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Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World

Research Institute of Economics and Management

Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE)

Location: Chengdu, China
Homepage: http://riem.swufe.edu.cn/

Postal: Guanghuacunjie #55, Chengdu 610074
Handle: RePEc:edi:riswucn
Areas or Functions:
Publications that are listed with RePEc:

Authored by members of this institution

People who have registered with RePEc and have claimed to be affiliated with this institution:

Their publications
Find all publications of all authors listed below conveniently compiled on IDEAS.

Their author profiles
Authors with publications are listed below with . We have lost contact with authors marked with ?, and they do not count towards the ranking of this institution. We would appreciate a note of their new email address or status.

  1. Ahn, Young Bin
  2. Ashenafi, Biruk Birhanu
  3. Basu, Kisalaya
  4. Chen, Ke
  5. Chen, Minghua
  6. Chen, Xiaoguang
  7. Chu, Tianshu
  8. Dong, Yan
  9. Du, Zaichao
  10. Gang, Ma
  11. Gang, Zhou Zhi Sr.
  12. Gao, Jing ?
  13. Gong, Qiang
  14. Guo, Mengmeng
  15. Hoo, Recheer
  16. Hu, Youxin
  17. Huang, Lin
  18. Issa, Masoud Saleh
  19. Javeid, Umer
  20. Lee, Hanol
  21. Li, Han
  22. Li, Renyu
  23. Liu, Shiyong
  24. Liu, Yanni
  25. Meng, Xin ?
  26. Niu, Geng
  27. Ouyang, Puman
  28. Pak, Maxwell
  29. Peng, Tao
  30. Shan, Liwei
  31. Shang, Hua (Helen)
  32. Shi, Jingye
  33. Shu, Yan ?
  34. Song, Quanyun
  35. Tian, Guoping
  36. Tong, Qingxia
  37. Weng, Zhiquan (Darren)
  38. Wu, Ji
  39. Wu, Yu ?
  40. Xiao, Wei
  41. Xin, Song
  42. Xu, Bing
  43. Xu, Lihe
  44. Xue, Shiyu
  45. Yan, Kailong
  46. Yu, Jianyu
  47. Yuan, Yan
  48. Zhang, Dayong
  49. Zhang, Jin
  50. Zhang, Lan ?
  51. Zhang, Tong
  52. Zhao, Guochang


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