Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World
Barcelona School of Economics (BSE)
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Phone: +34 93 542-1222
Fax: +34 93 542-1223
Postal: Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27, 08005 Barcelona
Handle: RePEc:edi:bargses
Areas or Functions:
Phone: +34 93 542-1222
Fax: +34 93 542-1223
Postal: Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27, 08005 Barcelona
Handle: RePEc:edi:bargses
Areas or Functions:
Subentities listed with EDIRC:
- Centre de Recerca en Economia Internacional (CREI), Barcelona School of Economics (BSE)
- Institut d'Anàlisi Econòmica CSIC (IAE-CSIC), Barcelona School of Economics (BSE)
- Departament d'Economia i Història Econòmica, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona School of Economics (BSE)
- Unitat de Fonaments de l'Anàlisi Econòmica, Departament d'Economia i Història Econòmica, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona School of Economics (BSE)
- Departament d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona School of Economics (BSE)
- Centre de Recerca en Economia Financera i Comptabilitat (CREFC), Departament d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona School of Economics (BSE)
- Laboratori d'Economia EXperimental (LeeX), Departament d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona School of Economics (BSE)
Publications that are listed with RePEc:
Published by this institution:
- UFAE and IAE Working Papers, Unitat de Fonaments de l'Anàlisi Econòmica (UAB) and Institut d'Anàlisi Econòmica (CSIC)
- Grecs Computer Code, Research Group in Computation and Simulations (GRECS)
- Working Papers, Barcelona School of Economics
Authored by members of this institution
Authored by alumni of this institution, as identified in the RePEc Genealogy
People who have registered with RePEc and have claimed to be affiliated with this institution:
Their publications
Find all publications of all authors listed below conveniently compiled on IDEAS.
Their author profiles
Authors with publications are listed below with . We have lost contact with authors marked with ?, and they do not count towards the ranking of this institution. We would appreciate a note of their new email address or status.
- Alaoui, Larbi
- Amat, Oriol
- Apesteguia, Jose
- Arabaci, Emirhan
- Aragones, Enriqueta
- Armangue i Jubert, Tristany
- Arrunada, Benito
- Asriyan, Vladimir
- Balcells, Laia
- Baley, Isaac
- Banal-Estanol, Albert
- Barbera, Salvador
- Barrenechea Mendez, Marco Antonio
- Bernardo, Natalia
- Black, Ines
- Bosch-Domenech, Antoni
- Brandts, Jordi
- Bravo-Biosca, Albert
- Broner, Fernando
- Brownlees, Christian T.
- Burnat, Florian Alexandre David
- Bustos, Paula
- Caballe, Jordi
- Cabeza-Gutes, Maite
- Caggese, Andrea
- Calsamiglia, Xavier
- Caminal, Ramon
- Camps-Cura, Enriqueta
- Cardoso, Ana Rute
- Carreras, Albert
- Carril, Rodrigo
- Cerigioni, Francesco
- Ciccone, Antonio
- Cisneros, Juan Carlos
- Cornelissen, Gert
- Coronado, Javier
- Costas-Perez, Elena
- Creel, Michael
- Cuadras-Morato, Xavier
- de Armas, Jesica
- Debortoli, Davide
- de La Fuente, Angel
- Delventhal, Matthew Johnston
- Duggal, Mridula
- Durante, Ruben
- Eeckhout, Jan
- Elazab, Farida
- Ellman, Matthew
- Enikolopov, Ruben
- Epure, Mircea
- Esteban, Joan
- Esteban, Susanna
- Faltermeier, Julia
- Farre, Lidia
- Fernandez, Javier
- Ferrer, Rosa
- Ferrer-i-Carbonell, Ada
- Fiedler, Angela ?
- Fornaro, Luca
- Freire-Gonzalez, Jaume
- Freixas, Xavier
- Frug, Alexander
- Gali, Jordi
- Gambetti, Luca
- Ganuza, Juan-Jose
- Garcia-Fontes, Walter
- Garcia-Mila, Teresa
- Garcia Villar, Jaume
- Germano, Fabrizio
- Gierlinger, Johannes
- Gil-Bazo, Javier
- Glitz, Albrecht
- Gomez Biscarri, Javier
- Gonzalez, Libertad
- Goraya, Sampreet Singh
- Greenacre, Michael John
- Grignani, Maddalena
- Groeger, Andre
- Guirao, Fernando
- Guo, Bing
- Hauk, Esther
- Helfrich, Ian Taylor
- Hogarth, Robin Miles
- Hurkens, Sjaak
- Ippolito, Filippo
- Jeenas, Priit
- Jimenez-Martin, Sergi
- Klijn, Flip
- Lacomba, Anna Torres
- Laczo, Sarolta
- Le Menestrel, Marc
- Leon-CIliotta, Gianmarco
- Licandro, Omar
- Llavador, Humberto
- Llull, Joan
- Lopez Casasnovas, Guillem
- Lugosi, Gabor
- Luis, Masson-Guerra, Luis
- Macho-Stadler, Ines
- Marcet, Albert
- Marimon, Ramon
- Marquez Cebrian, M.Dolores
- Marti Beltran, Joan ?
