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Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World

Lille Économie et Management (LEM)

Translation: Lille Economics and Management
Location: Lille, France
Homepage: http://lem.univ-lille.fr/

Phone: 00-33-(0)3-20-41-73-69
Postal: Université Lille, Domaine universitaire du "Pont de bois", BP 60149, Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex
Handle: RePEc:edi:laborfr
Areas or Functions:

People who have registered with RePEc and have claimed to be affiliated with this institution:

Their publications
Find all publications of all authors listed below conveniently compiled on IDEAS.

Their author profiles
Authors with publications are listed below with . We have lost contact with authors marked with ?, and they do not count towards the ranking of this institution. We would appreciate a note of their new email address or status.

  1. Alaktif, Jamila
  2. Antenord, Jean-Baptiste
  3. Arrighi, Yves
  4. Bangake, Chrysost
  5. Baudin, Thomas
  6. Bayle-Cordier, Julie
  7. Beaupain, Renaud
  8. Bedu, Nicolas
  9. Beldi, Adel
  10. Belmondo, Cecile
  11. Ben-Hafaiedh, Cyrine
  12. Benhissi, Maali
  13. Ben Lakhdar, Christian
  14. Berger, Loic
  15. Berger, Wolfram
  16. Beuselinck, Christof
  17. Billette de Villemeur, Etienne
  18. Bineau, Yannick
  19. Boeuf, Benjamin ?
  20. Borisova, Ekaterina
  21. Boukari, Mamadou
  22. Boussemart, Jean-Philippe
  23. Bouten, Lies
  24. Braouezec, Yann
  25. Brei, Michael
  26. Burietz, Aurore
  27. Byrne, Janice M.
  28. Cabooter, Elke
  29. Cadario, Romain
  30. Callens, Stephane Daniel
  31. Canato, Anna
  32. Carra, Cecile
  33. Carugati, Andrea
  34. Cassette, Aurelie
  35. Chojnicki, Xavier
  36. Chusseau, Nathalie
  37. Cornuel, Didier
  38. Coussement, Kristof
  39. Crainich, David
  40. Creemers, Stefan
  41. Creusier, Jordane
  42. Crie, Dominique
  43. Dabo-Niang, Sophie
  44. Dasbach, Gero
  45. David, Quentin
  46. de Bakker, Frank G.A.
  47. Debarsy, Nicolas
  48. Debrulle, Jonas
  49. Defever, Fabrice
  50. de KERVILER, Gwarlann
  51. Delattre, Laurence
  52. Demangeot, Catherine
  53. Demoulin, Nathalie T.M.
  54. Deslee, Carine
  55. Desquilbet, Jean-Baptiste
  56. Di Martinelly, Christine
  57. Djekna, Votsoma
  58. Duenas, Alejandra
  59. Duez, Philippe
  60. Dupuis, Jerome
  61. Eeckhoudt, Louis
  62. Epper, Thomas
  63. Erdemlioglu, Deniz
  64. Ezzerouali, Amine
  65. Farvaque, Etienne
  66. Fidrmuc, Jan
  67. Francois, Valerie
  68. Garrouste, Manon
  69. Gatfaoui, Hayette
  70. Generoso, Remi
  71. Gentina, Elodie
  72. Ghintran, Amandine
  73. Giangreco, Antonio
  74. Gilles, Fabrice
  75. Goethals, Frank Geert
  76. Hamiache, Gerard
  77. Hammadou, Hakim
  78. Havari, Enkelejda
  79. Hellier, Joel
  80. Huart, Florence
  81. Hulenyi, Martin
  82. Jaaidane, Touria
  83. Janssen, Catherine
  84. Jayet, Hubert
  85. Joliet, Robert A.
  86. Kerstens, Kristiaan H. J.
  87. Kilani, Moez
  88. Kowalewski, Oskar
  89. Lacoste-Badie, Sophie
  90. Ladwein, Richard
  91. Lai, Tat-kei
  92. Lauwers, Marion
  93. Le Clainche, Christine
  94. Leclercq-Vandelannoitte, Aurelie
  95. Lefebvre, Jeremie
  96. Le Lec, Fabrice
  97. Leleu, Herve
  98. Macedo, Rita
  99. Maes, Johan
  100. Maizeray, Lidwine
  101. Maon, Francois
  102. Marescaux, Elise
  103. Massin, Sophie
  104. Mazur, Mieszko
  105. Mendez, Rodrigue
  106. Mercier, Guillaume
  107. Mesri, Leila
  108. Mignot, Sylvain
  109. Moriconi, Simone
  110. Munoz-Morales, Juan Sebastian
  111. Naiditch, Claire
  112. Nessah, Rabia
  113. Oden-Defoort, Cecily
  114. Paesbrugghe, Bert
  115. Paparoidamis, Nicholas
  116. Parvulescu, Raluca
  117. Petitjean, Mikael
  118. Ple, Loic
  119. Ramos, Sandra
  120. Ratinho, Tiago
  121. Reihaneh, Mohammad
  122. Romaniuc, Rustam
  123. Rossi, Patricia ?
  124. Roux, Benoit
  125. Roux, Laetitia
  126. Rubesam, Alexandre
  127. Saidane, Dhafer
  128. Sargis Roussel, Caroline
  129. Schmitz, Valentine
  130. Shen, Zhiyang
  131. Steils, Nadia
  132. Thiam, Baba
  133. Ukrayinchuk, Nadiya
  134. Vaillant, Nicolas
  135. Vakkayil, Jacob
  136. Valdez Quintero, Martin Adolfo
  137. Van den Broeke, Maud Marie-Astrid
  138. Vardanyan, Michael
  139. Verschelde, Marijn
  140. Vieira da Cunha, Joao
  141. Wagalath, Lakshithe
  142. Wang, Songkai
  143. Weppe, Xavier
  144. Yami, Said
  145. Yao, Jingjing
  146. Zeugner-Roth, Katharina Petra
  147. Zhang, Linda ?
  148. Zimmermann, Paul

Registered alumni from this institution

Their publications
Find all publications of all alumni listed below conveniently compiled on IDEAS.

Their author profiles
People who have registered with RePEc and have received their terminal degree from this institution according to the RePEc genealogy. Alumni with publications are listed below with .

  1. Bennani, Hamza
  2. Blavet, Thomas
  3. Nedoncelle, Clement (2016)


Corrections about details of this institutions should be sent to the team. Corrections about the member listing should be made by the members themselves by adjusting their affiliations at the RePEc Author Service. Adding or correcting alumni is done at the RePEc Genealogy by anyone with a RePEc author account. Serials from this institution can be added with the Publisher-Institution: RePEc:edi:laborfr line in the series template of their RePEc archive. If there is no local RePEc archive, follow these instructions to create one to have the local publications listed on RePEc services.
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