Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World
Miscellaneous (Governmental)
- Associations and Societies
- Algeria
- Government of Algeria, Alger, Conseil National Economique et Social (National Economic and Social Council)
- Australia
- Government of Australia, Canberra, Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics
- Government of Victoria, Melbourne, Department of Treasury and Finance, Victorian Funds Management Corporation (VFMC)
- Government of Victoria, Melbourne, Infrastructure Victoria
- Austria
- Government of Austria, Wien, Budgetdienst des Parlaments (Parliamentary Budget Office)
- Joint Vienna Institute, Wien
- Azerbaijan
- Government of Azerbaidjan, Baku, İqtisadi İslahatların Təhlili və Kommunikasiya Mərkəzi (İİTKM) (Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication)
- Belgium
- EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA), Bruxelles/Brussels
- European Commission, Bruxelles/Brussel, Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services (EPRS)
- European Commission, Bruxelles/Brussel, Directorate-General Regional and Urban Policy
- European Commission, Bruxelles/Brussel, European Economic and Social Committee
- European Commission, Bruxelles/Brussel, European Fiscal Board
- European Commission, Bruxelles/Brussel, European Political Strategy Centre
- European Commission, Bruxelles/Brussel, Joint Research Centre
- Government of Belgium, Bruxelles/Brussel, Central Council of Economy (CCE)
- Benin
- Government of Benin, Cotonou, Conseil Économique et Social (Economic and Social Council)
- Brazil
- Government of Ceará, Fortaleza, Instituto de Pesquisa e Estratégia Econômica do Ceará (IPECE) (Ceará Research Institute on Economic Strategy)
- Government of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Secretaria de Estado de Planejamento e Gestão (State Secretariat of Planning and Management), Fundação João Pinheiro
- Bulgaria
- Government of Bulgaria, Sofia, Ministry of Finance, Agency for Economic Analysis and Forecasting
- Government of Bulgaria, Sofia, Privatization Agency
- Burkina Faso
- Government of Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou, Conseil Économique et Social (Economic and Social Council)
- Canada
- Government of Canada, Ottawa, Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer
- Government of Canada, Ottawa, Policy Research Initiative
- Chile
- Government of Chile, Santiago, Comisión Chilena del Cobre (COCHILCO) (Chilean Copper Commission)
- Government of Chile, Santiago, Comisión Nacional de Productividad (National Productivity Commission)
- China
- Government of China, Beijing, Academy of Macroeconomic Research
- Government of China, Beijing, National Academy of Governance
- Government of China, Beijing, National Development and Reform Commission
- Government of China, Beijing, State Administration of Foreign Exchange
- Curaçao
- Government of Curaçao, Willemstad, Sociaal- Economische Raad (Social and Economics Council)
- Denmark
- Government of Denmark, København, Økonomiske Råd (Economic Council)
- Dominican Republic
- Government of the Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, Sistema Unico de Beneficiarios (SIUBEN) (Social Benefit System)
- Ecuador
- Government of Ecuador, Quito, Ministerio de Finanzas (Ministry of Finance), Servicio de Rentas Internas (Internal Revenue Service), Centro de Estudios Fiscales (Fiscal Studies Center)
- Finland
- Government of Finland, Helsinki, Eläketurvakeskus (Finnish Centre for Pensions)
- Government of Finland, Helsinki, Kansaneläkelaitos (Kela) (Social Insurance Institution of Finland)
- Government of Finland, Helsinki, Valtiontalouden Tarkastusvirasto (National Audit Office)
- France
- Government of France, Paris, Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations
- Government of France, Paris, Conseil d'Orientation des Retraites (Pension Advisory Council)
- Government of France, Paris, Cour des Comptes (Court of Audit)
- Germany
- Government of Germany, Bundesrechnungshof (Federal Court of Audit)
- Government of Germany, Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung (German Council of Economic Experts)
- Guinea
- Government of Guinea, Conakry, Conseil Économique et Social (Economic and Social Council)
- Hong Kong
- Government of Hong Kong, Central, Central Policy Unit
- Hungary
- Government of Hungary, Budapest, Állami Számvevőszék (State Audit Office)
- India
- Government of India, New Delhi, Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister
- Indonesia
- Government of Indonesia, Jakarta, Badan Pengelola Keuangan Haji (Hajj Fund Management Agency)
- Government of Indonesia, Jakarta, Pusat Kajian Strategis Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS Center of Strategic Studies)
- Government of Indonesia, Jakarta, Tim Nasional Percepatan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan (TNP2K) (National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction)
- Iran
- Government of Iran, Tehran, National Research Institute for Science Policy of Iran, Department of Economics of Science
- Israel
- Government of Israel, Jerusalem, National Economic Council
- Italy
- Government of Italy, Roma, Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile (ENEA) (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development)
- Government of Italy, Roma, Agenzia per la Coesione Territoriale (Agency for Territorial Cohesion)
- Government of Italy, Roma, Istituto Nazionale Previdenza Sociale (INPS) (National Social Security Institute)
- Government of Italy, Roma, Ufficio Parlamentare di Bilancio (Parliamentary Budget Office)
- Japan
- Government of Japan, Tokyo, Cabinet Office, Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI)
- Jordan
- Government of Jordan, Amman, Social Security Corporation
