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Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World

Department of Economics

European University Institute

Location: Firenze, Italy
Homepage: http://www.eui.eu/DepartmentsAndCentres/Economics/
Phone: +39-055-4685.982
Fax: +39-055-4685.902
Postal: Villa La Fonte, Via delle Fontanelle, 18, 50014 San Domenico di Fiesole (FI)
Handle: RePEc:edi:deiueit
Areas or Functions:

Registered alumni from this institution

Their publications
Find all publications of all alumni listed below conveniently compiled on IDEAS.

Their author profiles
People who have registered with RePEc and have received their terminal degree from this institution according to the RePEc genealogy. Alumni with publications are listed below with .

  1. Adam, Klaus (2001)
  2. Agur, Itai (2008)
  3. Alberola, Enrique (1995)
  4. Alvarez Pereira, Brais (2017)
  5. Andreottola, Giovanni (2017)
  6. Arezki, Rabah (2006)
  7. Ascione, Aurora
  8. Baniak, Andrzej ?
  9. Basten, Christoph Carl (2011)
  10. Becker, Sascha O. (2001)
  11. Benassi, Corrado (1990)
  12. Bilbiie, Florin O. (2004)
  13. Billette de Villemeur, Etienne (1998)
  14. Billmeier, Andreas (2005)
  15. Borghesi, Simone
  16. Brendler, Pavel (2016)
  17. Broer, Tobias (2009)
  18. Budrys, Zymantas
  19. Bussiere, Matthieu
  20. Canto, Olga (1998)
  21. Caprini, Giulia (2022)
  22. Cerejeira, Joao (2007)
  23. Cerqueira, Pedro (2007)
  24. Cintolesi, Andrea (2019)
  25. Claeys, Gregory (2015)
  26. Claeys, Peter (2006)
  27. Corekcioglu, Gozde (2019)
  28. Delacote, Philippe (2007)
  29. De Moragas, Antoni-Italo (2018)
  30. Desdoigts, Alain (1994)
  31. Doris, Aedin (1998)
  32. Duernecker, Georg
  33. Dustmann, Christian (1992)
  34. Ehrmann, Michael (2000)
  35. Ellison, Martin (2001)
  36. Eozenou, Patrick
  37. Erce, Aitor
  38. Fabra, Natalia (2001)
  39. Faccini, Renato (2009)
  40. Fagereng, Andreas (2012)
  41. Fagiolo, Giorgio (2001)
  42. Felbermayr, Gabriel J (2004)
  43. Ferrari, Alessandro (2020)
  44. Fiorentini, Gabriele (1995)
  45. Fratzscher, Marcel (2002)
  46. Fugazza, Marco (2000)
  47. Gabler, Alain
  48. Gagliarducci, Stefano (2005)
  49. Galbiati, Marco
  50. Garcia-Gallego, Aurora (1994)
  51. Gazzani, Andrea Giovanni (2017)
  52. Georgantzis, Nikolaos (1993)
  53. Girsberger, Esther Mirjam (2015)
  54. Goni Pacchioni, Edwin
  55. Gottlieb, Charles (2012)
  56. Guembel, Alexander (2000)
  57. Guerin, Pierre (2011)
  58. Hallak, Issam
  59. Haller, Stefanie Alexandra (2005)
  60. Hammersland, Roger
  61. Hauk, Esther (1997)
  62. Hernaes, Oeystein M. (2015)
  63. Herrendorf, Berthold (1996)
  64. Hertweck, Matthias Sebastian (2010)
  65. Hintermaier, Thomas (2003)
  66. Hoffmann, Mathias (1999)
  67. Hopkins, Ed (1996)
  68. Hughes, Niall E (2013)
  69. Jansen, Marcel (2002)
  70. Jungherr, Joachim (2013)
  71. Kero, Afroditi (2011)
  72. Kitzmuller, Markus (2010)
  73. Kolb, Benedikt Mario (2017)
  74. Leite, Joana Pereira (2009)
  75. Macci, Gabriele (2023)
  76. Maciejowska, Katarzyna (2010)
  77. Manera, Matteo (1998)
  78. Marcellino, Massimiliano (1996)
  79. Mariathasan, Mike (2011)
  80. Marinkov, Viktor (2019)
  81. Mazur, Karol (2019)
  82. Mehrotra, Aaron Nikolai (2006)
  83. Meier, Andre (2006)
  84. Mertens, Karel
  85. Messina, Julian (2002)
  86. Meyer, Moritz (2013)
  87. Mollgaard, Peter (1993)
  88. Motyovszki, Gergo (2021)
  89. Muravyev, Alexander (2007)
  90. Nannicini, Tommaso (2005)
  91. Niepmann, Friederike
  92. Nimark, Kristoffer P. (2005)
  93. Oh, Joonseok (2019)
  94. O'Higgins, Shane Niall Niall (1995)
  95. Oliviero, Tommaso (2014)
  96. Omtzigt, Pieter
  97. Oomen, Roel C.A.
  98. Ortega, Eva (1998)
  99. Osbat, Chiara (2003)
  100. Palomino, Frederic
  101. Pedersen, Michael
  102. Pekkarinen, Tuomas (2003)
  103. Pelloni, Alessandra
  104. Pezanis-Christou, Paul (1997)
  105. Poelhekke, Steven (2008)
  106. Polanec, Saso
  107. Poschke, Markus (2007)
  108. Priftis, Romanos (2015)
  109. Prummer, Anja (2013)
  110. Puy, Damien (2013)
  111. Rehme, Guenther (1988)
  112. Rendahl, Pontus (2008)
  113. Renou, Ludovic (2003)
  114. Rivas, Javier (2008)
  115. Rogantini Picco, Anna (2020)
  116. Rojas, Juan (1999)
  117. Rojas, Luis E. (2016)
  118. Sartarelli, Marcello (2011)
  119. Schanz, Jochen (2005)
  120. Schmidt-Eisenlohr, Tim (2010)
  121. Schwellnus, Cyrille (2004)
  122. Serrano-Velarde, Nicolas Andre Benigno (2009)
  123. Siassi, Nawid (2011)
  124. Siedlarek, Jan-Peter (2013)
  125. Skouras, Spyros P. (2000)
  126. Sordi, Serena (1988)
  127. Tagkalakis, Athanasios (2005)
  128. Tarantino, Emanuele (2010)
  129. Tatsiramos, Konstantinos (2004)
  130. Tripodi, Egon (2020)
  131. Tryphonides, Andreas (2017)
  132. Ubide, Angel (2005)
  133. Upper, Christian (1999)
  134. Uuskula, Lenno (2011)
  135. Valentinyi, Akos (1997)
  136. Vergara Caffarelli, Filippo (2006)
  137. Vicondoa, Alejandro (2017)
  138. Villegas-Sanchez, Carolina (2008)
  139. Vriend, Nicolaas J. (1993)
  140. Wiederholt, Mirko (2003)
  141. Winter, Christoph (2009)


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