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Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World

National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)

Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts (United States)
Homepage: http://www.nber.org/

Phone: 617-868-3900
Postal: 1050 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138
Handle: RePEc:edi:nberrus
Areas or Functions: Think Tanks

People who have registered with RePEc and have claimed to be affiliated with this institution:

Their publications
Find all publications of all authors listed below conveniently compiled on IDEAS.

Their author profiles
Authors with publications are listed below with . We have lost contact with authors marked with ?, and they do not count towards the ranking of this institution. We would appreciate a note of their new email address or status.

  1. Abowd, John M.
  2. Adams, James D.
  3. Afrouzi, Hassan
  4. Agarwal, Nikhil
  5. Agrawal, Ajay K.
  6. Ahern, Kenneth R.
  7. Akee, Randall Quinones
  8. Albanesi, Stefania
  9. Albouy, David Yves
  10. Aldy, Joseph E.
  11. Allen, Treb
  12. Alston, Lee J.
  13. Altonji, Joseph G.
  14. Amador, Manuel
  15. Andersen, Torben G.
  16. Anderson, James E.
  17. Anderson, Soren T.
  18. Ang, Andrew
  19. Angrist, Joshua D
  20. Arcidiacono, Peter
  21. Arkolakis, Costas
  22. Asker, John
  23. Athey, Susan Carleton
  24. Autor, David
  25. Bailey, Martha J.
  26. Baker, Scott R.
  27. Ball, Laurence
  28. Banzhaf, Spencer
  29. Barreca, Alan Irwin
  30. Barrios, John M. Jr.
  31. Barron, Kyle J. ?
  32. Barwick, Panle Jia
  33. Basu, Susanto
  34. Baxter, Marianne
  35. Bayer, Patrick
  36. Beach, Brian
  37. Beaudry, Paul
  38. Bebchuk, Lucian
  39. Bekaert, Geert
  40. Benabou, Roland J.
  41. Benzarti, Youssef
  42. Berman, Eli
  43. Bernard, Andrew B.
  44. Best, Michael Carlos
  45. Bianchi, Francesco
  46. Bigio, Saki
  47. Bils, Mark Joseph
  48. Bisin, Alberto
  49. Black, Sandra E.
  50. Blau, Francine
  51. Bloom, Nicholas
  52. Bollerslev, Tim
  53. Bombardini, Matilde
  54. Borenstein, Severin
  55. Borjas, George
  56. Boudreau, Kevin
  57. Braguinsky, Serguey
  58. Bresnahan, Timothy
  59. Brown, Jeffrey Robert
  60. Brunnermeier, Markus K.
  61. Brynjolfsson, Erik
  62. Buckles, Kasey S.
  63. Burlig, Fiona
  64. Burnside, Craig
  65. Bushnell, James
  66. Butcher, Kristin F.
  67. Button, Patrick
  68. Caballero, Ricardo J.
  69. Campbell, John Y.
  70. Caplin, Andrew
  71. Card, David E.
  72. Carroll, Christopher D
  73. Case, Anne
  74. Casella, Alessandra
  75. Cawley, John
  76. Cecchetti, Stephen
  77. Cesur, Resul
  78. Chaloupka, Frank Joseph IV
  79. Chari, Anusha
  80. Chernov, Mikhail
  81. Chetty, Raj
  82. Chevalier, Judith Ann
  83. Chinn, Menzie
  84. Chyn, Eric
  85. Cicala, Steve
  86. Clementi, Gian Luca
  87. Coate, Stephen
  88. Cochrane, John H.
