Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World
Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)
Location: London, United Kingdom
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Postal: 3rd Floor, 77 Bastwick Street, London EC1V 3PZ
Handle: RePEc:edi:cebruuk
Areas or Functions: Think Tanks
Phone: +44 (0)20 7183 8801
Fax: +44 (0)20 7183 8820
Postal: 3rd Floor, 77 Bastwick Street, London EC1V 3PZ
Handle: RePEc:edi:cebruuk
Areas or Functions: Think Tanks
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Published by this institution:
Authored by members of this institution
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Their publications
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Their author profiles
Authors with publications are listed below with . We have lost contact with authors marked with ?, and they do not count towards the ranking of this institution. We would appreciate a note of their new email address or status.
- Ager, Philipp
- Ahlfeldt, Gabriel Martins
- Ahnert, Toni
- Akbar, Prottoy Aman
- Albanesi, Stefania
- Albuquerque, Rui
- Alcala, Francisco
- Amiti, Mary
- Ariu, Andrea
- Armand, Alex
- Bacchetta, Philippe
- Bagues, Manuel F.
- Barankay, Iwan
- Bartram, Sohnke M.
- Basak, Suleyman
- Bastos, Paulo
- Baten, Joerg
- Bayer, Christian
- Beaman, Lori
- Bebchuk, Lucian
- Becht, Marco
- Becker, Bo
- Beetsma, Roel Maria Wilhelmus Jozef
- Behrens, Kristian
- Bekes, Gabor
- Benabou, Roland J.
- Benchikh, Jemila
- Benigno, Gianluca D.
- Bentolila, Samuel
- Bernard, Andrew B.
- Best, Michael Carlos
- Bhaskar, V
- Bianchi, Francesco
- Bignon, Vincent
- Binzel, Christine
- Bisin, Alberto
- Blanchard, Emily Jean
- Bloom, Nicholas
- Blundell, Richard
- Boehm, Johannes
- Bohren, Aislinn
- Boneva, Lena
- Boot, Arnoud
- Bossaerts, Peter L.
- Bottazzi, Laura
- Botticini, Maristella
- Boyer, Pierre C.
- Breinlich, Holger
- Broadberry, Stephen Noel
- Burchardi, Konrad Burchard
- Burda, Michael Christopher
- Burgess, Robin
- Bustos, Paula
- Cabral, Luis M B
- Canova, Fabio
- Cantoni, Davide
- Carlin, Wendy
- Carneiro, Pedro
- Carrillo-Tudela, Carlos
- Casella, Alessandra
- Cecchetti, Stephen
- Cervellati, Matteo
- Cespa, Giovanni
- Cestone, Giacinta
- Chan, Mandy
- Chari, Anusha
- Chen, Natalie A.
- Ciliberto, Federico
- Clarke, Nadine
- Clerides, Sofronis
- Coimbra, Nuno
- Combe, Julien
- Comin, Diego
- Correia, Isabel
- Cosar, A. Kerem
- Crino, Rosario
- Crowley, Meredith Allison
- Dahl, Gordon B.
- Dalgaard, Carl-Johan
- De Fraja, Gianni
- Degryse, Hans
- de la Croix, David
- Dell'ariccia, Giovanni
- Denhaan, Wouter
- Denicolo', Vincenzo
- Dercon, Stefan
- Desmet, Klaus
- Devereux, Michael B.
- Do, Quoc-Anh
- Doepke, Matthias
- Dorn, David
- Drago, Francesco
- Driffill, Edward John
- Dubois, Pierre
- Eberhardt, Markus
- Eckel, Carsten
- Eckstein, Zvi
- Eden, Maya
- Efing, Matthias
- Egger, Peter H.
- Ekholm, Karolina
- Eliaz, Kfir
- Fabra, Natalia
- Facchini, Giovanni
- Fafchamps, Marcel A
- Faia, Ester
- Farmer, Roger E. A.
- Fasani, Francesco
- Favero, Carlo
- Felli, Leonardo
- Fernandez, Raquel
- Findeisen, Sebastian
- Fischer, Andreas M
- Foellmi, Reto
- Forni, Mario
- Fort, Margherita
- Francesconi, Marco
- Frattini, Tommaso
- Fratzscher, Marcel
- Freixas, Xavier
- Friberg, Richard
- Friebel, Guido
- Fumagalli, Chiara
- Gaballo, Gaetano
- Gadenne, Lucie
- Galasso, Vincenzo
- Galo Nuno-Barrau, Galo
- Garibaldi, Pietro
- Gathmann, Christina
- Gatti, Roberta
- Gautier, Pieter A.
