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Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World

Faculty of Economics

National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE)

Location: Moscow, Russia
Homepage: http://economics.hse.ru/

Phone: +7(495)7713232
Fax: +7(495)6287931
Postal: Moscow 101987, Myasnitskaya street, 20
Handle: RePEc:edi:fehseru
Areas or Functions:

People who have registered with RePEc and have claimed to be affiliated with this institution:

Their publications
Find all publications of all authors listed below conveniently compiled on IDEAS.

Their author profiles
Authors with publications are listed below with . We have lost contact with authors marked with ?, and they do not count towards the ranking of this institution. We would appreciate a note of their new email address or status.

  1. Agamirova, Maria
  2. Akoz, Kemal Kivanc
  3. Aleskerov, Fuad
  4. Ananyin, Oleg Igorevich
  5. Andreev, Nikolay
  6. Anikeev, Kirill Sr.
  7. Antsygina, Anastasia
  8. Atnashev, Marat Mikhailovich
  9. Avdasheva, Svetlana
  10. Avtonomov, Vladimir
  11. Bakhmetyev, Sergey
  12. Bashina, Aleksandra Sergeevna
  13. Bednova, Maria
  14. Berzon, Nikolay I.
  15. Bessonov, Vladimir A.
  16. Besstremyannaya, Galina
  17. Bogataya, Svetlana Ivanovna
  18. Borodin, Alexander Ivanovich
  19. Boytsova, Tatiana M.
  20. Bronevich, Andrey G.
  21. Bukin, Kirill A
  22. Burmistrova, Elena Borisovna
  23. Busygin, Vladimir Petrovich
  24. Celik, Levent
  25. Chapkovski, Philipp
  26. Chelekhovskiy, Alexander
  27. Cherkasova, Victoria
  28. Chuhay, Roman
  29. Dagaev, Dmitry
  30. Daryin, Alexander
  31. Dementiev, Andrei
  32. Demidova, Olga A.
  33. Dobrynskaya, Victoria
  34. Dolgikh, Sofiia
  35. Dolgopyatova, Tatiana
  36. Dzagurova, Nataliya
  37. Egorova, Lyudmila
  38. Elkina, Mariia
  39. Ermolova, Maria
  40. Evdokimov, Piotr
  41. Evdokimova, Mariia Sergeevna
  42. Fedorovykh, Danil
  43. Fomkina, Sofya
  44. Friedman, Alla
  45. Gabova, Ekaterina
  46. Galanova, Alexandra Vladimirovna
  47. Galeev, Anton
  48. Gasiukova, Elena
  49. Gass, Tatiana
  50. Glukh, Varvara Serg
  51. Gorelaya, Natalia V.
  52. Gregory, Kantorovich Gregory
  53. Grigorieva, Svetlana
  54. Grigorieva, Tatiana Ivanovna
  55. Grishunin, Sergei
  56. Gushcha, Natalya
  57. Gyzikova, Polina
  58. Ivashkovskaya, Irina V.
  59. Jabir, Jean-Francois Mehdi
  60. Kalinin, Alexey Mikhailovitch
  61. Karabekyan, Daniel
  62. Karamysheva, Madina
  63. Karev, Mikhail Georgievitch
  64. Karminsky, Alexandr M.
  65. Karpov, Alexander
  66. Kavitskaya, Irina
  67. Kayasheva, Elena
  68. Kazakova, Ekaterina
  69. Khabina, Ella
  70. Khaitkulov, Ruslan
  71. Kim, Igor
  72. Kiselev, Eduard
  73. Kiselgof, Sofya
  74. Klyukin, Peter Nickolaevich
  75. Knyazeva, Valeria
  76. Kokorev, Dmitry
  77. Kokoreva, Maria
  78. Kolosnitsyna, Marina G.
  79. Kompantseva, Ekaterina Igorevna
  80. Koptilina, Daria
  81. Kossova, Tatiana
  82. Kotyrlo, Elena
  83. Kryuchkova, Polina
  84. Kulakova, Tatiana Vladimirovna
  85. Kurbangaleev, Marat
  86. Kurochkin, Sergey Vladimirovich
  87. Kutepova, Natalia Ivanovna
  88. Kuznecova, Karine Kuznecova
  89. Kuznetsov, Boris
  90. Kuznetsov, Ivan Sr.
  91. Lapshin, Victor
  92. Lazareva, Olga
  93. Lepskiy, Alexander
  94. Levando, Dmitry
  95. Levin, Mark Josef
  96. Levina, Evgeniya
  97. Lezhnina, Yulia
  98. Lobanov, Sergey Grigorevich
  99. Makarov, Andrey
  100. Makeeva, Elena
  101. Malakhovskaya, Oxana
  102. Masutin, Alexey
  103. Matveeva, Tatiana
  104. Maximova, Margarita
  105. Mayskaya, Tatiana
  106. Melnik, Denis
  107. Mishin, Arsenii
  108. Molostvov, Vitaly Serafimovich
  109. Mordvinova, Maria
  110. Morozova, Kseniia
  111. Motorin, Vladimir
  112. Muhina, Al'bina Serafimovna
  113. Murychev, Alexander Sr.
  114. Myasnikov, Alexander
  115. Napedenina, Anastasiya
  116. Nartikoev, Alan
  117. Nenovsky, Nikolay Nenov
  118. Novikova, Irina
