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Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World

Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA)

Government of Brazil

Translation: Institute of Applied Economic Research
Location: Brasília, Brazil
Homepage: http://www.ipea.gov.br/

Phone: +55(061)315-5000
Fax: +55(61)321-1597
Postal: SBS - Quadra 01 - Bloco J - Ed. BNDES, Brasília, DF - 70076-90
Handle: RePEc:edi:ipeaabr
Areas or Functions:

People who have registered with RePEc and have claimed to be affiliated with this institution:

Their publications
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Their author profiles
Authors with publications are listed below with . We have lost contact with authors marked with ?, and they do not count towards the ranking of this institution. We would appreciate a note of their new email address or status.

  1. Alvarenga, Gustavo Varela
  2. Amitrano, Claudio Roberto
  3. Borelli, Luan
  4. Campos Neto, Carlos Alvares da Silva
  5. Carneiro, Flavio Lyrio
  6. Cavalcanti, Marco A.F.H.
  7. Cerqueira, Daniel Ricardo de Castro
  8. Chiarini, Tulio
  9. Coelho, Danilo Santa Cruz
  10. Corseuil, Carlos Henrique
  11. De Negri, Fernanda
  12. Eberhardt, Isaque Daniel Rocha ?
  13. Foguel, Miguel Nathan
  14. Furtado, Bernardo Alves
  15. Galindo, Ernesto Pereira
  16. Guedes, Erivelton Pires
  17. Kubota, Luis Claudio
  18. Lins, Gabriel Oliveira
  19. Maciente, Aguinaldo Nogueira
  20. Medeiros, Marcelo
  21. Messa, Alexandre
  22. Monasterio, Leonardo Monteiro
  23. Moreira, Ajax R. B.
  24. Morita Sakowski, Patricia Alessandra
  25. Nadalin, Vanessa Gapriotti
  26. Oliveira, Glauco A. S.
  27. Oliveira, Joao Maria
  28. Orair, Rodrigo
  29. Osorio, Rafael Guerreiro
  30. Pereira, Rafael H. M.
  31. Reis, Mauricio Cortez
  32. Ribeiro, Jose Aparecido ?
  33. Ribeiro, Marcio Bruno
  34. Saccaro, Nilo Luiz Jr.
  35. Sachsida, Adolfo
  36. Santos, Gesmar Rosa dos Sr.
  37. Silva, Alexandre
  38. Silva, Gilson Geraldino Jr.
  39. Silveira, Fernando Gaiger
  40. Soares, Sergei Suarez Dillon
  41. Souza, Jose Ronaldo de Castro Jr.
  42. Souza Pires, Murilo
  43. Stivali, Matheus
  44. Vaz, Fabio Monteiro
  45. Veras Soares, Fabio
  46. Vieira Filho, José Eustáquio Ribeiro
  47. Ywata de Carvalho, Alexandre Xavier


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