- Gavazza, Alessandro
- Gelos, R. Gaston
- Genakos, Christos
- Genicot, Garance
- Gersbach, Hans
- Giannitsarou, Chryssi
- Giannone, Domenico
- Giavazzi, Francesco
- Giuliano, Paola
- Gobbi, Paula Eugenia
- Goldberg, Pinelopi Koujianou
- Gomes, Joseph Flavian
- Gordon, Robert J.
- Gosling, Amanda
- Gould, Eric D.
- Gourinchas, Pierre-Olivier
- Grassi, Basile
- Grossman, Gene
- Grossman, Richard S.
- Guadalupe, Maria
- Guell, Maia
- Gurkaynak, Refet S.
- Gylfason, Thorvaldur
- Hackbarth, Dirk
- Halpern, Laszlo
- Harhoff, Dietmar
- Hartmann, Philipp
- Haskel, Jonathan E.
- Hassan, Tarek Alexander
- Heathcote, Jonathan
- Heidhues, Paul
- Hellwig, Christian
- Hemous, David
- Henkel, Joachim
- Hermes, Henning
- Hinnosaar, Marit
- Hinnosaar, Toomas
- Hjortsoe, Ida
- Hoekman, Bernard
- Honkapohja, Seppo Mikko Sakari
- Horn, Henrik
- Hornung, Erik
- Hugonnier, Julien Nicolas
- Hunt, Jennifer
- Hvide, Hans K.
- Iftikhar, Zainab
- Imbs, Jean M.
- Iossa, Elisabetta
- Islam, A.N.M. Rafiqul
- Itskhoki, Oleg
- Jaeger, David A.
- Javorcik, Beata Smarzynska
- Jayachandran, Seema
- Jeanne, Olivier
- Jenter, Dirk
- Jobst, Clemens
- Johnen, Johannes
- Julliard, Christian
- Kacperczyk, Marcin
- Karadi, Peter
- Kehrig, Matthias
- Keller, Wolfgang
- Kessler, Anke S.
- Keuschnigg, Christian
- Kindermann, Fabian
- Klein, Tobias J.
- Konrad, Kai A.
- Kopczuk, Wojciech
- Koren, Miklos ?
- Korinek, Anton
- Kramarz, Francis
- Kraussl, Roman
- Kreiner, Claus Thustrup
- Kretschmer, Tobias
- Kueng, Lorenz
- Kuhn, Kai-Uwe
- Kuhn, Moritz
- Laczo, Sarolta
- La Ferrara, Eliana
- Lagakos, David
- Lampe, Markus
- Lancia, Francesco
- Lane, Philip Richard
- La'O, Jennifer
- Le Barbanchon, Thomas
- Lehmann, Etienne
- Lein, Sarah Marit
- Lelarge, Claire
- Lemos, Renata
- Lennard, Jason
- Leon-CIliotta, Gianmarco
- Leon-Ledesma, Miguel
- Leth-Petersen, Soren
- Leuz, Christian
- Levchenko, Andrei A.
- Lewis, Karen Kay
- Lockwood, Ben
- Lopez-Salido, David
- Luetticke, Ralph
- Machin, Stephen
- Magnac, Thierry
- Maican, Florin G.
- Malherbe, Frederic
- Malmendier, Ulrike
- Markusen, James R.
- Martinez, Joseba
- Martinez-Miera, David
- Mastrobuoni, Giovanni
- Mayda, Anna Maria
- McMahon, Michael Francis
- Menkveld, Albert J.
- Merz, Monika
- Michaelides, Alexander
- Micklewright, John
- Miles, David Kenneth
- Milesi-Ferretti, Gian Maria
- Miller, Marcus Hay
- Minford, A. Patrick L.
- Mion, Giordano
- Miravete, Eugenio J.
- Mitman, Kurt
- Moav, Omer
- Monras, Joan
- Moretti, Enrico
- Moser, Christian
- Mrazova, Monika
- Mueller, Andreas I.
- Nagel, Stefan
- Nakov, Anton A.
- Ndiaye, Abdoulaye
- Newbery, David M
- Newman, Andrew F.
- Nicodème, Gaëtan J.A.
- Niepelt, Dirk
- Niepmann, Friederike
- Nogues-Marco, Pilar
- Novy, Dennis
- Nunnari, Salvatore
- Nyborg, Kjell G.
- Opromolla, Luca David
- O'Rourke, Kevin
- Ostry, Jonathan David
- Overman, Henry G.
- Pagano, Marco
- Papaioannou, Elias
- Pappa, Evi Paraskevi
- Parlatore, Cecilia
- Pascali, Luigi
- Paserman, M. Daniele
- Pedersen, Lasse Heje
- Peijnenburg, Kim
- Pellizzari, Michele
- Peralta, Susana
- Pereira, Pedro Telhado
- Perri, Fabrizio
- Persson, Torsten
- Pesenti, Paolo A.