- Martin, Alberto
- Martinez-Giralt, Xavier
- Martinez-Gonzalez, Jose Luis
- Martinez-Legaz, Juan Enrique
- Mas-Colell, Andreu
- Masi, Barbara
- Masso, Jordi
- Mauersberger, Felix
- Mayoral, Laura
- Menendez, Luis
- Mesters, Geert
- Mestieri, Marti
- Milan, Pau
- Miralles, Antonio
- Monras, Joan
- Moreno, Manuel
- Moreno, Natalia
- Moreno Gutierrez, Jose Fernando
- Motta, Massimo
- Mueller, Hannes Felix
- Muffak, Taib
- Nagel, Rosemarie Chariklia
- Nagy, David Krisztian
- Obiols-Homs, Francesc
- Obydenkova, Anastassia V.
- Ohanyan, Narek
- Olivella, Pau
- Ortun, Vicente
- Panades, Judith
- Papaspiliopoulos, Omiros
- Papioti, Katerina Chara
- Pascali, Luigi
- Payro Chew, Fernando
- Penaranda, Francisco
- Penta, Antonio
- Perez-Castrillo, David
- Perrone, Helena
- Petrova, Katerina
- Petrova, Maria
- Piolatto, Amedeo Stefano Edoardo
- Polo, Andrea
- Polo, Clemente ?
- Ponsati, Clara ?
- Ponzetto, Giacomo A. M.
- Prat, Julien
- Raymond, Josep
- Rodriguez Mendizabal, Hugo
- Rojas, Luis E.
- Rol, Irene
- Rosas, Jose Nicolas
- Rossi, Barbara
- Russo, Gianluca
- Salinas, Paula ?
- Salvadori, Luca
- Sancho, Ferran
- Santaeulalia-Llopis, Raul
- Sanz-de-Galdeano, Anna
- Satorra, Albert
- Schaal, Edouard
- Schlaepfer, Alain
- Serra, Daniel
- Shelegia, Sandro
- Suarez-Lledo, Jose ?
- Sureda-Gomila, Antoni
- Tarozzi, Alessandro
- Torres, Yeray III
- Trento, Stefano
- Trommlerova, Sofia Karina
- Udina, Frederic
- Vanasco, Victoria
- van den Bergh, Jeroen C.J.M.
- Ventura, Eva
- Ventura, Jaume
- Vila, Xavier
- Vladasel, Theodor
- Zakelj, Blaz
- Zapal, Jan
- Zhang, Tongbin
- Zhou, Weimin
Registered alumni from this institution
Their publications
Find all publications of all alumni listed below conveniently compiled on IDEAS.
Their author profiles
People who have
registered with RePEc and
have received their terminal degree from this institution according to the RePEc genealogy. Alumni with publications are listed below with .
- Abraham, Arpad J. (2002)
- Alcalde, Jose (1994)
- Aleman Pericon, Christian Daniel (2022)
- Almeida, Rita (2004)
- Alonso-Carrera, Jaime (1997)
- Alonso-Pauli, Eduard (2007)
- Amat, Oriol (1990)
- Ambrocio, Gene (2015)
- Amodio, Francesco (2015)
- Aparicio, Ainoa (2010)
- Armangue i Jubert, Tristany
- Arping, Stefan (1999)
- Ata Nurcan, Nur (2009)
- Azacis, Helmuts (2006)
- Ballester, Coralio (2005)
- Banal-Estanol, Albert (2003)
- Bauducco, Sofia (2009)
- Berga, Dolors (1997)
- Bermperoglou, Dimitrios (2015)
- Bru, Lluis (1999)
- Brückner, Markus (2010)
- Brutti, Filippo (2010)
- Buono, Ines (2008)
- Burgos, Albert (1995)
- Burlon, Lorenzo (2011)
- Calvo-Armengol, Antoni (2000)
- Camacho, Maximo (2001)
- Camina, Ester (2004)
- Campolmi, Alessia (2008)
- Cantala, David Sr. (2000)
- Caracciolo, Giacomo (2019)
- Caramuta, Diego (2012)
- Carceles-Poveda, Eva
- Cardona, Daniel (1997)
- Carpio, Miguel Angel (2008)
- Cecioni, Martina (2010)
- Cepeda-Lopez, Freddy (1998)
- Cervellati, Matteo (2005)
- Cespa, Giovanni (1999)
- Chamorro Rivas, Jose Maria (1997)
- Chioveanu, Ioana (2004)
- Chiseliov, Victoria (2023)
- Ciccarelli, Matteo (2001)
- Cingano, Federico (2005)
- Coelho, Danilo Santa Cruz (2004)
- Cojuharenco, Irina (2007)
- Comino, Stefano (2001)
- Comola, Margherita (2008)
- Conte, Bruno
- Contreras, Alfredo (2021)
- Coronado, Javier (2010)
- Dahm, Matthias (2002)
- Dam, Kaniska (2003)
- de Blas, Beatriz (2002)
- Debortoli, Davide (2008)
- de Frutos, Maria-Angeles (1994)
- de Haro, Jose Manuel (1999)
- Dejuan-Bitria, Daniel
- Delventhal, Matthew Johnston (2018)
- Devillanova, Carlo (1998)
- Dmitriev, Alexandre (2007)
- Dominguez, Begona (2002)
- Dumitrescu, Ariadna (2003)
- Ebell, Monique (2000) ?
