studies
- International Conference on Marketing and Business Development Journal, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies
- Studii si Cercetari de Calcul Economic si Cibernetica Economica Description: This is the official journal of the Journal Studii si Cercetari de Calcul Economic si Cibernetica Economica, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Department of Economic Informatics and Cybernetics
- Journal of Emerging Trends in Marketing and Management, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies
- International Conference on Competitiveness of Agro-food and Environmental Economy Proceedings, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies
- Juridical Tribune - Review of Comparative and International Law, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies
- The Journal of Philosophical Economics, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, The Journal of Philosophical Economics
- Working Papers, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Research Center in International Business and Economics (RCIBE)
- Advances in Economic and Financial Research - DOFIN Working Paper Series, Bucharest University of Economics, Center for Advanced Research in Finance and Banking - CARFIB
- ECONOMIC COMPUTATION AND ECONOMIC CYBERNETICS STUDIES AND RESEARCH, Faculty of Economic Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics
- European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Bucharest Economic Academy
- Romanian Economic Journal, Department of International Business and Economics from the Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest
- The Review of Finance and Banking, Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti, Romania / Facultatea de Finante, Asigurari, Banci si Burse de Valori / Catedra de Finante
- Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, Research Centre in Public Administration and Public Services, Bucharest, Romania
- Management Research and Practice, Research Centre in Public Administration and Public Services, Bucharest, Romania
- APPLIED RESEARCH IN ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES, Research Centre in Public Administration and Public Services, Bucharest, Romania
- Economia. Seria Management, Faculty of Management, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
- Management and Economics Review, Faculty of Management, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
- Business Excellence and Management, Faculty of Management, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
- Marathon, Department of Pshisycal Education and Sport, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
- Proceedings of the International Conference Investments and Economic Recovery, Faculty of Management, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
- Proceedings of the INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE, Faculty of Management, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
- International Conference Modern Approaches in Organisational Management and Economy, Faculty of Management, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
- REVISTA ADMINISTRATIE SI MANAGEMENT PUBLIC, Faculty of Administration and Public Management, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
- Proceedings of the Fifth "Administration and Public Management" International Conference: "Public Institutions' Capacity to Implement the Administrative Reform Process", Bucharest, June 23-24, 2009, Research Centre in Public Administration and Public Services, Bucharest, Romania
- TAD 14 The disciplines and the study of Public Administration: Transatlantic perspectives in the margin of the 14th Administration and Public Management International Conference, Bucharest, June 6-18 2018, Research Centre in Public Administration and Public Services, Bucharest, Romania
- Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Knowledge Management: Projects, Systems and Technologies,Bucharest, November 6-7 2009, Faculty of Economic Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics, Academy of Economic Studies and National Defence University "Carol I", DEPARTMENT FOR MANAGEMENT OF THE DEFENCE RESOURCES AND EDUCATION
- Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Knowledge Management: Projects, Systems and Technologies,Bucharest, November 12-13 2010, Faculty of Economic Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics, Academy of Economic Studies and National Defence University "Carol I", Department for Management of the Defence Resources and Education
- Proceedings of Administration and Public Management International Conference, Research Centre in Public Administration and Public Services, Bucharest, Romania
- Proceedings of the 6-th International Conference on Knowledge Management: Projects, Systems and Technologies, Bucharest, October 27-28, 2011, Faculty of Economic Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics, Academy of Economic Studies from Bucharest and "Carol I-st" National Defence University, Department for Management of the Defence Resources and Education
- Proceedings of the 8-th International Conference on Knowledge Management: Projects, Systems and Technologies, Bucharest, November 7-8, 2013., Faculty of Economic Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics, Academy of Economic Studies from Bucharest and "Carol I-st" National Defence University, Department for Management of the Defence Resources and Education
- Proceedings of the 9-th International Conference on Knowledge Management: Projects, Systems and Technologies, Bucharest, November 26-27, 2015., Faculty of Economic Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics, Academy of Economic Studies from Bucharest and "Carol I-st" National Defence University, Department for Management of the Defence Resources and Education
- Proceedings of the 11-th International Conference on Knowledge Management: Projects, Systems and Technologies, Bucharest, November 7-8, 2019., Faculty of Economic Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics, Academy of Economic Studies from Bucharest and "Carol I-st" National Defence University, Department for Management of the Defence Resources and Education
Authored by members of this institution
Authored by alumni of this institution, as identified in the RePEc Genealogy
People who have registered with RePEc and have claimed to be affiliated with this institution:
Their publications
Find all publications of all authors listed below conveniently compiled on IDEAS.
