Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World
World Bank Group
Location: Washington, District of Columbia (United States)
Phone: (202) 477-1234
Postal: 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20433
Handle: RePEc:edi:wrldbus
Areas or Functions: International Organizations, Ministries of Economic Development
Phone: (202) 477-1234
Postal: 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20433
Handle: RePEc:edi:wrldbus
Areas or Functions: International Organizations, Ministries of Economic Development
Subentities listed with EDIRC:
- Aid Effectiveness Research, World Bank Group
- Development Dialogue on Values and Ethics, World Bank Group
- Economics Research, World Bank Group
- Development Research Group, Economics Research, World Bank Group
- Data Group, Economics Research, World Bank Group
- Environmental Economics and Indicators Unit, World Bank Group
- Europe and Central Asia Region, World Bank Group
- Finance and Private Sector Research, World Bank Group
- Human Development Network Social Protection & Labor (HDNSP) Unit, World Bank Group
- Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank Group
- International Bank for Reconstruction & Development (IBRD), World Bank Group
- International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, World Bank Group
- International Development Association (IDA), World Bank Group
- International Finance Corporation (IFC), World Bank Group
- Macroeconomics and Growth Research, World Bank Group
- Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), World Bank Group
- Policy Research Department, World Bank Group
- Poverty and Equity Global Practice, World Bank Group
- Research Advisory Staff (RAD), World Bank Group
- Social Protection and Labor Unit, World Bank Group
- Trade and International Integration, World Bank Group
- World Bank Institute, World Bank Group
Publications that are listed with RePEc:
Published by this institution:
- World Bank - Discussion Papers, World Bank
- Papers, World Bank - Global Environment Facility
- Papers, World Bank - The World Bank Environment Paper
- Papers, World Bank - International Finance Corporation
- Papers, World Bank - Industry and Energy Department
- Papers, World Bank - Living Standards Measurement
- Papers, World Bank - Technical Papers
- The World Bank Economic Review, World Bank
- The World Bank Research Observer, World Bank
- Policy Research Working Paper Series, The World Bank
- Policy Research Notes (PRNs), The World Bank
- Research and Policy Briefs, The World Bank
- Social Protection Discussion Papers and Notes, The World Bank
- World Bank - Economic Premise, The World Bank
- World Bank - Inequality in Focus, The World Bank
- World Bank Publications - Books, The World Bank Group
- World Bank Publications - Reports, The World Bank Group
- Health, Nutrition and Population (HNP) Discussion Paper Series, The World Bank
- Health, Nutrition and Population (HNP) Knowledge Briefs, The World Bank
- Global Poverty Monitoring Technical Note Series, The World Bank
- Jobs Group Papers, Notes, and Guides, The World Bank
- Education Working Papers, The World Bank
- Education Notes, The World Bank
- Reports, World Bank Latin America and the Caribean Region Department
Authored by members of this institution
Authored by alumni of this institution, as identified in the RePEc Genealogy
People who have registered with RePEc and have claimed to be affiliated with this institution:
Their publications
Find all publications of all authors listed below conveniently compiled on IDEAS.
Their author profiles
Authors with publications are listed below with . We have lost contact with authors marked with ?, and they do not count towards the ranking of this institution. We would appreciate a note of their new email address or status.
- Abebe, Girum
- Aboutajdine, Reda
- Acosta, Pablo A.
- Adams, Richard H. Jr.
- Adarov, Amat
- Adelman, Melissa
- Afrin, Sadia
- Aga, Gemechu Ayana
- Agapitova, Natalia
- Aguirre, Gabriel
- Ahmed, Syud Amer
- Akeel, Randa A.
- Alfandari, Gilles
- Ali, Daniel Ayalew
- Alik-Lagrange, Arthur
- Alnashar, Sara B.
- Alvarado Enciso, Alfredo Manuel Sr.
- Alvarado Perez, Betty Margot ?
- Ambel, Alemayehu Azeze
- Amin, Mohammad
- Amjad, Beenish
- Anderson, James Horton
- Anderson, James L.
- Anderson, Jock R.
- Andree, Bo Pieter Johannes
- Andres, Luis Alberto
- Angel-Urdinola, Diego F.
