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Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World

Institutet för Näringslivsforskning (IFN)

Translation: Research Institute of Industrial Economics
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Homepage: http://www.ifn.se/

Phone: +46 8 665 4500
Fax: +46 8 665 4599
Postal: Box 55665, S-102 15 Stockholm
Handle: RePEc:edi:iuiiise
Areas or Functions: Think Tanks, Industrial Economics, Regulation

People who have registered with RePEc and have claimed to be affiliated with this institution:

Their publications
Find all publications of all authors listed below conveniently compiled on IDEAS.

Their author profiles
Authors with publications are listed below with . We have lost contact with authors marked with ?, and they do not count towards the ranking of this institution. We would appreciate a note of their new email address or status.

  1. Andersson, Fredrik
  2. Andersson, Martin
  3. Angelis, Jannis Jan
  4. Asoni, Andrea
  5. Astebro, Thomas
  6. Bastani, Spencer
  7. Berg, Aron ?
  8. Berger, Thor
  9. Berggren, Niclas
  10. Bergh, Andreas
  11. Bjornskov, Christian
  12. Bjuggren, Carl Magnus
  13. Blix, Marten
  14. Bryngemark, Elina
  15. Bustos, Emil
  16. Calmfors, Lars
  17. Cesarini, David
  18. Demetry, Marcos
  19. de Paz, Mario Blazquez
  20. Edmark, Karin
  21. Egebark, Johan
  22. Ekstroem, Mathias
  23. Elert, Niklas
  24. Elinder, Mikael
  25. Erixson, Oscar
  26. Escobar, Sebastian
  27. Fischer, Martin
  28. Fridolfsson, Sven-Olof ?
  29. Ganslandt, Mattias
  30. Gardberg, Malin
  31. Gick, Wolfgang
  32. Glenngard, Anna
  33. Gronqvist, Hans
  34. Hammar, Olle
  35. Hammarstedt, Mats
  36. Hansson, Asa M.E
  37. Haushofer, Johannes
  38. Heller-Sahlgren, Gabriel
  39. Henrekson, Magnus
  40. Heyman, Fredrik
  41. Hjertstrand, Per
  42. Holmberg, Par
  43. Horn, Henrik
  44. Isaksson, Ann-Sofie
  45. Janssen, Aljoscha
  46. Jansson, Joakim
  47. Johannesson, Louise
  48. Jordahl, Henrik
  49. Josephson, Jens
  50. Karna, Anders
  51. Kaya, Mehmet Caglar ?
  52. Keloharju, Matti
  53. Kessel, Dany Paul Tode ?
  54. Knupfer, Samuli
  55. Knutsson, Daniel
  56. Koptyug, Nikita ?
  57. Lark, Olga
  58. Lazarczyk, Ewa
  59. Lindqvist, Erik
  60. Ljunge, Martin
  61. Ljungqvist, Alexander
  62. Lundberg, Jacob
  63. Lundin, Erik
  64. Maican, Florin G.
  65. Massenz, Gabriella
  66. Mehic, Adrian
  67. Mollerstrom, Johanna
  68. Muehlrad, Hanna
  69. Mueller, Dagmar
  70. Nilsson, Pia
  71. Nilsson, Therese
  72. Norbaeck, Pehr-Johan
  73. Ohrn, Nina ?
  74. Ohrvall, Richard
  75. Olofsson, Charlotta
  76. Olsson, Martin
  77. Oner, Ozge
  78. Orth, Matilda
  79. Oxelheim, Lars
  80. Pagano, Marco
  81. Persson, Lars
  82. Persson, Lovisa
  83. Persson, Maria
  84. Persson, Petra
  85. Pettersson-Lidbom, Per
  86. Prawitz, Erik
  87. Rubenson, Daniel
  88. Ruddell, Keith
  89. Sandewall, Orjan
  90. Sandor, Laszlo
  91. Scognamiglio, Annalisa
  92. Sjoholm, Fredrik
  93. Skedinger, Per
  94. Stenkula, Mikael
  95. Suveg, Melinda
  96. Svensson, Roger
  97. Tag, Joacim
  98. Tangeras, Thomas
  99. Tyrefors, Bjoern
  100. Ustyuzhanina, Polina
  101. Waldenstrom, Daniel
  102. Wennstrom, Johan
  103. Wykman, Niklas
  104. Zenou, Yves


Corrections about details of this institutions should be sent to the team. Corrections about the member listing should be made by the members themselves by adjusting their affiliations at the RePEc Author Service. Adding or correcting alumni is done at the RePEc Genealogy by anyone with a RePEc author account. Serials from this institution can be added with the Publisher-Institution: RePEc:edi:iuiiise line in the series template of their RePEc archive. If there is no local RePEc archive, follow these instructions to create one to have the local publications listed on RePEc services.
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