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Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World

Economics Department

Yale University

Location: New Haven, Connecticut (United States)
Homepage: http://www.econ.yale.edu/
Phone: (203) 432-3576
Fax: (203) 432-5779
Postal: PO Box 8268, New Haven CT 06520-8268
Handle: RePEc:edi:edyalus
Areas or Functions:

People who have registered with RePEc and have claimed to be affiliated with this institution:

Their publications
Find all publications of all authors listed below conveniently compiled on IDEAS.

Their author profiles
Authors with publications are listed below with . We have lost contact with authors marked with ?, and they do not count towards the ranking of this institution. We would appreciate a note of their new email address or status.

  1. Agrawal, Mohit
  2. Agte, Patrick
  3. Ahmad, Shameel T.
  4. Altonji, Joseph G.
  5. Andrews, Donald W. K.
  6. Arellano-Bover, Jaime
  7. Arkolakis, Costas
  8. Balcazar, Carlos Felipe
  9. Barnett-Howell, Zachary
  10. Bergemann, Dirk
  11. Berry, Steven Titus
  12. Bharadwaj, Prashant
  13. Brown, Donald
  14. Chen, Keith
  15. Chen, Xi
  16. Cooper, Zack
  17. Cusumano, Carlo Maria
  18. Davila, Eduardo
  19. Espin-Sanchez, Jose-Antonio
  20. Fair, Ray C.
  21. Gillingham, Kenneth Thomas
  22. Goldberg, Pinelopi Koujianou
  23. Guinnane, Timothy W.
  24. Haile, Philip A.
  25. Halac, Marina
  26. Haygood, Ryan
  27. Humphries, John Eric
  28. Huo, Zhen
  29. Ibragimov, Rustam
  30. Karapakula, Ganesh ?
  31. Kessides, Ioannis N.
  32. Khandelwal, Amit K.
  33. Kim, Cheolhwan
  34. Kortum, Samuel
  35. Kotchen, Matthew Jason
  36. Maggi, Giovanni
  37. Meghir, Costas
  38. Mendelsohn, Robert Owen
  39. Mobarak, Ahmed Mushfiq
  40. Moscarini, Giuseppe
  41. Nandwa, Boaz
  42. Narita, Yusuke
  43. Neilson, Christopher
  44. Noguera, Guillermo
  45. Nordhaus, William D.
  46. O'Dea, Cormac
  47. Pande, Rohini
  48. Restrepo, Pascual
  49. Reynoso, Ana
  50. Roemer, John
  51. Rosenzweig, Mark R.
  52. Samuelson, Larry
  53. Schultz, T. Paul
  54. Scott, Dana
  55. Sen, Bahar
  56. Shi, Xiangyu
  57. Shiller, Robert J.
  58. Sinha, Sourav
  59. Smirnyagin, Vladimir
  60. Smith, Anthony A. Jr.
  61. Strack, Philipp
  62. Tsyvinski, Aleh
  63. Uribe, Pablo
  64. van Dijk, Winnie
  65. Vytlacil, Edward
  66. Yang, Anton
  67. Zhao, Dan
  68. Zilibotti, Fabrizio

Registered alumni from this institution

Their publications
Find all publications of all alumni listed below conveniently compiled on IDEAS.

Their author profiles
People who have registered with RePEc and have received their terminal degree from this institution according to the RePEc genealogy. Alumni with publications are listed below with .