- Kazakhstan
- Government of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Strategic Research (KIMEP)
- Luxembourg
- European Investment Bank (EIB), Luxembourg
- European Investment Bank (EIB), Luxembourg, Economics Department
- European Investment Bank (EIB), Luxembourg, Institute
- Government of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Conseil Économique et Social (Economic and Social Council)
- Mali
- Government of Mali, Bamako, Conseil Économique, Social et Culturel (Economic, Social and Cultural Council)
- New Zealand
- Government of New Zealand, Wellington, Productivity Commission
- Government of New Zealand, Wellington, Social Wellbeing Agency
- Niger
- Government of Niger, Niamey, Conseil Économique, Social et Culturel (Economic, Social and Cultural Council)
- Nigeria
- Government of Nigeria, Abuja, National Centre for Economic Management and Administration (NCEMA)
- Government of Nigeria, National Centre for Technology Management
- Pakistan
- Government of Pakistan, Islamabad, Auditor General
- Government of Pakistan, Islamabad, Benazir Income Support Programme
- Government of Pakistan, Islamabad, Ministry of Finance, Board of Investment
- Papua New Guinea
- Government of Papua New Guinea, Investment Promotion Authority
- Peru
- Government of Peru, Lima, Comisión de Promoción de la Inversión Privada
- Government of Peru, Lima, Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones (Ministry of Transport and Communications)
- Philippines
- Government of the Philippines, Manila, Department of Trade and Industry, Board of Investments
- Portugal
- Government of Portugal, Lisboa, Conselho das Finanças Públicas (CFP) (Portuguese Public Finance Council)
- Government of Portugal, Lisboa, Unidade Técnica de Apoio Orçamental da Assembleia da República (UTAO) (Parliamentary Budget Office)
- Senegal
- Government of Senegal, Dakar, Conseil Économique, Social et Environnemental (Economic, Social and Environmental Council)
- Singapore
- Government of Singapore, Singapore, International Enterprise Singapore
- Slovakia
- Government of Slovakia, Bratislava, Inštitút pre stratégie a analýzy (ISA) (Institute for Strategy and Analysis)
- South Korea
- Government of South Korea, Seoul, National Assembly Budget Office
- Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation (KDIC), Seoul
- Spain
- Government of Cantabria, Santander, Consejo Económico y Social (Economic and Social Council)
- Government of Castile and Leon, Valladolid, Consejo Económico y Social (Economic and Social Council)
- Government of Murcia, Murcia, Consejo Económico y Social (Economic and Social Council)
- Government of Spain, Madrid, Autoridad Independiente de Responsabilidad Fiscal (Spanish Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility)
- Government of Spain, Madrid, Consejo Económico y Social de España (Economic and Social Council of Spain)
- Sri Lanka
- Government of Sri Lanka, Colombo, Board of Investments
- Sweden
- Government of Sweden, Stockholm, Ekonomistyrningsverket (ESV) (National Financial Management Authority)
- Government of Sweden, Stockholm, Inspektionen för socialförsäkringen (ISF) (Social Insurance Inspectorate)
- Government of Sweden, Stockholm, Riksrevisionen (Swedish National Audit Office)
- Switzerland
- Government of Switzerland, Bern, Bundesamt für Wirtschaftliche Landesversorgung (Federal Office for National Economic Supply)
- Tchad
- Government of Tchad, N'Djaména, Conseil Économique, Social et Culturel (Economic, Social and Cultural Council)
- Thailand
- Government of Thailand, Bangkok, Board of Investment
- Government of Thailand, Bangkok, Office of Agricultural Economics
- Turkey
- Government of Turkey, Ankara, Küçük ve Orta Ölçekli İşletmeleri Geliştirme ve Destekleme İdaresi Başkanlığı (KOSGEB) (Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization (SMEDO))
- Government of Turkey, Ankara, Yatırımcı Tazmin Merkezi (Investor Compensation Center)
- Ukraine
- Government of Ukraine, Kyiv, National Institute of Strategic Studies
- United Arab Emirates
- Government of Dubai, Dubai, Dubai Economic Council
- Government of Dubai, Dubai, Dubai Economic Council, Economic Policy and Research Centre (EPRC)
- United Kingdom
- Government of the United Kingdom, London, Government Economic Service
- Government of the United Kingdom, London, Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR)
- United States: District of Columbia
- Government of the District of Columbia, Washington, Coast Guard, Office of Standards Evaluation and Development, Standards Evaluation Analysis Division
- Government of the United States, Washington, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
- Government of the United States, Washington, Council of Economic Advisers
- Government of the United States, Washington, Department of Energy, Office of Economic Impact and Diversity (ED)
- Government of the United States, Washington, Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Government of the United States, Washington, Department of State, Office of the Chief Economist
- Government of the United States, Washington, Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA)
- Government of the United States, Washington, Social Security Adminsitration
- Government of the United States, Washington, United States Congress, Congressional Joint Economic Committee
- Government of the United States, Washington, United States Congress, Congressional Research Service
- Government of the United States, Washington, United States Congress, Government Accountability Office (GAO)
- United States: Massachusetts
- Government of Massachusetts, Boston, Division of Health Care Finance and Policy
- United States: Texas
- Government of Texas, Austin, Comptroller of Public Account