- Erdem, Magdalena Anna (2010)
- Erdem, Orhan (2008)
- Ergun, Selim (2008)
- Fadinger, Harald (2008)
- Falcone, Stefano
- Felfe, Christina (2008)
- Fernandez, Cristina (2004)
- Fernandez, Melchor (1999)
- Ferrero, Giuseppe (2005)
- Ferroni, Filippo (2009)
- Flores Audante, Jairo
- Flores-Fillol, Ricardo (2007)
- Forlati, Chiara (2009)
- Franke, Joerg (2008)
- Freire-Seren, Maria Jesus (1999)
- Fumagalli, Chiara (2000)
- Fuster, Luisa (1994)
- Gambetti, Luca (2006)
- Garcia-Alonso, Maria del Carmen (1998)
- Garcia-Appendini, Emilia (2006)
- Garcia-Gomez, Pilar (2008)
- Garcia-Louzao, Jose (2019)
- Garcia Rodriguez, Marta (2024)
- Gnocchi, Stefano (2008)
- Gonzaga, Bruno (2018)
- Gradin, Carlos (1999)
- Grechyna, Daryna (2011)
- Grobovsek, Jan (2012)
- Grosskopf, Brit (2000)
- Gudmundsson, Gudmundur Stefan
- Guillen, Pablo (2004)
- Guo, Bing (2010)
- Gutierrez-Daza, Angelo (2022)
- Hauser, Daniela (2013)
- Hidalgo-Cabrillana, Ana (2003)
- Hoffmann, Peter (2011)
- Holthausen, Cornelia (1999)
- Houstecka, Anna (2020)
- Hromcova, Jana (1999)
- Huarancca Bellido, Mario Junior (2024)
- Huber, Stefanie Jeanette
- Ilkilic, Rahmi (2007)
- Jarocinska, Elena (2006)
- Jarocinski, Marek (2006)
- Jelovac, Izabela (1998)
- Jimenez-Martin, Sergi (1994)
- Jofre-Bonet, Mireia (1998)
- Jorge Gonzalez-Chapela, Jorge (2004)
- Kantorovitch, Ilja (2021)
- Kaya, Ezgi (2014)
- Kholodilin, Konstantin Arkadievich (2003)
- Kinateder, Markus (2008)
- Kovalenkov, Alexander (1998)
- Kwiatkowski, Andrzej (2010)
- Lacomba, Anna Torres (2001)
- Lanau, Sergi (2008)
- Lasak, Katarzyna (2007)
- Liang, Pinghan (2010)
- Lin, Liguo (2008)
- Linarello, Andrea (2014)
- Lipinska, Anna (2008)
- Liu, Qianshuo (2022)
- Llorente-Saguer, Aniol (2008)
- Lopez Marmolejo, Arnoldo (2007)
- Louis, Philippos (2012)
- Loviglio, Annalisa (2019)
- Lugon, Alejandro (2004)
- Maliar, Lilia
- Maliar, Serguei
- Manzano, Carolina (1996)
- Marmol, Francesc (1996)
- Marrero, Gustavo A. (2000)
- Marti Beltran, Joan (2007) ?
