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Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World

Central Bank of the Russian Federation

Location: Moscow, Russia
Homepage: https://cbr.ru/

Phone: (7 495) 771 91 00
Fax: (7 495) 621 64 65
Postal: 12 Neglinnaya Street, Moscow, 107016
Handle: RePEc:edi:cbrgvru
Areas or Functions: Central Banks, Monetary Authorities

People who have registered with RePEc and have claimed to be affiliated with this institution:

Their publications
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Their author profiles
Authors with publications are listed below with . We have lost contact with authors marked with ?, and they do not count towards the ranking of this institution. We would appreciate a note of their new email address or status.

  1. Achkasov, Yury
  2. Akhmetov, Artur
  3. Andreyev, Mikhail Yurievich
  4. Anikeev, Kirill Sr.
  5. Arzhenovskiy, Sergey
  6. Averianova(Orlova,Nikulina), Anna Viktorovna
  7. Averin, Andrey Vladimirovich
  8. Belyakov, Anton
  9. Bespalova, Daria
  10. Bessonova, Evguenia
  11. Biktashev, Ainur Sr.
  12. Bogacheva, Irina
  13. Bondarev, Oleg
  14. Burkova, Iuliia ?
  15. Burova, Anna
  16. Butakova, Marya Igorevna
  17. Chernyadyev, Dmitriy ?
  18. Darovskii, Ivan Ya.
  19. Deryugina, Elena
  20. Dombaeva, Valentina
  21. Dorkina, Anastasia Sergeevna
  22. Egorov, Alexey V.
  23. Egorov, Anatoly Leonidovich
  24. Esin, Alexey Sr.
  25. Evstigneeva, Alina ?
  26. Fagradyan, Armine
  27. Fedulov, Vladislav Igorevich
  28. Filonchik, Veronika
  29. Gabidulin, Muslim Sr.
  30. Gambarov, Georgy
  31. Glazova, Alexandra
  32. Gorkov, Pavel
  33. Gornostaev, Dmitrii
  34. Grishchenko, Vadim
  35. Izotova, Olga
  36. Karlova, Natalia
  37. Karpov, Danila
  38. Kazumyan, Lusine
  39. Khabibullin, Ramis
  40. Khavinson, Mikhail Yuryevich
  41. Khotulev, Ivan Maksimovich
  42. Kiriukhin, Evgenii
  43. Klimenko, Alexsandr
  44. Kobzev, Andrey
  45. Korshunov, Dmitry
  46. Koshelev, Denis Sr.
  47. Kostev, Konstantin Olegovich Sr.
  48. Kozlovtceva, Irina
  49. Kramkov, Viacheslav
  50. Krylov, Denis Vitalyevich
  51. Krynkina, Marina
  52. Kryzhanovskij, Oleg Andreevich
  53. Kudaeva, Mariia
  54. Kurovskiy, Gleb
  55. Lazchenko, Nataliya
  56. Lobanov, Alexey
  57. Lyakhnova, Margarita
  58. Lymar, Maria
  59. Lyubivyy, Nikita Yurievich
  60. Makhankova, Natalia
  61. Maklakova, Tatiana Romanovna
  62. Malakhova, Tatiana
  63. Malinina, Elena
  64. Mamedli, Mariam
  65. Markov, Kirill
  66. Markov, Leonid Sergeevich Sr.
  67. Movsesyan, Levon
  68. Myasnikov, Alexander Sr.
  69. Nelyubina, Alyona Sergeevna
  70. Novak, Anna
  71. Papina, Elena
  72. Penikas, Henry
  73. Petrova, Nadezhda
  74. Plushchevskaya, Yulia
  75. Polbin, Andrey
  76. Pomelnikova, Maria
  77. Ponomarenko, Alexey A.
  78. Popova, Svetlana
  79. Porshakov, Alexey
  80. Postnikov, Evgeny
  81. Puzanova, Elena
  82. Reentovich, Alexander
  83. Rubanova, Kristina Anatolievna
  84. Rumyantsev, Evgeny Leonidovich
  85. Ryzhikova, Tatiana Vladimirovna
  86. Sapova, Arina
  87. Savchenko, Igor Vasilevich
  88. Seleznev, Sergei
  89. Sergeyevich, Maksim
  90. Shelovanova, Tatiana
  91. Shestakov, Daniel
  92. Shevchuk, Ivan
  93. Shirnin, Nikolay Sr.
  94. Shkonda, Irina
  95. Shulgin, Andrei
  96. Sinyakov, Andrey
  97. Skuratova, Anastasia Vladimirovna Sr.
  98. Sokolov, Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich
  99. Sterkhova (Zhivaykina), Aleksandra
  100. Styrin, Konstantin
  101. Sukhomlinov, Alexander
  102. Tarasov, Vadim
  103. Tatarintsev, Stas
  104. Ternovoy, Sergey Mikhailovich Sr.
  105. Tishin, Alexander
  106. Titov, Igor Sr.
  107. Tiunova, Marina
  108. Tsvetkova, Anna Nikolaevna
  109. Turdyeva, Natalia
  110. Ushakova, Yulia
  111. Valakh, Yulia
  112. Vlasov, Sergey
  113. Vorontsova, Anastasia
  114. Yakovleva, Kseniya ?
  115. Zhabina, Svetlana
  116. Zhemkov, Michael
  117. Zhuravleva, Julia A.
  118. Zotov, Andrey Nikolaevich Sr.


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