  1. Ackerberg, Daniel (1997)
  2. Adachi, Daisuke (2021)
  3. Ahmad, Shameel T. (2016)
  4. Akresh, Richard (2004)
  5. Allen, Treb (2012)
  6. Andersen, Torben G. (1992)
  7. Argenziano, Rossella (2005)
  8. Arnott, Richard J. (1975)
  9. Artunc, Cihan (2014)
  10. Bachmann, Ruediger (2007)
  11. Backus, David (1981)
  12. Bai, Jinhui H. (2006)
  13. Bar, Talia (2003)
  14. Barkin, David (1966)
  15. Barwick, Panle Jia (2006)
  16. Bazdresch, Santiago (2007)
  17. Beaman, Lori (2007)
  18. Beare, Brendan Kinnane (2007)
  19. Beg, Sabrin Aziz (2015)
  20. Benitez-Silva, Hugo (2000)
  21. Berger, David (2012)
  22. Black, Stanley W. (1965)
  23. Bonatti, Alessandro (2009)
  24. Botosaru, Irene
  25. Bracha, Anat
  26. Bucovetsky, Sam (1979)
  27. Buiter, Willem Hendrik (1975)
  28. Calvet, Laurent E. (1998)
  29. Calvo, Guillermo A. (1974)
  30. Campbell, John Y. (1984)
  31. Caplin, Andrew (1983)
  32. Cashin, Paul Anthony (1993)
  33. Chang, Jin-Wook (2019)
  34. Chang, Yoosoon (1995)
  35. Chao, John C. (1994)
  36. Chari, Amalavoyal (2008)
  37. Cheng, Xu (2010)
  38. Choi, In (1990)
  39. Choo, Eugene (2001)
  40. Choy, James Peter (2012) ?
  41. Clerides, Sofronis (1998)
  42. Cobbe, Jim (1977)
  43. Conlon, Christopher T.
  44. Conning, Jonathan (1996)
  45. Connor, Gregory (1982)
  46. Corbae, P. Dean (1990)
  47. Corsetti, Giancarlo (1992)
  48. Danziger, Leif (1978)
  49. Das, Sabyasachi
  50. Davis, Peter John (1998)
  51. Deb, Rahul (2010)
  52. Deltas, George (1996)
  53. de Roos, Nicolas (2001)
  54. Diamond, Douglas W. (1980)
  55. Dominguez, Kathryn Mary Elizabeth (1987)
  56. Donohue, John J. (1986)
  57. Dow, William H. (1995)
  58. Du, Kai
  59. Durlauf, Steven N. (1986)
  60. Dvorkin, Maximiliano Ariel (2014)
  61. Dybvig, Philip H. (1979)
  62. Eaton, Jonathan (1976)
  63. Eckert, Fabian (2019)
  64. Egorov, Georgy
  65. Eichengreen, Barry Julian (1979)
  66. Epstein, Roy (1984)
  67. Evenett, Simon John (1995)
  68. Fan, Ying
  69. Fenske, James (2010)
  70. Fernandes, Ana Margarida (2002)
  71. Flannery, Mark Jeffrey (1978)
  72. Foley, Duncan K. (1966)
  73. Frazer, Garth (2003)
  74. Frazzini, Andrea (2005)
  75. Friedman, James W (1963)
  76. Fuchs-Schuendeln, Nicola (2004)
  77. Ganapati, Sharat (2017)
  78. Gao, Wayne Yuan (2019)
  79. Gelos, R. Gaston (1998)
  80. Getz, Malcolm (1973)
  81. Golub, Stephen S. (1983)
  82. Grant, Matthew (2017)
  83. Gregg, Amanda Grace (2015)
  84. Grinblatt, Mark (1982)
  85. Grubel, Herbert G. (1963)
  86. Guimaraes, Bernardo (2004)
  87. Haliassos, Michael (1987)
  88. Hamermesh, Daniel (1969)
  89. Han, Sukjin (2012)
  90. Hansen, Bruce E. (1989)
  91. Hansen, Terje Rein (1968)
  92. Harding, Don (2003)
  93. Heise, Sebastian (2016)
  94. Heston, Alan (1962)
  95. Hjalmarsson, Erik (2005)
  96. Hjalmarsson, Randi Jill (2005)
  97. Hodgson, Douglas James (1995)
  98. Hou, Jack W. (1989)
  99. Hu, Ling (2002)
  100. Huberman, Gur (1980)
  101. Huddart, Steven J. (1991)
  102. Ibragimov, Rustam (2005)
  103. Intal, Ponciano S.
  104. Javorcik, Beata Smarzynska (1999)
  105. John, Andrew
  106. Johnson, Matthew C. (2006)
  107. Joskow, Paul (1972)
  108. Kehoe, Timothy J. (1979)
  109. Keller, Wolfgang (1995)
  110. Kelly, Morgan (1991)
  111. Keskin, Pinar (2009)
  112. Khandelwal, Amit K. (2007)
  113. Kim, Chang Sik (2000)
  114. Kim, Jinwoo
  115. Kim, Soyoung (1996)
  116. Kim, Sunghyun Henry (1988)
  117. King, Elizabeth M. (2002)
  118. Klein, Roger W. (1970)
  119. Kortum, Samuel (1992)