- Anos-Casero, Paloma
- Anukriti, S
- Apella, Ignacio
- Araujo, Edson C.
- Ardic, Oya Pinar
- Arias, Omar
- Arroyo Marioli, Francisco
- Artuc, Erhan
- Arvanitis, Yannis
- Atamanov, Aziz
- Aterido, Reyes
- Auffret, Philippe
- Avitabile, Ciro
- Aykut, Dilek
- Azevedo, Joao Pedro
- B, Valentine Joseph Gandhi
- Bachas, Pierre
- Backiny-Yetna, Prospere
- Baduel, Benedicte
- Baez, Javier Eduardo
- Baffes, John
- Baghdadi, Leila
- Balabushko, Oleksii
- Balcazar, Carlos Felipe
- Ballon, Paola
- Baron, Juan David
- Basak, Rishi
- Bastian, Gautam Gustav
- Bastos, Paulo
- Batana, Yele Maweki
- Beath, Andrew Lance
- Beegle, Kathleen
- Behar, Alberto
- Behrer, Arnold Patrick
- Benitez, Daniel Alberto
- Berg, Gunhild
- Bhattacharya, Soma
- Blankespoor, Brian
- Blimpo, Moussa P.
- Blom, Andreas
- Bodor, Andras
- Bogetic, Zeljko
- Bogoev, Jane
- Borja-Vega, Christian Sr.
- Bossavie, Laurent Loic Yves
- Bougna, Theophile
- Bouye, Eric
- Bouzid, Bechir
- Bowen, Derick
- Braga, Cicero Augusto Silveira
- Brenton, Paul Anthony ?
- Brixi, Hana Polackova
- Bruhn, Miriam
- Buehren, Niklas
- Bundervoet, Tom
- Burns, Andrew Rossini
- Bussolo, Maurizio
- Calderon, Cesar A.
- Cali, Massimiliano
- Calice, Pietro
- Camos, Daniel
- Campos, Francisco
- Canagarajah, R. Sudharshan
- Canavire-Bacarreza, Gustavo Javier
- Cangoz, Mehmet Coskun
- Canuto, Otaviano
- Carbonel, Eduardo A.
- Carletto, Calogero
- Carneiro, Francisco G.
- Carranza, Eliana
- Caruso, German Daniel
- Casley Gera, Ravinder Madron
- Castaneda, Juan-Pablo
- Castaneda, R. Andres
- Castaneda Nunez, Jorge Luis
- Castellanos-Rodriguez, Luis Eduardo
- Castro, Lucio
- Celiku, Bledi
- Chan, Rosanna C.
- Chaudhury, Nazmul
- Cheng, Ruijie
- Chinzara, Zivanemoyo
- Cho, Yoonyoung
- Choi, Jieun
- Choudhary, Rishabh
- Chowdhury, Afra Rahman
- Chowdhury, Ibrahim
- Christensen, Martin
- Christiaensen, Luc
- Christian, Paul
- Chuah, Lay Lian
- Cirera, Xavier
- Clarke, Daniel J.
- Cloutier, Mathieu
- Cojocaru, Alexandru
- Contreras, Ivette
- Coppola, Andrea
- Corral Rodas, Paul Andres
- Cortez, Rafael A
- Coulibaly, Souleymane
- Croke, Kevin
- Cruz, Marcio
- Cuesta, Jose
- Cull, Robert
- Cunningham, Wendy
- Cust, James
- Dahal, Mahesh
- Dailami, Mansoor
- Dang, Hai-Anh H.
- Daniels, Benjamin
- D'Aoust, Olivia
- Das, Maitreyi Bordia
- Das Gupta, Monica
- Dasgupta, Susmita
- Debebe, Zelalem Yilma
- Decerf, Benoit
- Deichmann, Uwe
- Deininger, Klaus W.
- Delavallade, Clara
- Del Carpio, Ximena V.
- Demekas, Dimitri
- Demirguc-Kunt, Asli
- Demombynes, Gabriel
- de Nicola, Francesca
- De Rosa, Donato ?