  89. Cockburn, Iain M.
  90. Coile, Courtney
  91. Cole, Shawn
  92. Comin, Diego
  93. Cosar, A. Kerem
  94. Costa, Dora L.
  95. Costinot, Arnaud
  96. Courtemanche, Charles
  97. Cravino, Javier
  98. Crucini, Mario John
  99. Currie, Janet
  100. Cutler, David M.
  101. Dahl, Gordon B.
  102. Darby, Michael
  103. Darden, Michael
  104. Das, Jishnu
  105. Dave, Dhaval M.
  106. Davis, Donald R.
  107. Davis, Lucas W.
  108. Davis, Steven J.
  109. Deaton, Angus S.
  110. Dee, Thomas
  111. DeFusco, Anthony A.
  112. Dehejia, Rajeev
  113. DeLeire, Thomas
  114. DellaVigna, Stefano
  115. De Loecker, Jan K.
  116. DeMarzo, Peter M.
  117. De Nardi, Mariacristina
  118. Denning, Jeffrey T.
  119. Deryugina, Tatyana
  120. Deschenes, Olivier
  121. DeSimone, Jeffrey S
  122. Desmet, Klaus
  123. Devereux, Michael B.
  124. Diewert, Walter Erwin
  125. Dix-Carneiro, Rafael
  126. Doepke, Matthias
  127. Dou, Winston Wei
  128. Dynarski, Susan Marie
  129. Easterly, William
  130. Eberly, Janice
  131. Ederer, Florian
  132. Edlin, Aaron
  133. Edwards, Ryan D.
  134. Ehrenberg, Ronald G.
  135. Ehrlich, Isaac
  136. Eichenbaum, Martin
  137. Eli, Shari
  138. Engle, Robert F. III
  139. Ericson, Keith M Marzilli
  140. Fadlon, Itzik
  141. Fafchamps, Marcel A
  142. Fajgelbaum, Pablo D.
  143. Farmer, Roger E. A.
  144. Feenberg, Daniel Richard
  145. Feliciano, Zadia M.
  146. Fernandez, Raquel
  147. Ferreira, Fernando V.
  148. Fetter, Daniel Keath
  149. Fishback, Price Vanmeter
  150. Fisman, Raymond
  151. Fletcher, Jason
  152. Frankel, Jeffrey Alexander
  153. Freeman, Richard B.
  154. Froot, Kenneth A.
  155. Fryer, Roland Gerhard
  156. Fullerton, Don
  157. Gabriel, Ricardo Duque
  158. Gans, Joshua
  159. Gaynor, Martin
  160. Gelber, Alexander M.
  161. Genicot, Garance
  162. Gentzkow, Matthew Aaron
  163. Geruso, Michael L.
  164. Giavazzi, Francesco
  165. Giuliano, Paola
  166. Giuntella, Osea
  167. Glaeser, Edward Ludwig
  168. Goldberg, Pinelopi Koujianou
  169. Gompers, Paul Alan
  170. Goolsbee, Austan
  171. Gopinath, Gita
  172. Gordon, Nora E.
  173. Gordon, Robert J.
  174. Gormsen, Niels
  175. Gorodnichenko, Yuriy
  176. Gottlieb, Joshua D.
  177. Gourinchas, Pierre-Olivier
  178. Graff Zivin, Joshua
  179. Graham, Bryan S.
  180. Gray, Wayne B.
  181. Grennan, Matthew Robert
  182. Grogger, Jeffrey T.
  183. Grossman, Gene
  184. Grossman, Michael
  185. Gruber, Jonathan
  186. Guerrieri, Veronica
  187. Guo, Chao
  188. Hachem, Kinda
  189. Haile, Philip A.
  190. Hall, Bronwyn Hughes
  191. Hall, Robert Ernest
  192. Haltiwanger, John
  193. Hamermesh, Daniel
  194. Hanson, Gordon
  195. Hanushek, Eric A.
  196. Hart, Oliver D.
  197. Harvey, Campbell R.
  198. Hassan, Tarek Alexander
  199. Hausman, Catherine
  200. Heblich, Stephan
  201. Hellerstein, Judith K.
  202. Helper, Susan R.
  203. Henderson, Rebecca M.