- Petrella, Ivan
- Pfann, Gerard
- Pijoan-Mas, Josep
- Pischke, Jorn-Steffen
- Plantin, Guillaume
- Pomeranz, Dina D.
- Porras Prado, Melissa
- Praag, Mirjam Van
- Prarolo, Giovanni
- Presbitero, Andrea Filippo
- Primiceri, Giorgio E.
- Proto, Eugenio
- Qian, Nancy
- Ramadorai, Tarun
- Ranciere, Romain
- Rathelot, Roland
- Ravn, Morten Overgaard
- Razin, Assaf
- Rebelo, Sergio T
- Redding, Stephen James
- Reichlin, Lucrezia
- Reichlin, Pietro
- Reis, Ricardo
- Rendahl, Pontus
- Repullo, Rafael
- Rey, Helene
- Rickman, Neil
- Rieder, Kilian
- Ritschl, Albrecht
- Robert-Nicoud, Frederic
- Rodrik, Dani
- Roesler, Anne-Katrin
- Roketskiy, Nikita
- Rose, Andrew Kenan
- Roses, Joan R.
- Rossi-Hansberg, Esteban
- Roth, Christopher
- Rueda, Valeria
- Sachs, Dominik
- Sahuguet, Nicolas
- Sapienza, Paola
- Sarno, Lucio
- Scharf, Kimberley
- Schmeling, Maik
- Schmidheiny, Kurt
- Schmidt, Christoph M.
- Schmidt-Dengler, Philipp
- Schneeweis, Nicole
- Schneider, Eric
- Schneider, Martin
- Schoar, Antoinette
- Schoefer, Benjamin
- Schroth, Enrique
- Schuerhoff, Norman
- Scott, Andrew
- Scur, Daniela
- Sentana, Enrique
- Sharp, Paul Richard
- Shelegia, Sandro
- Sibert, Anne
- Simpson, Helen
- Siotis, Georges
- Smets, Frank Rafael
- Snower, Dennis
- Spilimbergo, Antonio
- Staubli, Stefan
- Steen, Frode
- Strausz, Roland
- Stroebel, Johannes
- Suarez, Javier
- Suetens, Sigrid
- Surico, Paolo
- Sutherland, Alan James
- Svejnar, Jan
- Szeidl, Adam
- Tavares, Jose
- Taylor, Alan M.
- Teles, Pedro
- Tertilt, Michele
- Toivanen, Otto
- Trebbi, Francesco
- Trigari, Antonella
- Tsoutsoura, Margarita
- Ulyssea, Gabriel
- Valencia Caicedo, Felipe
- Van Biesebroeck, Johannes
- Vandenbussche, Hylke
- Van Horen, Neeltje
- Van Nieuwerburgh, Stijn
- van Reenen, John Michael
- van Winden, Frans A.A.M.
- Varela, Liliana
- Vasconcelos, Helder
- Venables, Anthony J.
- Verhoogen, Eric
- Vestman, Roine
- Veugelers, Reinhilde
- Violante, Giovanni Luca
- von Hagen, Juergen
- von Thadden, Ernst-Ludwig
- Wagner, Alexander F.
- Wagner, Wolf
- Waldenstrom, Daniel
- Wasmer, Etienne
- Weber, Andrea
- Weber, Guglielmo
- Weill, Pierre-Olivier
- Weisdorf, Jacob Louis
- Wickens, Michael R.
- Wieladek, Tomasz Wojciech
- Winter-Ebmer, Rudolf
- Wolf, Nikolaus
- Wolfers, Justin
- Woodruff, Christopher
- Wunsch, Conny
- Yan, Dong
- Yum, Minchul
- Yurdagul, Emircan
- Zechner, Josef
- Zeira, Joseph
- Zoelitz, Ulf
- Zweimuller, Josef
Events listed in the Economics Virtual Seminar Calendar
- "Mortgage Pricing and Monetary Policy" presented by Alessandro Gavazza
On 2020-04-22 at 16:00 UTC+01 iCal calendar entry
CEPR Virtual IO Seminar (VIOS)
Fields: Finance, IO, Money
Registration is required: Link
Link to seminar: Zoom
Link to additional materials: Paper
Submitted by Christian Zimmermann, seminar id 6
Corrections about details of this institutions should be sent to the team. Corrections about the member listing should be made by the members themselves by adjusting their affiliations at the RePEc Author Service. Adding or correcting alumni is done at the RePEc Genealogy by anyone with a RePEc author account. Serials from this institution can be added with the Publisher-Institution: RePEc:edi:cebruuk line in the series template of their RePEc archive. If there is no local RePEc archive, follow these instructions to create one to have the local publications listed on RePEc services.
Copyright 1995-2023 Christian
Zimmermann All rights reserved