Their author profiles
Authors with publications are listed below with . We have lost contact with authors marked with ?, and they do not count towards the ranking of this institution. We would appreciate a note of their new email address or status.
- Acatrinei (Pantea), Carmen
- Agapie, Adriana
- Aldea, Anamaria
- Alecu, Felician
- Alexandru, Felicia
- Alpopi, Cristina
- Altar, Moisa
- Ana, Irina Maria
- Anagnoste, Sorin
- Andreescu, Anca
- Andrei, Laurentiu Dumitru
- Andrei, Tudorel
- Andreica, Marin
- Anghel, Dan Gabriel
- Anghel, Laurentiu-Dan
- Angheluta, Andrei
- Apostu, Simona Andreea
- Arghir, Denis-Catalin
- Armeanu, Dan
- Ausloos, Marcel
- Avram, Vasile
- Badea, Dumitru G.
- Badea, Liana
- Badin, Luiza
- Bala, Raluca-Maria
- Balan, Carmen
- Balan, Irina Alina
- Balu, Florentina Olivia
- Bara, Adela
- Barbu, Madalina Nicoleta
- Barbu, Teodora Cristina
- Batagan, Lorena
- Belu, Mihaela Gabriela
- Bobeica, Gabriel
- Bobirca, Ana
- Boboc, Cristina
- Bodea, Constanta-Nicoleta Sr.
- Bodislav, Dumitru Alexandru
- Bodnar, Maria
- Bogdan, Anca
- Bogdan, Zaharovschi Sr.
- Boitan, Iustina
- Boja, Catalin Emilian
- Bologa, Ana Ramona
- Boncea, Irina
- Brad, Laura
- Bran, Florina
- Brandabur, Raluca Ecaterina
- Brasoveanu, Iulian Viorel
- Bratianu, Constantin
- Brezeanu, Petre
- Bulin, Daniel
- Bumbac, Robert
- Burcea, Stefan Gabriel
- Burlacu, Sorin
- Busu, Mihail
- Cace, Corina
- Calin, Adrian Cantemir
- Calu, Daniela Artemisa
- Campeanu, Emilia Mioara
- Catarama, Delia Florina
- Catoiu, Iacob
- Ceptureanu, Eduard Gabriel
- Ceptureanu, Sebastian Ion
- Chiriac, Suzana Elena ?
- Cicea, Claudiu Sr.
- Ciobanu, Anamaria
- Ciobanu, Radu
- Cioc, Mihai
- Ciocoiu, Carmen Nadia
- Ciora, Costin
- Ciucu, Stefan Cristian
- Clodnitchi, Roxana
- Cochina, Ion
- Cocianu, Catalina
- Cojanu, Valentin
- Colesca, Sofia
- Colibaba, Dana
- Constantin, Alexandra Maria
- Constantin, Daniela
- Constantin, Laura-Gabriela
- Constantinescu, Mihaela
- Corbos, Razvan Andrei
- Corcodel, Stefan Florin
- Costica, Ionela
- Cozmanca, Bogdan-Octavian O.
- Crecana, Cornel Dumitru
- Cretan, Georgiana Camelia
- Cristea, Silvia Lucia
- Cristina, Sacala Radu
- Cruceru, Anca Francisca
- Dan (Prejmerean), Mihaela Cornelia
- Dedu, Silvia
- Dedu, Vasile
- Dima (Girneata), Adriana
- Dima, Mihaela Alina
- Dinu, Georgiana
- Dinu, Vasile
- Dinulescu, Ruxandra
- Ditu, Iulia
- Dobrea, Razvan Catalin
- Dobrescu, Monica
- Dobrin, Octavian Cosmin
- Doinea, Mihai
- Dragan, Irina Maria
- Dragoescu, Raluca Mariana
- Dragota, Ingrid Mihaela
- Dragota, Victor
- Dumitrascu, Roxana Arabela
- Dumitrescu, Bogdan Andrei
- Dumitru, Ionut
- Dumitru, Madalina
- Dumitru, Valentin Florentin
- Eduard, Dinu
- Enciu, Adrian
- Fanea-Ivanovici, Mina
- Filip, Alina
- Filip, Radu Ion
- Filipescu, Oana Maria
- Frasineanu, Corina
- Gavrila, Alexandru Adrian
- Geamanu, Ana-Maria
- Geambasu, Liviu
- Georgescu, Irina
- Gherghina, Stefan Cristian
- Ghita, Simona Ioana
- Gogonea, Rodica-Manuela
- Goschin, Zizi
- Gradinaru, Giani
- Grigoras, Veaceslav
- Guse, Raluca Gina
- Gyorgy, Attila ?