  204. Herkenhoff, Kyle Frederic
  205. Higgins, Matthew J.
  206. Hill, Elaine L.
  207. Hilt, Eric
  208. Hockenberry, Jason M.
  209. Holland, Stephen P.
  210. Hollingsworth, Alex J.
  211. Hopenhayn, Hugo A.
  212. Hotz, V. Joseph
  213. Howitt, Peter
  214. Hoxby, Caroline
  215. Hungerman, Daniel M.
  216. Hunt, Jennifer
  217. Hurd, Michael D.
  218. Ilut, Cosmin Liviu
  219. Imbens, Guido
  220. Imberman, Scott Andrew
  221. Ireland, Peter N.
  222. Islam, A.N.M. Rafiqul
  223. Ito, Takatoshi
  224. Itskhoki, Oleg
  225. Jack, B. Kelsey
  226. Jackson, C. Kirabo
  227. Jaffe, Adam
  228. Jayachandran, Seema
  229. Jeanne, Olivier
  230. Jermann, Urban Joseph
  231. Johnson, Simon
  232. Johnston, Andrew C.
  233. Jones, Benjamin F.
  234. Jones, Charles I.
  235. Jones, Damon
  236. Jones, Larry E.
  237. Joyce, Ted
  238. Kaboski, Joseph P.
  239. Kaestner, Robert John
  240. Kahn, Lisa B.
  241. Kaminsky, Graciela Laura
  242. Kantor, Shawn
  243. Kaplow, Louis
  244. Karabarbounis, Loukas
  245. Kashyap, Anil K
  246. Kastl, Jakub
  247. Katz, Lawrence F.
  248. Kaushal, Neeraj
  249. Kehoe, Timothy J.
  250. Keller, Wolfgang
  251. Kellogg, Ryan
  252. Kelly, Inas Rashad
  253. Kennan, John
  254. Khandelwal, Amit K.
  255. Kimball, Miles Spencer
  256. Kitchens, Carl T.
  257. Kline, Patrick M.
  258. Kling, Jeffrey Richard
  259. Kocherlakota, Narayana
  260. Kogan, Leonid
  261. Koolman, Xander
  262. Kopczuk, Wojciech
  263. Korinek, Anton
  264. Kortum, Samuel
  265. Kosowsky, Harry
  266. Kotchen, Matthew Jason
  267. Kremer, Michael
  268. Krishna, Kala
  269. Kruse, Douglas L.
  270. Kuhn, Peter Joseph
  271. Kuka, Elira
  272. Kuttner, Kenneth Neil
  273. Lagakos, David
  274. Laibson, David Isaac
  275. Lake, Arthur William
  276. Lang, Kevin
  277. Langer, Ashley
  278. La'O, Jennifer
  279. La Porta, Rafael
  280. Larsen, Bradley J.
  281. Lavetti, Kurt
  282. Lawrence, Robert Zachary
  283. Layton, Timothy James
  284. Leahy, John
  285. Leder-Luis, Jetson
  286. Lefgren, Lars
  287. Lehrer, Steven
  288. Lemieux, Thomas
  289. Lentz, Rasmus
  290. Lerner, Josh
  291. Leuz, Christian
  292. Levchenko, Andrei A.
  293. Lewis, Karen Kay
  294. Lichtenberg, Frank
  295. Limao, Nuno M.
  296. Linden, Leigh L.
  297. Lindo, Jason M.
  298. List, John
  299. Lochner, Lance John
  300. Logan, Trevon D.
  301. Long, Bridget Terry
  302. Lopez-de-Silanes, Florencio
  303. Lotti, Francesca
  304. Lucas, Adrienne M
  305. Lucas, Deborah J.
  306. Lustig, Hanno
  307. Luttmer, Erzo F.P.
  308. Lynch, Lisa
  309. Lyons, Richard K.
  310. Macleod, W. Bentley
  311. Madrian, Brigitte C.
  312. Mairesse, Jacques
  313. Malmendier, Ulrike
  314. Mankiw, N. Gregory
  315. Mansur, Erin T.
  316. Margo, Robert Andrew
  317. Marimon, Ramon
  318. Marinescu, Ioana Elena
  319. Markowitz, Sara
  320. Markusen, James R.
  321. Marschke, Gerald Roger Jr.
