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Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World

Banco Central do Brasil

Translation: Central Bank of Brazil
Location: Brasília, Brazil
Homepage: http://www.bcb.gov.br/
Phone: (061) 3414-2401
Fax: (061) 3414-2480
Postal: Caixa Postal 08670 - CEP 70074-900 - Brasília DF
Handle: RePEc:edi:bcbgvbr
Areas or Functions: Central Banks, Monetary Authorities
Publications that are listed with RePEc:

Authored by members of this institution

People who have registered with RePEc and have claimed to be affiliated with this institution:

Their publications
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Their author profiles
Authors with publications are listed below with . We have lost contact with authors marked with ?, and they do not count towards the ranking of this institution. We would appreciate a note of their new email address or status.

  1. Alencar, Leonardo S.
  2. Alexandre, Michel
  3. Alves, Sergio A. Lago
  4. Amaral, Eduardo
  5. Araujo, Eurilton
  6. Araujo, Gustavo Silva
  7. Areosa, Waldyr Dutra
  8. Avila Alves Dimas, Joao Henrique
  9. Azevedo, Cyntia Freitas
  10. Bader, Fani
  11. Barroso, Joao Barata Ribeiro Blanco
  12. Braga, Bruno da Rocha
  13. Brandi, Vinicius Ratton
  14. Carvalho, Fabia Aparecida de
  15. Castro, Marcos Ribeiro de
  16. Chu, Victorio Yi Tson ?
  17. Correa, Arnildo da Silva
  18. Correa, Charles Henrique
  19. Costa, Silvio Michael de Azevedo
  20. de Alcantara, Wenersamy Ramos
  21. de Carvalho, Pablo Jose Campos
  22. de Farias, Aquiles Rocha
  23. de Guimaraes e Souza, Gustavo Jose
  24. de Moraes, Claudio
  25. de Sa, Rodrigo
  26. dos Santos, Toni Ricardo Eugenio Sr.
  27. Fasolo, Angelo Marsiglia
  28. Ferreira, Leonardo N.
  29. Gaglianone, Wagner Piazza
  30. Garber, Gabriel
  31. Goldfajn, Ilan
  32. Gonzalez, Rodrigo Barbone
  33. Graminho, Flavia Mourao
  34. Guerra, Solange Maria
  35. Guillen, Osmani Teixeira de Carvalho
  36. Jorge, Marcos Valli
  37. Kawaoka, Fernando Ryu Ramos
  38. Kornelius, Alexandre
  39. Koyama, Sergio Sr.
  40. Leao, Sergio
  41. Lima, Eduardo
  42. Machado, Vicente da Gama
  43. Marinho, Leonardo Sousa Gomes
  44. Marins, Jaqueline
  45. Martins, Bruno
  46. Mauad, Roberto Baltieri
  47. Minella, Andre
  48. Miranda, Mauro Costa
  49. Miranda, Rodrigo Cesar de Castro
  50. Moreira, Joao Mauricio de Souza
  51. Neves, Myrian Beatriz Eiras Das
  52. Oliveira, Fernando Nascimento Sr.
  53. Ornelas, Jose Renato Haas
  54. Palmeira, Gilberto Dias Jr.
  55. Petrassi, Myrian Beatriz
  56. Pio Perez, Leonardo
  57. Reiss, Daniel Gersten
  58. Rodrigues Figueiredo, Francisco Marcos
  59. Sabbadini, Ricardo
  60. Santos, Rafael Chaves
  61. Schechtman, Ricardo
  62. Schroder, Bruno
  63. Silva, Alan Cosme Rodrigues da
  64. Silva, Thiago Christiano
  65. Silva Junior, Antonio Francisco Almeida
  66. Solino Evelin Oliveira, Guilherme
  67. Staub, Roberta Blass ?
  68. Takeda, Tony
  69. Tiberto, Bruno Pires
  70. Trafane Oliveira Santos, Thiago
  71. Van Doornik, Bernardus Ferdinandus Nazar
  72. Vicente, Jose Valentim Machado


Corrections about details of this institutions should be sent to the team. Corrections about the member listing should be made by the members themselves by adjusting their affiliations at the RePEc Author Service. Adding or correcting alumni is done at the RePEc Genealogy by anyone with a RePEc author account. Serials from this institution can be added with the Publisher-Institution: RePEc:edi:bcbgvbr line in the series template of their RePEc archive. If there is no local RePEc archive, follow these instructions to create one to have the local publications listed on RePEc services.
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