Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World
National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts (United States)
Phone: 617-868-3900
Postal: 1050 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138
Handle: RePEc:edi:nberrus
Areas or Functions: Think Tanks
Phone: 617-868-3900
Postal: 1050 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138
Handle: RePEc:edi:nberrus
Areas or Functions: Think Tanks
Publications that are listed with RePEc:
Published by this institution:
- NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
- NBER Historical Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
- NBER Technical Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
- NBER Books, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
- NBER Chapters, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Authored by members of this institution
People who have registered with RePEc and have claimed to be affiliated with this institution:
Their publications
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Their author profiles
Authors with publications are listed below with . We have lost contact with authors marked with ?, and they do not count towards the ranking of this institution. We would appreciate a note of their new email address or status.
- Abowd, John M.
- Adams, James D.
- Afrouzi, Hassan
- Agarwal, Nikhil
- Agrawal, Ajay K.
- Ahern, Kenneth R.
- Akee, Randall Quinones
- Albanesi, Stefania
- Albouy, David Yves
- Aldy, Joseph E.
- Allen, Treb
- Alston, Lee J.
- Altonji, Joseph G.
- Amador, Manuel
- Andersen, Torben G.
- Anderson, James E.
- Anderson, Soren T.
- Ang, Andrew
- Angrist, Joshua D
- Arcidiacono, Peter
- Arkolakis, Costas
- Asker, John
- Athey, Susan Carleton
- Autor, David
- Bailey, Martha J.
- Baker, Scott R.
- Ball, Laurence
- Banzhaf, Spencer
- Barreca, Alan Irwin
- Barrios, John M. Jr.
- Barron, Kyle J. ?
- Barwick, Panle Jia
- Basu, Susanto
- Baxter, Marianne
- Bayer, Patrick
- Beach, Brian
- Beaudry, Paul
- Bebchuk, Lucian
- Bekaert, Geert
- Benabou, Roland J.
- Benzarti, Youssef
- Berman, Eli
- Bernard, Andrew B.
- Best, Michael Carlos
- Bianchi, Francesco
- Bigio, Saki
- Bils, Mark Joseph
- Bisin, Alberto
- Black, Sandra E.
- Blau, Francine
- Bloom, Nicholas
- Bollerslev, Tim
- Bombardini, Matilde
- Borenstein, Severin
- Borjas, George
- Boudreau, Kevin
- Braguinsky, Serguey
- Bresnahan, Timothy
- Brown, Jeffrey Robert
- Brown, Zach Y.
- Brunnermeier, Markus K.
- Brynjolfsson, Erik
- Buckles, Kasey S.
- Burlig, Fiona
- Burnside, Craig
- Bushnell, James
- Butcher, Kristin F.
- Button, Patrick
- Caballero, Ricardo J.
- Caldwell, Sydnee Christian
- Campbell, John Y.
- Caplin, Andrew
- Card, David E.
- Carroll, Christopher D
- Case, Anne
- Casella, Alessandra
- Cawley, John
- Cecchetti, Stephen
- Cesur, Resul
- Chaloupka, Frank Joseph IV
- Chari, Anusha
- Chernov, Mikhail
- Chetty, Raj
- Chevalier, Judith Ann
- Chinn, Menzie
- Chyn, Eric
- Cicala, Steve
- Clementi, Gian Luca
- Coate, Stephen
- Cochrane, John H.
- Cockburn, Iain M.
- Coile, Courtney
- Cole, Shawn
- Comin, Diego
- Cosar, A. Kerem
- Costa, Dora L.
- Costinot, Arnaud
- Courtemanche, Charles
- Cravino, Javier
- Crucini, Mario John
- Currie, Janet
- Cutler, David M.
- Dahl, Gordon B.
- Darby, Michael
- Darden, Michael
- Das, Jishnu
- Dave, Dhaval M.
- Davis, Donald R.
- Davis, Lucas W.
- Davis, Steven J.
- Deaton, Angus S.
- Dee, Thomas
- DeFusco, Anthony A.
- Dehejia, Rajeev
- DeLeire, Thomas
- DellaVigna, Stefano
- De Loecker, Jan K.
- DeMarzo, Peter M.
- De Nardi, Mariacristina
- Denning, Jeffrey T.
- Deryugina, Tatyana
- Deschenes, Olivier
- DeSimone, Jeffrey S
- Desmet, Klaus
- Devereux, Michael B.