  322. Maurel, Arnaud
  323. McGarry, Kathleen
  324. McGuirk, Eoin F.
  325. McLaren, John Edward
  326. McLure, Jr., Charles E.
  327. Mendoza, Enrique G.
  328. Menzio, Guido
  329. Metcalf, Gilbert
  330. Metcalfe, Robert D
  331. Meyer, Bruce D.
  332. Michalopoulos, Stelios
  333. Miller, Amalia Rebecca
  334. Milligan, Kevin
  335. Mishkin, Frederic
  336. Mitchell, Olivia S.
  337. Mobius, Markus Michael
  338. Moehling, Carolyn M.
  339. Moffitt, Robert
  340. Moore, Timothy John
  341. Moretti, Enrico
  342. Mortimer, Julie Holland
  343. Moser, Christian
  344. Moser, Petra
  345. Muehlegger, Erich
  346. Mueller, Andreas I.
  347. Muendler, Marc-Andreas
  348. Mullahy, John
  349. Mullainathan, Sendhil
  350. Muller, Nicholas Z.
  351. Mulligan, Casey B.
  352. Murnane, Richard J.
  353. Murphy, Kevin M.
  354. Murphy, Richard John
  355. Musacchio, Aldo
  356. Nagel, Stefan
  357. Nechyba, Thomas
  358. Neidell, Matthew
  359. Neumark, David
  360. Newhouse, Joseph P.
  361. Niemesh, Gregory T.
  362. Notowidigdo, Matthew J.
  363. Oettl, Alexander
  364. Olivetti, Claudia
  365. O'Rourke, Kevin
  366. Oyer, Paul
  367. Ozcan, Yasin
  368. Page, Marianne Elizabeth
  369. Pakes, Ariel
  370. Pancotti, Elizabeth
  371. Parker, Jonathan A.
  372. Parlatore, Cecilia
  373. Parman, John M.
  374. Paserman, M. Daniele
  375. Pathak, Parag
  376. Pavcnik, Nina
  377. Perez-Truglia, Ricardo
  378. Persico, Claudia
  379. Persson, Torsten
  380. Pesenti, Paolo A.
  381. Petersen, Mitchell
  382. Philipson, Tomas J
  383. Phillips, Gordon M.
  384. Piazzesi, Monika
  385. Piehl, Anne Morrison
  386. Pinto, Rodrigo
  387. Pischke, Jorn-Steffen
  388. Polyakova, Maria
  389. Pop-Eleches, Cristian
  390. Porter, Robert H.
  391. Poterba, James
  392. Prasad, Eswar
  393. Price, Joseph
  394. Price, Michael K.
  395. Primiceri, Giorgio E.
  396. Prudon, Roger
  397. Prusa, Thomas J.
  398. Qian, Nancy
  399. Ramey, Valerie Ann
  400. Rangel, Antonio
  401. Rauch, James E.
  402. Razin, Assaf
  403. Rebelo, Sergio T
  404. Rebitzer, James B.
  405. Rees, Daniel I.
  406. Reguant, Mar
  407. Reuter, Jonathan
  408. Rey, Helene
  409. Richardson, Gary
  410. Richards-Shubik, Seth
  411. Rigobon, Roberto
  412. Robinson, David T.
  413. Rodriguez-Clare, Andres
  414. Rodrik, Dani
  415. Rogerson, Richard
  416. Romer, David
  417. Romer, Paul Michael
  418. Rose, Andrew Kenan
  419. Rose, Nancy Lin
  420. Rosen, Harvey
  421. Rosenbloom, Joshua L.
  422. Rossi-Hansberg, Esteban
  423. Rothstein, Jesse
  424. Roussanov, Nikolai
  425. Royer, Heather North
  426. Rudanko, Leena
  427. Ruhl, Kim Joseph
  428. Ruhm, Christopher
  429. Ryan, Stephen P.
  430. Sacarny, Adam
  431. Sadun, Raffaella
  432. Saggio, Raffaele
  433. Samwick, Andrew Alan
  434. Sanders, Nicholas J.
  435. Sandor, Laszlo
  436. Sapienza, Paola
  437. Sargent, Thomas J.
  438. Schaller, Jessamyn