- Dessus, Sebastien
- de Walque, Damien
- Diagne, Mame Fatou
- Diaz-Sanchez, Jose Luis
- Didier, Tatiana
- Diez-Amigo, Sandro
- Dihel, Nora Carina
- Di Maro, Vincenzo
- Dinarte Diaz, Lelys
- Ding, Yuheng
- Divanbeigi, Raian
- Do, Quy-Toan
- Dobronogov, Anton
- Donald, Aletheia
- Doumbia, Djeneba
- Drebentsov, Vladimir ?
- Duhaut, Alice
- Dulal, Hari Bansha
- Duman, Erkan
- Dunsch, Felipe Alexander
- Duponchel, Marguerite
- Elmallakh, Nelly
- Englander, Gabriel
- Engozogo Mba, Leopold
- Eozenou, Patrick
- Ernesto Sanchez-Triana, Ernesto
- Ersado, Lire
- Evans, Brooks F.
- Evgeniev, Evgeni
- Fajardo-Gonzalez, Johanna
- Fan, Xibo
- Farah-Yacoub, Juan Pablo
- Farole, Thomas
- Fatoke Dato, Mafaizath A.
- Fattal Jaef, Roberto N.
- Fay, Marianne
- Feder, Gershon
- Fernandes, Ana Margarida
- Ferre, Celine
- Ferro, Esteban
- Fiess, Norbert M.
- Filho, Marcello de Moura
- Filmer, Deon
- Finn, Arden Jeremy
- Fischer, Carolyn
- Flochel, Thomas
- Floreani, Vincent Arthur
- Flowerday, Wayde Thomas
- Forero, Alejandro
- Fraccaroli, Nicolo
- Francis, David C.
- Francisco, Manuela
- Franco-Bedoya, Sebastian
- Francois, John Nana
- Freije-Rodriguez, Samuel
- Freinkman, Lev
- Friedman, Jed
- Fuselli, Silvia
- Gaddis, Isis
- Galal, Rami
- Galasso, Emanuela
- Galdo, Virgilio
- Galindev, Ragchaasuren
- Garcia-Santana, Manuel
- Gatti, Roberta
- Gauri, Varun
- Geiger, Michael
- Gethin, Amory
- Gevaudan, Clement
- Ghani, Ejaz
- Ghorpade, Yashodhan
- Ghose, Devaki
- Gigler, Bjorn-Soren ?
- Giles, John
- Gine, Xavier
- Giuffrida, Antonio
- Giuliano, Fernando
- Go, Delfin Sia
- Goh, Chor-Ching
- Goldstein, Markus P.
- Gomez-Mera, Laura
- Gomez-Parra, Nicolas Sr.
- Gonzalez, Alvaro S.
- Gootiiz, Batshur
- Gortazar, Lucas
- Gould, David M.
- Gourlay, Sydney
- Goyal, Aparajita
- Grover, Arti
- Guedegbe, Onasis
- Gui-Diby, Steve Loris
- Guilbert, Nathalie
- Gurenko, Eugene N.
- Gutierrez, Juan Julio
- Gutierrez-Rocha, Mario
- Ha, Jongrim
- Hahn, Ryan
- Haimovich, Francisco
- Hakobyan, Artavazd
- Halim, Daniel
- Hallegatte, Stephane
- Hallward-Driemeier, Mary
- Hasan, Amer
- Henriquez, Claudia A.
- Hernandez-Hernandez, Emilio
- Herrera Dappe, Matias
- Hill, Ruth Vargas
- Honorati, Maddalena
- Hoppe, Mombert
- Horenstein, Matias David
- Hostland, Doug ?
- Hovhannisyan, Shoghik
- Hoy, Christopher
- Huang, Yang
- Hynes, William M.
- Iacovone, Leonardo
- Ianchovichina, Elena Ivanova
- Iimi, Atsushi
- Ilukor, John
- Inan, Osman Kaan
- Inchauste, Gabriela
- Iootty, Mariana
- Islam, Asif
- Islamaj, Ergys
- Ivanic, Maros
- Ize, Alain
- Jacoby, Hanan ?
- Jadotte, Evans
- Jaramillo, Patricio A.
- Jarotschkin, Alexandra
- Jaud, Melise
- Jha, Abhas K.