  120. Krause, Michael U. (1999)
  121. Ksoll, Christopher Johannes (2007)
  122. Kubler, Felix (1999)
  123. Kuersteiner, Guido M. (1997)
  124. Lee, Ji Hyung (2013)
  125. Lee, Yoonseok (2006)
  126. Levy, Frank (1969)
  127. Loewenstein, George (1985)
  128. Lopes de Melo, Rafael (2009)
  129. Loretan, Mico (1991)
  130. Love, David (2003)
  131. Lubik, Thomas (2000)
  132. Lustig, Josh
  133. Mackowiak, Bartosz (2002)
  134. Magruder, Jeremy R. (2007)
  135. Malerba, Franco (1983)
  136. Maluccio, John A. (1997)
  137. Marmer, Vadim (2005)
  138. Maynard, Alex S. (1999)
  139. McDermott, Christopher John (1994)
  140. McEwan, Patrick J. (2000)
  141. McInnes, Melayne Morgan (1988)
  142. McKenzie, David (2001)
  143. McKibbin, Rebecca Jay (2018)
  144. Mercereau, Benoit (2002)
  145. Michelucci, Fabio (1966)
  146. Miller, Marcus Hay (1971)
  147. Moon, Hyungsik Roger (1998)
  148. Morgan, Peter John (1979)
  149. Morris, Stephen (1991)
  150. Mukerji, Sujoy (1995)
  151. Murnane, Richard J. (1974)
  152. Nafziger, Steven (2006)
  153. Neilson, Christopher (2014)
  154. Nelson, Richard R. (1956)
  155. Nguyen, Tho (2000)
  156. Orazem, Peter Francis (1983)
  157. Osberg, Lars Spencer
  158. Ouliaris, Sam (1987)
  159. Palley, Thomas I. (1990)
  160. Palsson, Craig (2017)
  161. Papageorgiou, Theodore (2008)
  162. Park, Byoung G. (2013)
  163. Park, Joon Y. (1987)
  164. Park, Walter G.
  165. Peng, Huaming (2009)
  166. Peretto, Pietro F. (1994)
  167. Perron, Benoit (1998)
  168. Perron, Pierre (1986)
  169. Pesenti, Paolo A. (1991)
  170. Pestieau, Pierre (1972)
  171. Phelan, Gregory (2014)
  172. Phelps, Edmund S. (1959)
  173. Ploeckl, Florian (2009)
  174. Porzio, Tommaso (2016)
  175. Possebom, Vitor Augusto (2022)
  176. Putterman, Louis (1980)
  177. Ratner, Jonathan (1978)
  178. Rauch, James E. (1985)
  179. Rigotti, Luca (1997)
  180. Robinson, James Alan (1993)
  181. Rosenblum, Daniel (2009)
  182. Rossi, Jose Luiz
  183. Royalty, Anne Beeson
  184. Said, Maher (2009)
  185. Sakellaris, Plutarchos (1993)
  186. Sant'Anna, Marcelo (2016)
  187. Santarosa, Veronica (2012)
  188. Santos, Rafael J. Villagr (2013)
  189. Schorfheide, Frank (1998)
  190. Schrey, Fabian L. (2019)
  191. Seo, S. Niggol (2006)
  192. Shi, Xiangyu
  193. Shi, Xianwen (2007)
  194. Shi, Xiaoxia (2011)
  195. Shimotsu, Katsumi (2000)
  196. Shintani, Mototsugu (2000)
  197. Shioji, Etsuro (1995)
  198. Shiue, Carol Hua (1999)
  199. Sicular, Terry (1983)
  200. Sinclair-Desgagne, Bernard (1988)
  201. Smets, Frank Rafael (1992)
  202. Smolin, Alex (2016)
  203. Sonobe, Tetsushi (1992)
  204. Spatafora, Nikola L. (1997)
  205. Srinivasan, T. N. (1962)
  206. Stern, Steven (1985)
  207. Sun, Yixiao (2002)
  208. Syropoulos, Constantinos (1989)
  209. Takeda, Fumiko (2001)
  210. Tanner, Noam B. (2015)
  211. Taylor, Curtis R. (1992)
  212. Tello-Trillo, Cristina
  213. Thirumurthy, Harsha (2006)
  214. Timoshenko, Olga A. (2012)
  215. Toda, Alexis Akira (2013)
  216. Udry, Christopher R. (1991)
  217. Varadi, Balazs (2001)
  218. Vavra, Joseph (2012)
  219. Wagner, Ulrich J. (2006)
  220. Wakai, Katsutoshi (2002)
  221. Weinberg, Daniel H. (1975)
  222. Whalley, John (1973)
  223. Whang, Yoon-Jae (1991)
  224. Winter, Sidney Graham (1964)
  225. Xiao, Zhijie (1997)
  226. Xu, Ke-Li (2007)
  227. Yellen, Janet L. (1971)
  228. Zhou, Xiaolan
  229. Zhu, Feng (2004)
  230. Zimmerman, Seth D. (2014)
  231. Zivot, Eric (1992)


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