  439. Scharfstein, David
  440. Schneider, Martin
  441. Schnell, Molly
  442. Schoar, Antoinette
  443. Schoefer, Benjamin
  444. Schott, Peter K.
  445. Schwert, G. William
  446. Shah, Manisha
  447. Shanken, Jay
  448. Shapiro, Joseph S.
  449. Shavell, Steven
  450. Shigeoka, Hitoshi
  451. Shimer, Robert
  452. Shleifer, Andrei
  453. Shore-Sheppard, Lara
  454. Sialm, Clemens
  455. Sichel, Daniel
  456. Sigman, Hilary A.
  457. Simonovska, Ina
  458. Sims, Eric
  459. Sinai, Todd
  460. Slusky, David
  461. Smith, Cory
  462. Smith, Jeffrey Andrew
  463. Snowden, Kenneth A.
  464. Snyder, Christopher Mark
  465. Somaini, Paulo
  466. Sosa-Padilla, Cesar
  467. Souleles, Nicholas S
  468. Spencer, Barbara Judith
  469. Spenkuch, Jorg L.
  470. Spolaore, Enrico
  471. Staiger, Robert W.
  472. Stambaugh, Robert F.
  473. Staubli, Stefan
  474. Stavins, Robert Norman
  475. Stein, Jeremy C.
  476. Steinsson, Jon
  477. Stephan, Paula E.
  478. Stiglitz, Joseph E.
  479. Storeygard, Adam
  480. Strebulaev, Ilya A.
  481. Stroebel, Johannes
  482. Suarez Serrato, Juan Carlos
  483. Sufi, Amir
  484. Summers, Lawrence H.
  485. Sutthiphisal, Dhanoos
  486. Tauras, John A.
  487. Taylor, Alan M.
  488. Taylor, M. Scott
  489. Tazhitdinova, Alisa
  490. Tchernis, Rusty
  491. Tekin, Erdal
  492. Tornell, Aaron
  493. Town, Robert James
  494. Trebbi, Francesco
  495. Trefler, Daniel
  496. Trejo, Stephen J.
  497. Tsoutsoura, Margarita
  498. Turner, Sarah Elizabeth
  499. Tybout, James R.
  500. Udry, Christopher R.
  501. Uribe, Martin
  502. Urquiola, Miguel
  503. Van Nieuwerburgh, Stijn
  504. van Reenen, John Michael
  505. van Wincoop, Eric
  506. Vavra, Joseph
  507. Vegh, Carlos A.
  508. Verdelhan, Adrien
  509. Verhoogen, Eric
  510. Viceira, Luis M.
  511. Viceisza, Angelino
  512. Vogel, Jonathan E.
  513. Vogt, William B.
  514. Wacziarg, Romain
  515. Waldfogel, Joel
  516. Walker, Reed
  517. Walsh, Randall Phillip
  518. Wanamaker, Marianne Hinds
  519. Wang, Neng
  520. Warman, Casey
  521. Watson, Tara Elizabeth
  522. Waugh, Michael E.
  523. Weber, Michael
  524. Wei, Shang-Jin
  525. Weil, David N.
  526. Weill, Pierre-Olivier
  527. Weiss, Thomas
  528. Werning, Ivan
  529. West, James E
  530. West, Kenneth D.
  531. Whited, Toni M
  532. Williams, Heidi L.
  533. Williams, Roberton C.
  534. Wise, David
  535. Wolfe, Barbara L.
  536. Wolfers, Justin
  537. Woodruff, Christopher
  538. Wozniak, Abigail
  539. Wu, Jing Cynthia
  540. Wurgler, Jeffrey
  541. Yannelis, Constantine Nicholas
  542. Yaron, Amir
  543. Yeaple, Stephen Ross
  544. Yogo, Motohiro
  545. Zafar, Basit
  546. Zeckhauser, Richard J.
  547. Zhu, Haoxiang
  548. Ziebarth, Nicolas L.
  549. Zin, Stanley E.
  550. Zinman, Jonathan
  551. Zitzewitz, Eric
  552. Zou, Eric
  553. Zucker, Lynne G.


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