- Jia, Yueqing
- Jolevski, Filip
- Jolliffe, Dean
- Joseph, George
- Joubert, Clement
- Kandpal, Eeshani
- Kanz, Martin
- Karamba, Wendy
- Kassa, Woubet
- Kee, Hiau Looi
- Kelleher, Kieran
- Kendall, Jake
- Khadan, Jeetendra
- Khan, Amjad Muhammad
- Khan, Nazmus Sadat
- Khan, Tehmina Shaukat
- Khemani, Stuti
- Khurana, Saloni
- Kida, Mizuho ?
- Kilic, Talip
- Kim, Young Eun ?
- Kitzmuller, Markus
- Klapper, Leora F.
- Knaack, Peter
- Kobayashi, Mimako
- Koehling, Wolfgang
- Koettl, Johannes
- Koh, Wee Chian
- Kondylis, Florence
- Koroknay-Palicz, Tricia Gonwa
- Kose, Ayhan
- Kouame, Wilfried A.
- Kraay, Aart
- Kubota, Keiko ?
- Kubota, Megumi
- Kumar, Pranav
- Kunaka, Charles
- Kunth, Antoine ?
- Kuriakose, Anne T.
- Lach, Samantha
- Lakatos, Csilla
- Lakner, Christoph
- Lall, Somik V.
- Lang, Megan
- Lara Ibarra, Gabriel
- Le, Duong Trung
- Leano, Jose Miguel ?
- Lebrand, Mathilde
- Lederman, Daniel
- Lee, Jean Nahrae
- Lee, Kyung Min
- Lee, Woori
- Lehr, Ulrike G.
- Lemos, Renata
- Levin, Victoria
- Loayza, Norman V.
- Lokshin, Michael
- Lopez, Humberto
- Lopez Acevedo, Gladys Cristina
- Lopez-Calva, Luis F
- Lopez-Cordova, Jose Ernesto
- Loureiro, Andre Oliveira Ferreira
- Love, Inessa
- Lozano-Gracia, Nancy
- Lugo, Maria Ana
- Lundberg, Mattias
- Luttini, Emiliano
- Macchi, Patricia
- Macdonald, Kevin Alan David
- Maemir, Hibret Belete
- Magnoli Bocchi, Alessandro
- Mahdi, Shireen
- Makovec, Mattia
- Malik, Kabir
- Maloney, William F.
- Mansour, Wael
- Mansuri, Ghazala
- Marcelo, Darwin ?
- Mare, Davide Salvatore
- Marotta, Daniela
- Marty, Robert
- Mathema, Ashna S.
- Mattoo, Aaditya
- Maur, Jean-Christophe
- Mauro, Paolo
- Mawejje, Joseph
- McGee, Kevin
- McIsaac, Florent John
- McKenzie, David
- Medinaceli, Sergio Mauricio
- Medvedev, Denis
- Meisner, Craig Michael
- Mekonnen, Dawit Kelemework
- Melecký, Martin
- Mendes, Arthur Galego Sr.
- Mendez Ramos, Fabian
- Mengistae, Taye
- Merrett, Danielle
- Mete, Cem
- Meyer, Moritz
- Mihalyi, David
- Milanovic, Branko
- Milante, Gary John
- Milazzo, Annamaria
- Mileva, Elitza
- Miningou, Elise Wend-Lassida ?
- Miranda, Juan Jose
- Mishra, Saurabh
- Mistiaen, Johan Andre
- Miyata, Sachiko
- Moelders, Florian
- Mohpal, Aakash
- Mohtadi, Hamid
- Molina, Ezequiel
- Moller, Lars Christian
- Monchuk, Daniel Charles
- Mont, Daniel M.
- Montalvao, Joao
- Montenegro, Claudio E.
- Montfaucon, Angella Faith
- Morgandi, Matteo
- Morisset, Jacques
- Moylan, Heather
- Mu, Yibin
- Mukim, Megha
- Mulabdic, Alen
- Muller, Noel
- Murthi, Mamta
- Music, Almedina
- Muzi, Silvia
- Mveyange, Anthony
- Mylonas, Victor
- Nadeem, Farah
- Nagle, Peter Stephen Oliver
- Nakamura, Shohei
- Namit, Kabira
- Nandwa, Boaz
- Narayan, Ambar
- Narrod, Clare Allyson
- Nebiler, Metin
- Negre, Mario
- Negri, Mariano
- Newhouse, David Locke
- Nganou, Jean-Pascal N.
