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Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World

Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK)

National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE)

Location: Moscow, Russia
Homepage: http://issek.hse.ru/

Phone: +7(495)7713232
Fax: +7(495)6287931
Postal: Myasnitskaya 20, Moscow 101000
Handle: RePEc:edi:ishseru
Areas or Functions: Miscellaneous (Academics)
Publications that are listed with RePEc:

Authored by members of this institution

People who have registered with RePEc and have claimed to be affiliated with this institution:

Their publications
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Their author profiles
Authors with publications are listed below with . We have lost contact with authors marked with ?, and they do not count towards the ranking of this institution. We would appreciate a note of their new email address or status.

  1. Abashkin, Vasily
  2. Abdrakhmanova, Gulnara
  3. Altynov, Artem Igorevich
  4. Artemov, Sergey Viktorovich
  5. Bakeev, Murat
  6. Belousova, Veronika
  7. Bereznoy, Alexey
  8. Bondarenko, Natalia Vladimirovna
  9. Bondarenko, Oxana
  10. Borodina, Dinara
  11. Boykova, Marina
  12. Bredikhin, Sergey Valerievich
  13. Burakov, Nikita Aleksandrovich
  14. Chernogortseva, Sofya
  15. Chichkanov, Nikolai
  16. Dementev, Vitaliy
  17. Demianova, Anna Vladimirovna
  18. Demidkina, Olga
  19. Ditkovskiy, Kirill
  20. Dranev, Yury
  21. Edelkina, Anastasia
  22. Efimenko, Irina
  23. Fridlyanova, Svetlana
  24. Fursov, Konstantin
  25. Gershman, Mikhail Anatolievich
  26. Gokhberg, Leonid
  27. Goland, Mikhail
  28. Grebenyuk, Anna Yu.
  29. Gribkova, Darya
  30. Ivanova, Ekaterina
  31. Ivanova, Inga
  32. Izotov, Vladimir S.
  33. Karatetskaia, Efrosiniia
  34. Katchanov, Yurij L.
  35. Khabirova, Elena
  36. Khoroshevsky, Vladimir F.
  37. Kitova, Galina
  38. Kitrar, Liudmila
  39. Kotsemir, Maxim Nikolaevich
  40. Kouznetsova, Vera
  41. Kovaleva, Galina
  42. Krasnoselskikh, Alexander
  43. Kutsenko, Evgeniy
  44. Kuzmin, Gleb
  45. Kuzminov, Ilya
  46. Kuznetsova, Irina Alexandrovna
  47. Kuznetsova, Tatiana Evgenyevna
  48. Lipkind, Tamara
  49. Lobanova, Polina
  50. Loginova, Irina
  51. Lola, Inna
  52. Maibakh, Olesia
  53. Maksimenkova, Olga
  54. Markova, Yulia V.
  55. Martynov, Denis
  56. Maximenko, Daniil
  57. Maximenko, Mikhail Romanovich
  58. Meissner, Dirk
  59. Mesropyan, Vladimir ?
  60. Migunova, Dina
  61. Milshina, Yulia
  62. Nasybulina, Elena
  63. Nefedova, Alena Igorevna
  64. Nefedova, Veronika
  65. Ochirova, Elena
  66. Ozerova, Olga
  67. Permyakova, Valentina
  68. Pikalova, Anna
  69. Pokrovskiy, Sviatoslav Igorevich
  70. Polyakova, Evgeniya
  71. Polyakova, Valentina
  72. Pomyalov, Alexey
  73. Privorotskaya, Sofya
  74. Proskuryakova, Liliana Nikolaevna
  75. Ratay, Tatyana Ratay
  76. Repina, Alevtina
  77. Roud, Vitaliy
  78. Rutskiy, Vladislav
  79. Sabelnikova, Elena
  80. Salazkin, Mikhail
  81. Saritas, Ozcan
  82. Schugal, Nikolay
  83. Shashnov, Sergey
  84. Shcherbakov, Roman
  85. Shkaleva, Elena Viktorovna
  86. Shmatko, Natalia
  87. Shparova, Polina
  88. Sidorova, Daria Andreevna
  89. Snegirev, Alexander
  90. Sokolov, Alexander
  91. Sokolova, Anna
  92. Streltsova, Ekaterina
  93. Suslov, Anton B.
  94. Sutyrina, Tatyana
  95. Svarchevskaya, Maria
  96. Sychev, Sergey Vladimirovich
  97. Tarasenko, Irina
  98. Tarasova, Nina N.
  99. Timofeev, Anton
  100. Turovets, Yulia
  101. Tyurchev, Kirill Sergeyevich
  102. Usov, Nikita
  103. Vasilkovsky, Sergei
  104. Veselitskaya, Natalia
  105. Vishnevskiy, Konstantin
  106. Vlasova, Valeriya
  107. Volkova, Galina
  108. Zaichenko, Stanislav Alexandrovich
  109. Zorina, Olga


Corrections about details of this institutions should be sent to the team. Corrections about the member listing should be made by the members themselves by adjusting their affiliations at the RePEc Author Service. Adding or correcting alumni is done at the RePEc Genealogy by anyone with a RePEc author account. Serials from this institution can be added with the Publisher-Institution: RePEc:edi:ishseru line in the series template of their RePEc archive. If there is no local RePEc archive, follow these instructions to create one to have the local publications listed on RePEc services.
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