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Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World

Department of Economics

Monash Business School

Monash University

Location: Melbourne, Australia
Homepage: http://business.monash.edu/economics
Phone: +61 3 990 52493
Fax: +61 3 990 55476
Postal: Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria 3168
Handle: RePEc:edi:demonau
Areas or Functions:

People who have registered with RePEc and have claimed to be affiliated with this institution:

Their publications
Find all publications of all authors listed below conveniently compiled on IDEAS.

Their author profiles
Authors with publications are listed below with . We have lost contact with authors marked with ?, and they do not count towards the ranking of this institution. We would appreciate a note of their new email address or status.

  1. Angus, Simon D.
  2. Bajaj, Ayushi
  3. Banerjee, Dyuti S.
  4. Becker, Sascha O.
  5. Bhattacharya, Mita
  6. Caggiano, Giovanni
  7. Campbell, Arthur Donald
  8. Chen, Zhijun
  9. Chen, Zhongwen
  10. Cheng, Wenli
  11. Choe, Chongwoo
  12. Choi, Horag
  13. Dahis, Ricardo
  14. Datt, Gaurav
  15. Do, Quoc-Anh
  16. Du, Qingyuan
  17. Dzhumashev, Ratbek
  18. Fan, Xiaodong
  19. Fausten, Dietrich Karl ?
  20. Feltovich, Nick
  21. Fischer, Stefanie
  22. Forsyth, Peter John
  23. Frost, Lionel
  24. Gangadharan, Lata
  25. Geerling, Wayne
  26. Grodeck, Ben
  27. Gross, Isaac
  28. Grossman, Philip J.
  29. Harris, Edwyna Margaret
  30. Hazan, Moshe
  31. Islam, Asad
  32. Islam, Md. Rabiul
  33. Ivanovski, Kris
  34. Jahangirli, Nurlan
  35. Jayasuriya, Sisira Kumara
  36. Jin, Yi
  37. Kazakevitch, Gennadi
  38. King, Stephen Peter
  39. Labanca, Claudio
  40. LaFrance, Jeffrey Thomas
  41. Leibbrandt, Andreas
  42. Leister, Christian Matthew
  43. Leroux, Anke D.
  44. Leslie, Gordon William
  45. Madsen, Jakob B.
  46. Magee, Gary Bryan
  47. Maitra, Pushkar
  48. Majlesi, Kaveh
  49. Megalokonomou, Rigissa
  50. Mishra, Vinod
  51. Moslehi, Solmaz
  52. Mui, Vai-Lam
  53. Ng, Yew-Kwang
  54. Olckers, Matthew
  55. Ouch, Chandarany
  56. Pambudi, Daniel Djauhari
  57. Parasnis, Jaai
  58. Puzzello, Laura
  59. Rai, Birendra
  60. Raschky, Paul Anton
  61. Ray, Ranjan
  62. Rendall, Michelle
  63. Roger, Guillaume F.
  64. Santos, Paulo
  65. Shi, He-ling
  66. Smyth, Russell
  67. Tombazos, Christis G.
  68. Treisman, David ?
  69. Venables, Anthony J.
  70. Wang, Chengsi
  71. Wang, Liang Choon
  72. Ward, Michael B.
  73. White, Corey
  74. Won, Cheongyeon
  75. Xiao, Erte
  76. Yew, Siew Ling
  77. Zakirova, Rezida
  78. Zeng, Zhixiong
  79. Zenou, Yves
  80. Zhao, Xiaojian

Registered alumni from this institution

Their publications
Find all publications of all alumni listed below conveniently compiled on IDEAS.

Their author profiles
People who have registered with RePEc and have received their terminal degree from this institution according to the RePEc genealogy. Alumni with publications are listed below with .

  1. Abayasiri-Silva, Kaludura (1991)
  2. Ahmed, Salma (2013)
  3. Amarasinghe, Ashani (2020)
  4. Awaworyi Churchill, Sefa (2016)
  5. Baltabaev, Botirjan (2015)
  6. Banerjee, Rajabrata (2011)
  7. Boymal, Jonathan (1999)
  8. Cabanda, Emilyn C. (2001)
  9. Chatterjee, Ishita (2010)
  10. Chen, George S. (2008)
  11. Cheng, Wenli (1996)
  12. Cooper, Russel John (1978)
  13. Das, Gouranga Gopal (2000)
  14. Dorner, Zack (2018)
  15. Doucouliagos, Chris (1995)
  16. Dzhumashev, Ratbek (2008)
  17. Inekwe, John Nkwoma (2016)
  18. Islam, Asad (2009)
  19. Islam, Md. Rabiul (2011)
  20. Kumar, Sanjesh (2013) ?
  21. Li, Ke (2000)
  22. Mancuso Tradenta, Julio Cesar (2015)
  23. Mangunsong, Carlos (2014)
  24. Maslyuk, Svetlana (2008)
  25. McKinley, Justin Daniel (2020)
  26. Meagher, Gerald Anthony (1978)
  27. Mishra, Vinod (2008)
  28. Narayan, Paresh Kumar (2004)
  29. Narayan, Seema (2009)
  30. Neelim, Ananta (2014)
  31. Nicholas, Aaron (2010)
  32. Okafor, Luke Emeka (2015)
  33. Ouch, Chandarany (2015)
  34. Parasnis, Jaai (2005)
  35. Peng, Xiujian (2005)
  36. Prakash, Kushneel Avneet (2020)
  37. Rich, Judith (2000)
  38. Saxena, Shishir (2008) ?
  39. Shi, He-ling (2005)
  40. Shi, Hui (2010) ?
  41. Skali, Ahmed (2015)
  42. Sun, Guang-Zhen (1999)
  43. Susamto, Akhmad Akbar (2008)
  44. Swan, Peter Lawrence (1972)
  45. Syamsulhakim, Ekki
  46. Tang, Tuck Cheong (2012)
  47. Tran, Nhi Hoang (2007)
  48. Walmsley, Terrie Louise (1999)
  49. White, Michael V. V (2003)
  50. Yan, Eric (2012)


Corrections about details of this institutions should be sent to the team. Corrections about the member listing should be made by the members themselves by adjusting their affiliations at the RePEc Author Service. Adding or correcting alumni is done at the RePEc Genealogy by anyone with a RePEc author account. Serials from this institution can be added with the Publisher-Institution: RePEc:edi:demonau line in the series template of their RePEc archive. If there is no local RePEc archive, follow these instructions to create one to have the local publications listed on RePEc services.
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