- Nguyen, Minh Cong
- Ngwenya, Phindile Abigail
- Nie, Owen
- Nikolov, Plamen V
- Norambuena, Vivian
- Nouve, Kofi L.
- Nsababera, Olive
- Nunez-Chaim, Gonzalo I
- Obidegwu, Chukwuma F.
- Ohnsorge, Franziska Lieselotte
- Okunogbe, Oyebola
- Olaberria, Eduardo A.
- Olivieri, Sergio
- Olters, Jan-Peter ?
- Onder, Harun
- Orozco-Olvera, Victor Hugo
- Oseni, Gbemisola
- Osorio Rodarte, Israel
- Ospino Rojas, Anderson ?
- O'Sullivan, Michael
- Ozden, Caglar
- Ozler, Berk
- Paci, Pierella
- Pagiola, Stefano
- Palacios, Robert Joseph
- Palacios-Lopez, Amparo
- Pallan, Hayley Marie
- Paolantonio, Adriana
- Pape, Utz Johann
- Papineni, Sreelakshmi
- Parra, Juan Carlos
- Paternostro, Stefano
- Pedraza, Alvaro
- Pelaez Sierra, Sergio
- Pennings, Steven
- Pereira-Lopez, Mariana
- Perotti, Valeria
- Phadera, Lokendra
- Piaggio, Matias
- Piatkowski, Marcin
- Pierola, Martha Denisse
- Piffaretti, Nadia F.
- Pimkina, Svetlana
- Piza, Caio
- Plaza, Sonia
- Pleninger, Regina
- Pollitt, Hector
- Portugal-Perez, Alberto
- Prasann, Ashesh
- Premand, Patrick
- Prinz, Daniel
- Pruteanu-Podpiera, Anca Maria
- Prydz, Espen Beer
- Puri, Jyotsna
- Qian, Rong
- Raballand, Gael
- Radyakin, Sergiy
- Ragasa, Catherine Ragasa
- Raghav, Devvrat
- Raju, Dhushyanth
- Rama, Martin
- Ramalho, Rita
- Ranzani, Marco
- Rao, Vijayendra
- Ratha, Dilip
- Raza, Wameq A.
- Record, Richard James Lowden
- Reed, Tristan
- Reichert, Arndt
- Rentschler, Jun E.
- Reyes, Jose-Daniel
- Reyes Hartley, Gonzalo
- Rigolini, Iamele
- Rijkers, Bob Martinus Johannes
- Robalino, David Alejandro
- Robayo, Monica
- Robayo-Abril, Monica
- Roberts, Mark
- Rocha, Nadia
- Rodella, Aude-Sophie
- Rodriguez-Castelan, Carlos
- Rodriguez-Chamussy, Lourdes
- Rodriguez Meza, Jorge Luis
- Rodriguez Takeuchi, Laura
- Rogers, Frederic Halsey
- Rogger, Daniel
- Rojas Guzman, Claudio
- Romero, Jose Manuel
- Rouanet, Lea Marie
- Roy, Sutirtha Sinha
- Rozo, Sandra V.
- Ruch, Franz Ulrich
- Ruiz Ortega, Claudia
- Ruta, Giovanni
- Saavedra, Jaime
- Sabarwal, Shwetlena
- Sahin, Sebnem
- Sajaia, Zurab
- Salcedo, Rodrigo
- Saldarriaga, Miguel Angel
- Salgado, Edgar
- Salgado Chavez, Edgar
- Saliola, Federica
- Samad, Hussain A.
- Samano, Agustin
- Sampi, James
- Sanchez, Susana M.
- Sanchez-Martin, Miguel Eduardo
- Sanchez Puerta, Maria Laura
- Sangraula, Prem
- Santacroce, Marco
- Saslavsky, Daniel
- Sautmann, Anja
- Schady, Norbert
- Schmillen, Achim Daniel
- Schmukler, Sergio Luis
- Schnitzer, Pascale
- Schoder, Christian
- Schuettler, Kirsten
- Scot, Thiago
- Sebastian, Ashwini R
- Seetahul, Suneha
- Seitz, William
- Seker, Murat
- Selod, Harris
- Semlali, Amina
- Serajuddin, Umar
- Seshan, Ganesh K.