- Diewert, Walter Erwin
- Dix-Carneiro, Rafael
- Doepke, Matthias
- Dou, Winston Wei
- Dynarski, Susan Marie
- Easterly, William
- Eberly, Janice
- Ederer, Florian
- Edlin, Aaron
- Edwards, Ryan D.
- Ehrenberg, Ronald G.
- Ehrlich, Isaac
- Eichenbaum, Martin
- Eli, Shari
- Engle, Robert F. III
- Ericson, Keith M Marzilli
- Fadlon, Itzik
- Fafchamps, Marcel A
- Fajgelbaum, Pablo D.
- Farmer, Roger E. A.
- Feenberg, Daniel Richard
- Feliciano, Zadia M.
- Fernandez, Raquel
- Ferreira, Fernando V.
- Fetter, Daniel Keath
- Fishback, Price Vanmeter
- Fisman, Raymond
- Fletcher, Jason
- Frankel, Jeffrey Alexander
- Freeman, Richard B.
- Froot, Kenneth A.
- Fryer, Roland Gerhard
- Fullerton, Don
- Gans, Joshua
- Gaynor, Martin
- Gelber, Alexander M.
- Genicot, Garance
- Gentzkow, Matthew Aaron
- Geruso, Michael L.
- Giavazzi, Francesco
- Giuliano, Paola
- Giuntella, Osea
- Glaeser, Edward Ludwig
- Goldberg, Pinelopi Koujianou
- Gompers, Paul Alan
- Goolsbee, Austan
- Gopinath, Gita
- Gordon, Nora E.
- Gordon, Robert J.
- Gormsen, Niels
- Gorodnichenko, Yuriy
- Gottlieb, Joshua D.
- Gourinchas, Pierre-Olivier
- Graff Zivin, Joshua
- Graham, Bryan S.
- Gray, Wayne B.
- Grennan, Matthew Robert
- Grogger, Jeffrey T.
- Grossman, Gene
- Grossman, Michael
- Gruber, Jonathan
- Guerrieri, Veronica
- Guo, Chao
- Hachem, Kinda
- Haile, Philip A.
- Hall, Bronwyn Hughes
- Hall, Robert Ernest
- Haltiwanger, John
- Hamermesh, Daniel
- Hanson, Gordon
- Hanushek, Eric A.
- Hart, Oliver D.
- Harvey, Campbell R.
- Hassan, Tarek Alexander
- Hausman, Catherine
- Heblich, Stephan
- Hellerstein, Judith K.
- Helper, Susan R.
- Henderson, Rebecca M.
- Herkenhoff, Kyle Frederic
- Higgins, Matthew J.
- Hill, Elaine L.
- Hilt, Eric
- Hockenberry, Jason M.
- Holland, Stephen P.
- Hollingsworth, Alex J.
- Hopenhayn, Hugo A.
- Hotz, V. Joseph
- Howitt, Peter
- Hoxby, Caroline
- Hungerman, Daniel M.
- Hunt, Jennifer
- Hurd, Michael D.
- Ilut, Cosmin Liviu
- Imbens, Guido
- Imberman, Scott Andrew
- Ireland, Peter N.
- Islam, A.N.M. Rafiqul
- Ito, Takatoshi
- Itskhoki, Oleg
- Jack, B. Kelsey
- Jackson, C. Kirabo
- Jaffe, Adam
- Jayachandran, Seema
- Jeanne, Olivier
- Jermann, Urban Joseph
- Johnson, Simon
- Johnston, Andrew C.
- Jones, Benjamin F.
- Jones, Charles I.
- Jones, Damon
- Jones, Larry E.
- Joyce, Ted
- Kaboski, Joseph P.
- Kaestner, Robert John
- Kahn, Lisa B.
- Kaminsky, Graciela Laura
- Kantor, Shawn
- Kaplow, Louis
- Karabarbounis, Loukas
- Kashyap, Anil K
- Kastl, Jakub
- Katz, Lawrence F.
- Kaushal, Neeraj
- Kehoe, Timothy J.
- Keller, Wolfgang
- Kellogg, Ryan
- Kelly, Inas Rashad
- Kennan, John
- Khandelwal, Amit K.
- Kimball, Miles Spencer
- Kitchens, Carl T.
- Kline, Patrick M.
- Kling, Jeffrey Richard
- Kocherlakota, Narayana
- Kogan, Leonid
- Koolman, Xander
- Kopczuk, Wojciech
- Korinek, Anton
- Kortum, Samuel
- Kosowsky, Harry
- Kotchen, Matthew Jason
- Kremer, Michael
- Krishna, Kala
- Kruse, Douglas L.