- Martinez, Catalina (1997)
- Medrano, Luis Angel (1995)
- Mele, Antonio (2009)
- Melero, Eduardo (2005)
- Menicucci, Domenico (2001)
- Menner, Martin (2005)
- Merlino, Luca Paolo (2009)
- Messner, Matthias (2002)
- Molinari, Benedetto (2008)
- Molnar, Krisztina (2006)
- Montesinos, Manuel Vicente
- Montoriol Garriga, Judit (2006)
- Montuenga, Victor M. (1998)
- Morales, Maria Fuensanta (2001)
- Moschitz, Julius (2004)
- Nakov, Anton A. (2007)
- Naval Navarro, Joaquin (2013)
- Neri, Stefano (2003)
- Nicolo', Antonio (2000)
- Nieddu, Marco Giovanni (2018)
- Nunes, Ricardo (2007)
- nunyez Sanz, Carmelo (2003)
- Nupia, Oskar (2007)
- Obiols-Homs, Francesc (1996)
- Pais, Joana Vaz (2005)
- Panades, Judith (2000)
- Pappa, Evi Paraskevi (2001)
- Parkhomenko, Andrii (2017)
- Parlane, Sarah (1997)
- Pavoni, Nicola (2000)
- Pereira, Isabel Medalho (2007)
- Perez Forero, Fernando (2013)
- Pescatori, Andrea (2006)
- Pica, Giovanni (2004)
- Pietrobon, Davide (2019)
- Pina, Goncalo (2013)
- Pina, Joaquim Pires (2001)
- Pinotti, Paolo (2009)
- Polome, Philippe (1998)
- Porteiro, Nicolas (2002)
- Profeta, Paola (2000)
- Pujolas, Pau S. (2013)
- Quesada, Antonio (1999)
- Racionero, Maria (2000)
- Ramos, Alejandra (2017)
- Rauh, Christopher (2014)
- Raurich, Xavier (1998)
- Reppa, Zoltan (2006) ?
- Ribas-Tur, Joan (2003)
- Rivas, M. Fernanda (2007)
- Rodriguez-Alvarez, Carmelo (2002)
- Romero, Damian (2021)
- Romero Medina, Antonio (1995)
- Romeu, Andres (2000)
- Rosolia, Alfonso (2005)
- Rousseau, Fabrice (1999)
- Ruggieri, Alessandro (2019)
- Sajons, Christoph (2012)
- Sanchez-Pages, Santiago (2003)
- Sangiorgi, Francesco (2007)
- Saure, Philip Ulrich (2005)
- Schwandt, Hannes (2012)
- Seldeslachts, Jo (2004)
- Sessa, Luca (2011)
- Shelegia, Sandro (2009)
- Silva, Francisco Jose Ferreira (2005)
- Socorro, M. Pilar (2004)
- Solano Garcia, Angel (2007)
- Sureda-Gomila, Antoni (2010)
- Tapsoba, Augustin (2019)
- Tesei, Andrea (2012)
- Ticchi, Davide (2004)
- Tribo, Josep A. (1997)
- Trujillo, Carlos Andres (2007)
- Turino, Francesco (2009)
- Ursino, Giovanni (2009)
- Valencia Caicedo, Felipe (2015)
- Valladares-Esteban, Arnau (2014)
- Valls-Junyent, Francesc (2001)
- Vanin, Paolo (2007)
- Vera-Hernandez, Marcos (2001)
- Veszteg, Robert Ferenc (2004)
- Vida, Peter (2006)
- Vilalta-Bufi, Montserrat (2008)
- Voigtlaender, Nico (2008)
- Vorsatz, Marc (2005)
- Wang, Yiru
- Williams, Tomas (2017)
- Xefteris, Dimitrios (2009)
- Yamunaque Zavala, Diego Enrique (2021)
- Zakelj, Blaz (2012)
- Zuleta, Hernando (2003)
- Zymek, Robert (2011)
Events listed in the Economics Virtual Seminar Calendar
- "Is Development Innovation a Good Investment? Which Innovations Scale? Evidence onSocial Investing from USAID’s Development Innovation Ventures" presented by Michael Kremer
On 2020-05-26 at 17:00 UTC+02 iCal calendar entry
Virtual Development Economics Seminar Series
Fields: Development
Link to seminar: YouTube
Submitted by Philipp Kastrau, seminar id 239 - "Reshaping Adolescents' Gender Attitudes: Evidence from a School-Based Experiment in India" presented by Seema Jayachandran
On 2020-05-12 at 17:00 UTC+02 iCal calendar entry
Virtual Development Economics Seminar Series
Fields: Development
Registration is required: Link
Link to seminar: Zoom
IDEAS abstract page
Submitted by Philipp Kastrau, seminar id 175 - "Is Development Innovation a Good Investment? Which Innovations Scale? Evidence on Social Investing from USAID’s Development Innovation Ventures" presented by Michael Kremer
On 2020-05-01 at 12:00 UTC00 iCal calendar entry
Virtual Development Economics Seminar Series
Fields: Development
Link to seminar: YouTube
Submitted by Philipp Kastrau, seminar id 237
Corrections about details of this institutions should be sent to the team. Corrections about the member listing should be made by the members themselves by adjusting their affiliations at the RePEc Author Service. Adding or correcting alumni is done at the RePEc Genealogy by anyone with a RePEc author account. Serials from this institution can be added with the Publisher-Institution: RePEc:edi:bargses line in the series template of their RePEc archive. If there is no local RePEc archive, follow these instructions to create one to have the local publications listed on RePEc services.
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