- Shah, Anwar
- Shapira, Gil
- Sharma, Manohar P.
- Sharma, Siddharth
- Shaukat, Mahvish
- Shilpi, Forhad
- Silva, Joana
- Silwal, Ani Rudra
- Simler, Kenneth
- Singer, Dorothe
- Singh, Raju Jan
- Singh, Sudhir K.
- Sinha, Rishabh
- Skoufias, Emmanuel
- Sluchynsky, Oleksiy
- Smets, Lodewijk
- Smits, Karlis
- Sohnesen, Thomas Pave
- Solmaz, Serhat
- Sommer, Konstantin
- Sondergaard, Lars Michael
- Sotnikov, Sergey
- Sousa, Liliana D.
- Stacy, Brian William
- Steele, Diane ?
- Steinbach, Max Rudibert
- Steinbuks, Jevgenijs
- Stephanou, Constantinos
- Stoeterau, Jonathan
- Stokenberga, Aiga
- Strand, Jon
- Sun, Shuqiao
- Sun, Yan ?
- Suphachalasai, Suphachol ?
- Tafere, Kibrom
- Taglioni, Daria
- Takamatsu, Shinya
- Tamkoc, M Nazim
- Tan, Shawn Weiming
- Tandon, Sharad Alan
- Tas, Emcet O.
- Taylor, Ashley D.
- Tchana Tchana, Fulbert
- Temesgen, Tilahun
- Thirumalai, Srinivasan
- Timilsina, Govinda R.
- Timmis, Jonathan
- Tiwari, Sailesh
- Torre, Ivan
- Torres, Jesica
- Tortarolo, Dario
- Tréguer, David
- Tsimpo, Clarence Nkengne
- Tullis, Christopher Boyd
- Ubfal, Diego Javier
- Ulku, Hulya
- Urrego, Joaquin A.
- Vaillant, Julia
- Vakis, Renos
- van den Berg, Caroline H.J.M. ?
- van der Weide, Roy
- van de Walle, Dominique
- van Doorn, Ralph
- van Oudheusden, Peter
- Varela, Gonzalo J.
- Vasishtha, Garima
- Vergara-Cobos, Estefania Belen
- Verner, Dorte
- Vijil, Mariana
- von der Goltz, Jan
- von Uexkull, Erik
- Vostroknutova, Ekaterina
- Vulovic, Violeta
- Wagle, Swarnim
- Wang, He
- Wang, Yan
- Weber, Michael
- Were, Tom Tito
- Winkler, Deborah
- Winkler, Hernan Jorge
- Wood, Christina A.
- Woolcock, Michael
- Wright, Kelsey A.
- Xie, Zoe
- Yamauchi, Futoshi
- Yanez-Pagans, Monica
- Yang, Judy
- Yemtsov, Ruslan G.
- Yoshino, Yutaka
- Yu, Shu
- Zahedi, Razieh ?
- Zaidi, Salman
- Zambrano, Andres
- Zanette, Simone
- Zaourak, Gabriel
- Zavacka, Veronika
- Zaveri, Esha D.
- Zeni, Federica
- Zeufack, Albert G.
- Zezza, Alberto
- Zhu, Tingting Juni
- Zhu, Xiao'ou
- Zia, Bilal
Registered alumni from this institution
Their publications
Find all publications of all alumni listed below conveniently compiled on IDEAS.
Their author profiles
People who have
registered with RePEc and
have received their terminal degree from this institution according to the RePEc genealogy. Alumni with publications are listed below with .
- Pallan, Hayley Marie (2022)
Corrections about details of this institutions should be sent to the team. Corrections about the member listing should be made by the members themselves by adjusting their affiliations at the RePEc Author Service. Adding or correcting alumni is done at the RePEc Genealogy by anyone with a RePEc author account. Serials from this institution can be added with the Publisher-Institution: RePEc:edi:wrldbus line in the series template of their RePEc archive. If there is no local RePEc archive, follow these instructions to create one to have the local publications listed on RePEc services.
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