- Kuhn, Peter Joseph
- Kuka, Elira
- Kuttner, Kenneth Neil
- Lagakos, David
- Laibson, David Isaac
- Lake, Arthur William
- Lang, Kevin
- Langer, Ashley
- La'O, Jennifer
- La Porta, Rafael
- Larsen, Bradley J.
- Lavetti, Kurt
- Lawrence, Robert Zachary
- Layton, Timothy James
- Leahy, John
- Leder-Luis, Jetson
- Lefgren, Lars
- Lehrer, Steven
- Lemieux, Thomas
- Lentz, Rasmus
- Lerner, Josh
- Leuz, Christian
- Levchenko, Andrei A.
- Lewis, Karen Kay
- Lichtenberg, Frank
- Limao, Nuno M.
- Linden, Leigh L.
- Lindo, Jason M.
- List, John
- Lochner, Lance John
- Logan, Trevon D.
- Long, Bridget Terry
- Lopez-de-Silanes, Florencio
- Lotti, Francesca
- Lucas, Adrienne M
- Lucas, Deborah J.
- Lustig, Hanno
- Luttmer, Erzo F.P.
- Lynch, Lisa
- Lyons, Richard K.
- Macleod, W. Bentley
- Madrian, Brigitte C.
- Mairesse, Jacques
- Malmendier, Ulrike
- Mankiw, N. Gregory
- Mansur, Erin T.
- Margo, Robert Andrew
- Marimon, Ramon
- Marinescu, Ioana Elena
- Markowitz, Sara
- Markusen, James R.
- Marschke, Gerald Roger Jr.
- Maurel, Arnaud
- McGarry, Kathleen M
- McGuirk, Eoin F.
- McLaren, John Edward
- McLure, Jr., Charles E.
- Mendoza, Enrique G.
- Menzio, Guido
- Metcalf, Gilbert
- Metcalfe, Robert D
- Meyer, Bruce D.
- Michalopoulos, Stelios
- Miller, Amalia Rebecca
- Milligan, Kevin
- Mishkin, Frederic
- Mitchell, Olivia S.
- Mobius, Markus Michael
- Moehling, Carolyn M.
- Moffitt, Robert
- Moore, Timothy John
- Moretti, Enrico
- Mortimer, Julie Holland
- Moser, Christian
- Moser, Petra
- Muehlegger, Erich
- Muendler, Marc-Andreas
- Mullahy, John
- Mullainathan, Sendhil
- Muller, Nicholas Z.
- Mulligan, Casey B.
- Murnane, Richard J.
- Murphy, Kevin M.
- Murphy, Richard John
- Musacchio, Aldo
- Nagel, Stefan
- Nechyba, Thomas
- Neidell, Matthew
- Neumark, David
- Newhouse, Joseph P.
- Niemesh, Gregory T.
- Notowidigdo, Matthew J.
- Oettl, Alexander
- Olivetti, Claudia
- Oyer, Paul
- Ozcan, Yasin
- Page, Marianne Elizabeth
- Pakes, Ariel
- Pancotti, Elizabeth
- Parker, Jonathan A.
- Parlatore, Cecilia
- Parman, John M.
- Paserman, M. Daniele
- Pathak, Parag
- Pavcnik, Nina
- Perez-Truglia, Ricardo
- Persico, Claudia
- Persson, Torsten
- Pesenti, Paolo A.
- Petersen, Mitchell
- Philipson, Tomas J
- Phillips, Gordon M.
- Piazzesi, Monika
- Piehl, Anne Morrison
- Pinto, Rodrigo
- Pischke, Jorn-Steffen
- Polyakova, Maria
- Pop-Eleches, Cristian
- Porter, Robert H.
- Poterba, James
- Prasad, Eswar
- Price, Joseph
- Price, Michael K.
- Primiceri, Giorgio E.
- Prudon, Roger
- Prusa, Thomas J.
- Qian, Nancy
- Ramey, Valerie Ann
- Rangel, Antonio
- Rauch, James E.
- Razin, Assaf
- Rebelo, Sergio T
- Rebitzer, James B.
- Rees, Daniel I.
- Reguant, Mar
- Reuter, Jonathan
- Rey, Helene
- Richardson, Gary
- Richards-Shubik, Seth
- Rigobon, Roberto
- Robinson, David T.