- Hohan, Andrei Ioan
- Hrebenciuc, Andrei Sr.
- Hristea, Anca Maria
- Huru, Dragos
- Iacob, Andreea Iluzia
- Iacob, Mihaela
- Iamandi, Irina-Eugenia
- Ijacu, Daniela Florenta
- Ileanu, Bogdan Vasile
- Ilie, Vasile
- Ioan, Ildiko
- Ioana Ramniceanu, Ioana
- Ionescu, Andreea
- Ionescu, Ionut Teodor ?
- Ionescu, Stefan Alexandru
- Ionita, Florin
- Iorgulescu, Cristina Maria
- Iorgulescu, Filip Teodor
- Ivanescu, Dan
- Jianu (Dumitru), Ionela
- Jianu, Ionel
- Jianu, Ionut
- Jianu, Iulia
- Jora, Octavian-Dragomir
- Kagitci, Meral
- Lacatus (Constantinescu), Carmen Maria
- Lazar, Paula
- Lipara, Carmen
- Loghin, Radu-Daniel
- Luban, Florica
- Lungu, Eliza Olivia
- Lungu, Ion
- Lupu, Radu A.
- Madalina, Zurini
- MANEA (Todose), Daniela Ioana
- Manole, Cristina
- Manu, Mădălina Viorica
- Margescu, Alin Marian
- Maria, Bianca
- Marian, Nastase
- Marinas, Marius Corneliu ?
- Marinoiu, Ana Maria
- Marin Pantelescu, Andreea
- Mazurencu Marinescu, Miruna
- Menda, Teodora Adriana
- Miclaus, Paul Gabriel
- Mihai, Mihaela
- Mihai, Roxana Lucia
- Mihaita, Niculae V Sr.
- Mirica, Andreea
- Miricescu, Emilian
- Mitrica, Eugen
- Mitrut, Constantin
- Mocanu, Mihaela
- Moinescu, Bogdan-Gabriel
- Moise, Daniel
- Moscalu, Maricica
- Mosteanu, Tatiana
- Munteanu, Irina-Denisa
- Munteanu, Sebastian Madalin
- Murarasu, Bogdan
- Murea, Maria Mirona
- Mușetescu, Radu Cristian
- Nastase, Pavel
- Neagoe, Iulia Elena
- Necula, Ciprian
- Negrea, Bogdan
- Nica, Ana
- Nichifor, Maria Alexandra
- Nichita, Mirela Elena
- Nicolescu, Luminita
- Nisioiu, Codrin- Florentin
- Nistoreanu, Bogdan Gabriel
- Nistoreanu, Puiu
- Novac, Laura Elly
- Obreja Brasoveanu, Laura
- Onisor, Lucian-Florin
- Oprea, Dragos Stefan
- Orzan, Gheorghe
- Orzan, Mihai C.
- Otoiu, Adrian
- Pacesila, Mihaela
- Paicu, Claudia Elena
- Paiusan, Robert Christian Stefan
- Panait, Iulian
- Panea, Ionut Valentin
- Pascu-Nedelcu, Maria
- Patruti, Alexandru
- Paun (Baditoiu), Laura Adriana ?
- Paun, Cristian
- Pauna, Cristian
- Paunescu, Carmen
- Pelau, Corina
- Pele, Daniel Traian
- Pentescu, Alma
- Pislaru, Dragos
- Pop, Cristiana Lucretia
- Pop, Nicolae Alexandru
- Popa, Aura
- Popa, Ioan
- Popa, Mariana ?
- Popescu, Alina-Irina
- Popescu, Bianca Ioana
- Popescu, Doina
- Popescu, Dumitru Dan
- Popescu, Ioana Cecilia
- Popescu, Madalina Ecaterina
- Popescu, Razvan
- Popescu, Ruxandra Irina
- Prada, Elena-Maria
- Profiroiu, Alina Georgiana
- Profiroiu, Marius Constantin
- Purcarea, Anca
- Radu, Catalina
- Raducan, Denisa
- Radulescu, Carmen Valentina
- Roman, Costantin
- Roman, Daniela Lidia ?