  119. Nureev, Rustem Makhmutovich
  120. Olshevski, Andrey Aleksandrovich
  121. Osman, Omar
  122. Ovanesova, Yulia S.
  123. Pakhardymova, Anna Sergeevna
  124. Parkhomenko, Alexander V. ?
  125. Pechenik, Dmitry Igorevich
  126. Pekarski, Sergey
  127. Peresetsky, Anatoly
  128. Pilnik, Nikolay
  129. Pirogov, Nikita
  130. Platonov, Konstantin
  131. Podinovskii, Vladislav Vladimirovich
  132. Podkolzina, Elena
  133. Podukhovich, Dmitry
  134. Pogorelova, Polina Vyacheslavovna
  135. Pokatovich, Elena
  136. Poliakov, Nikolay L.
  137. Polyakov, Konstantin
  138. Polyakova, Marina
  139. Popova, Elena Vladimirovna
  140. Potanin, Bogdan
  141. Rakuta, Natalya
  142. Romanov, Igor
  143. Rozanova, Nadezhda Mikhailovna
  144. Rubin, Alexander Sr.
  145. Rudakov, Victor
  146. Rumyantseva, Ekaterina Vladimirovna
  147. Salimova, Alfiya
  148. Saltykov, Sergey
  149. Sandomirskaia, Marina
  150. Sapunkova, Nataliya
  151. Savina, Tatiana Fedorovna
  152. Semerikova, Elena
  153. Seregina, Svetlana
  154. Shabanova, Marina
  155. Shcherba, Alexandr Vladimirovich ?
  156. Shelovanova, Tatiana
  157. Sheluntcova, Maria Aleksandrovna
  158. Shilnikova, Irina Veniaminovna
  159. Shilova, Nadezhda Viktorovna
  160. Shkaratan, Ovsey
  161. Sholomitskiy, Aleksey
  162. Slobodenyuk, Ekaterina
  163. Smirnov, Aleksei
  164. Smirnov, Sergey
  165. Smirnov, Sergey V.
  166. Smirnykh, Larisa
  167. Sokolova, Tatiana V.
  168. Solodkov, Vasily
  169. Stankevich, Ivan Pavlovich
  170. Staritsyna, Elena Alexseevna
  171. Stepanov, Sergey
  172. Stepanova, Anastasia N.
  173. Surinov, Aleksandr Surinov
  174. Sushentsova, Maria Sergeevna
  175. Suvorov, Anton
  176. Syunyaev, Georgiy
  177. Tabakh, Anton
  178. Tarasov, Alexander
  179. Tarasova, Polina Viktorovna
  180. Teteryatnikova, Mariya
  181. Tikhonova, Nataliya Evgenievna
  182. Titova, Ekaterina
  183. Tomtosov, Aleksandr
  184. Tremewan, James
  185. Turovsky, Rostislav
  186. Udaltsov, Valery
  187. Ujegov, Alexei
  188. Ulitskaya, Sofya
  189. Ulugova, Aziza
  190. Vakulenko, Elena S.
  191. Veretennikova, Maria
  192. Vershinina, Polina Vladimirovna
  193. Veselov, Dmitry A.
  194. Vinareva, Elizaveta Vladimirovna
  195. Volkov, Anton
  196. Volskiy, Vladimir
  197. Voskoboynikov, Ilya B.
  198. Yastrebov, Gordey
  199. Yazykov, Artem
  200. Yusupova, Guzel
  201. Zakharov, Alexei V.
  202. Zamulin, Oleg A.
  203. Zasimova, Liudmila
  204. Zavarina, Elena Sergeevna
  205. Zhilyaev, Mikhail
  206. Zholkov, Sergei Yurievich
  207. Zhukova, Liudmila
  208. Zvezdina, Nataliya Valerievna

Registered alumni from this institution

Their publications
Find all publications of all alumni listed below conveniently compiled on IDEAS.

Their author profiles
People who have registered with RePEc and have received their terminal degree from this institution according to the RePEc genealogy. Alumni with publications are listed below with .

  1. Ampilogov, Andrey (2011)
  2. Kamalova, Rita (2013)
  3. Karabekyan, Daniel (2012)
  4. Karpov, Alexander (2012)
  5. Martemyanov, Yury P. (2012)
  6. Meshcheryakov, Andrey
  7. Popova, Elena Vladimirovna (2010)
  8. Popova, Svetlana (2015)
  9. Semerikova, Elena
  10. Shulgin, Andrei (2016)
  11. Sukhomlinov, Alexander (2019)
  12. Veselov, Dmitry A. (2012)


Corrections about details of this institutions should be sent to the team. Corrections about the member listing should be made by the members themselves by adjusting their affiliations at the RePEc Author Service. Adding or correcting alumni is done at the RePEc Genealogy by anyone with a RePEc author account. Serials from this institution can be added with the Publisher-Institution: RePEc:edi:fehseru line in the series template of their RePEc archive. If there is no local RePEc archive, follow these instructions to create one to have the local publications listed on RePEc services.
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