- Rodriguez-Clare, Andres
- Rodrik, Dani
- Rogerson, Richard
- Romer, David
- Romer, Paul Michael
- Rose, Andrew Kenan
- Rose, Nancy Lin
- Rosen, Harvey
- Rosenbloom, Joshua L.
- Rossi-Hansberg, Esteban
- Rothstein, Jesse
- Roussanov, Nikolai
- Royer, Heather North
- Rudanko, Leena
- Ruhl, Kim Joseph
- Ruhm, Christopher
- Ryan, Stephen P.
- Sacarny, Adam
- Sadun, Raffaella
- Saggio, Raffaele
- Samwick, Andrew Alan
- Sanders, Nicholas J.
- Sandor, Laszlo
- Sapienza, Paola
- Sargent, Thomas J.
- Schaller, Jessamyn
- Scharfstein, David
- Schneider, Martin
- Schnell, Molly
- Schoar, Antoinette
- Schoefer, Benjamin
- Schott, Peter K.
- Schwert, G. William
- Severnini, Edson
- Shah, Manisha
- Shanken, Jay
- Shapiro, Joseph S.
- Shavell, Steven M.
- Shigeoka, Hitoshi
- Shimer, Robert
- Shleifer, Andrei
- Shore-Sheppard, Lara
- Sialm, Clemens
- Sichel, Daniel
- Sigman, Hilary A.
- Simonovska, Ina
- Sims, Eric
- Sinai, Todd
- Slusky, David
- Smith, Cory
- Smith, Jeffrey Andrew
- Snowden, Kenneth A.
- Snyder, Christopher Mark
- Somaini, Paulo
- Sosa-Padilla, Cesar
- Souleles, Nicholas S
- Spencer, Barbara Judith
- Spenkuch, Jorg L.
- Spolaore, Enrico
- Staiger, Robert W.
- Stambaugh, Robert F.
- Staubli, Stefan
- Stavins, Robert Norman
- Stein, Jeremy C.
- Steinsson, Jon
- Stephan, Paula E.
- Stiglitz, Joseph E.
- Storeygard, Adam
- Strebulaev, Ilya A.
- Stroebel, Johannes
- Suarez Serrato, Juan Carlos
- Sufi, Amir
- Summers, Lawrence H.
- Sutthiphisal, Dhanoos
- Tauras, John A.
- Taylor, Alan M.
- Taylor, M. Scott
- Tazhitdinova, Alisa
- Tchernis, Rusty
- Tekin, Erdal
- Tornell, Aaron
- Town, Robert James
- Trebbi, Francesco
- Trefler, Daniel
- Trejo, Stephen J.
- Tsoutsoura, Margarita
- Turner, Sarah Elizabeth
- Tybout, James R.
- Udry, Christopher R.
- Uribe, Martin
- Urquiola, Miguel
- Van Nieuwerburgh, Stijn
- van Reenen, John Michael
- van Wincoop, Eric
- Vavra, Joseph
- Vegh, Carlos A.
- Verdelhan, Adrien
- Verhoogen, Eric
- Viceira, Luis M.
- Viceisza, Angelino
- Vogel, Jonathan E.
- Vogt, William B.
- Wacziarg, Romain
- Waldfogel, Joel
- Walker, Reed
- Walsh, Randall Phillip
- Wanamaker, Marianne Hinds
- Wang, Neng
- Warman, Casey
- Watson, Tara Elizabeth
- Waugh, Michael E.
- Weber, Michael
- Wei, Shang-Jin
- Weil, David N.
- Weill, Pierre-Olivier
- Weiss, Thomas
- Werning, Ivan
- West, James E
- West, Kenneth D.
- Whited, Toni M
- Williams, Heidi L.
- Williams, Roberton C.
- Wise, David
- Wolfe, Barbara L.
- Wolfers, Justin
- Woodruff, Christopher
- Wozniak, Abigail
- Wu, Jing Cynthia
- Wurgler, Jeffrey
- Yannelis, Constantine Nicholas
- Yaron, Amir
- Yeaple, Stephen Ross
- Yogo, Motohiro
- Zafar, Basit
- Zeckhauser, Richard J.
- Zhu, Haoxiang
- Ziebarth, Nicolas L.
- Zin, Stanley E.
- Zinman, Jonathan
- Zitzewitz, Eric
- Zou, Eric
- Zucker, Lynne G.
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