- Roman, Mihai Daniel
- Roman, Monica
- Sabau, Elena Monica
- Sabie (Abaluta), Oana Matilda
- Sabin, Dobrogeanu
- Sandica, Ana-Maria
- Sandulescu, Maria Silvia
- Sava, Mihaela
- Semenescu, Andreea Ileana
- Sendroiu, Cleopatra
- Serban, Elena Claudia
- Serbanescu, Cosmin
- Silvestru, Catalin Ionut
- Simionescu, Liliana Nicoleta
- Simona, Simona
- Smirna, Tudor Gherasim
- Socol, Aura Gabriela
- Sora, Simona
- Sova, Anamaria Diana
- Sova, Robert Aurelian
- Spataru, Silvia
- Staicu, Gabriel Ilie
- Stamate, Andreas
- Stanciu, Miltiade
- Stanciu, Victoria
- Stancu, Alin
- Stancu, Ion
- Stancu, Stelian
- Stanculescu, Andrei
- Stanoiu, Silvia
- State, Olimpia
- Stefan, Ionela Georgiana
- Stefan, Simona
- Stefanescu, Mihaela
- Stefania, Pascal
- Stober, Emmanuel Olusegun
- Stoian, Andreea
- Stoian, George-Daniel
- Stoica, Maricica
- Stoicescu, Alina Raluca
- Strambu-Dima, Andreea
- Stroe, Radu
- Surcel, Traian
- Tache, Florin
- Tala, Madalina Lavinia
- Tampu, Diana Larisa
- Tanase, Georgiana
- Tanase, Ovidiu Mihai
- Tanasescu, Paul
- Tantau, Adrian Dumitru
- Tapurica, Oana Catalina
- Tatu, Lucian
- Teodorescu, Nicolae
- Tibulca, Ioana Laura
- Tilica, Elena Valentina
- Timofte, Carmen
- Titan, Emilia
- Topan, Mihai Vladimir
- Trifu, Adi Eleonor
- Tuclea, Claudia Elena
- Tudor, Cristiana
- Tudorache, Maria Daniela
- Tulbure, Narcis
- Ungureanu, Stefan N M
- Uritu, Daniel
- Ursacescu, Minodora
- van der Hoek, M Peter ?
- Vasilache, Simona Nicoleta
- Vasile, Dragos Constantin
- Vasilescu, Denisa Maria
- Vintila, Georgeta
- Vintila, Nicoleta
- Voicu, Cristian
- Vuta, Mariana
- Yaseen, Hanaan
- Zaharia, Razvan
- Zaharia, Rodica Milena
- Zamfiroiu, Alin
- Zilisteanu, Ion Radu
Registered alumni from this institution
Their publications
Find all publications of all alumni listed below conveniently compiled on IDEAS.
Their author profiles
People who have
registered with RePEc and
have received their terminal degree from this institution according to the RePEc genealogy. Alumni with publications are listed below with .
- Andrei, Laurentiu Dumitru (1997)
- Barbu, Madalina Nicoleta (2015)
- Bobeica, Gabriel (2012)
- Chivu, Luminita
- Ciobanu, Radu (2013)
- Cocris, Vasile (1987)
- Corbu, Ion V (1999)
- Dragota, Ingrid Mihaela (2006)
- Dragota, Victor (2003)
- Duguleana, Constantin (1982)
- Edu, Tudor (2007)
- Enache, Maria Cristina (2010)
- Epure, Manuela (1995)
- Gavrila, Alexandru Adrian (1999)
- Iamandi, Irina-Eugenia
- Lincaru, Cristina Ghe. (2006)
- Neagu, Florentina-Stefania
- Neagu, Florian (2000)
- Novac, Laura Elly (2002)
- Oprea, Dragos Stefan (2014)
- Orzan, Mihai C. (2007)
- Patruti, Alexandru
- Paun, Cristian (2005)
- Popescu, Dumitru Dan
- Popescu, Ruxandra Irina
- Sararu, Catalin-Silviu
- Staicu, Gabriel Ilie (2000)
- Stanculescu, Andrei (2011)
- Stoica, Eduard Alexandru (2012)
- Tilica, Elena Valentina (2015)
- Yaseen, Hanaan (2022)
- Zaharia, Marian (1981)
Corrections about details of this institutions should be sent to the team. Corrections about the member listing should be made by the members themselves by adjusting their affiliations at the RePEc Author Service. Adding or correcting alumni is done at the RePEc Genealogy by anyone with a RePEc author account. Serials from this institution can be added with the Publisher-Institution: RePEc:edi:aseeero line in the series template of their RePEc archive. If there is no local RePEc archive, follow these instructions to create one to have the local publications listed on RePEc services.
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