Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World
Top 25% authors and institutions in this region.Publications listed on RePEc from this region.
- Economics Associations and Societies
- Belgische Vereniging voor Landbouweconomie - BVLE (Belgian Association for Agricultural Economics)
- Société Royale d'Économie Politique de Belgique - SREPB (Royal Belgian Society for Economics)
- Bruegel, Bruxelles/Brussel
- Brussels School of Governance, Bruxelles/Brussel
- Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Bruxelles/Brussel
- Centre for European Research in Microfinance (CERMi), Bruxelles/Brussel
- Centre for Russian International Socio-political and Economic Studies (CERISE), Ghent
- Centre International de Recherches et d'Information sur l'Économie Publique, Sociale et Coopérative (CIRIEC), Liège (International Center of Research and Information on the Public, Social and Cooperative Economy)
- College of Europe, Brugge
- Economics and Econometrics Research Institute (EERI), Bruxelles/Brussel
- EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA), Bruxelles/Brussels
- EMES European Research Network, Liège
- Energy Charter, Bruxelles/Brussel
- European Capital Markets Institute (ECMI), Bruxelles/Brussel
- European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE), Bruxelles/Brussel
- European Commission, Bruxelles/Brussel
- Bureau of European Policy Advisers (BEPA)
- Directorate-General Agriculture and Rural Development
- Directorate-General Budget
- Directorate-General Competition
- Directorate-General Development
- Directorate-General Economic and Financial Affairs (ECFIN)
- Directorate-General Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
- Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
- Directorate-General Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
- Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services (EPRS)
- Directorate-General Regional and Urban Policy
- Directorate-General Taxation and Custom Union
- Directorate-General Trade
- European Economic and Social Committee
- European Fiscal Board
- European Political Strategy Centre
- Joint Research Centre
- European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI), Bruxelles/Brussel
- European Trade Union Institute for Research, Education and Health and Safety (ETUI-REHS), Bruxelles/Brussel
- Europese Hogeschool Brussel (EHSAL), Bruxelles/Brussel (European Institute of Higher Education Brussels)
- European Xtramile Centre of African Studies (EXCAS), Liège
- Facultés Universitaires Catholiques de Mons (FUCaM), Mons (Catholic University of Mons)
- Départment Économie et Sociologie (Economics and Sociology Department)
- Atelier de Recherche sur la Politique Économique et la Gestion de l'Entreprise (Unité Arpege) (Research Workshop on Political Economy and Management)
- Départment Économie et Sociologie (Economics and Sociology Department)
- Fondation Européenne d'Études Progressistes, Bruxelles (Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS))
- Globalisation Institute, Bruxelles/Brussel
- Government of Belgium, Bruxelles/Brussel
- Government of Flanders
- Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research
- Social Sciences Unit, Merelbeke
- Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research
- Government of the Walloon Region, Jambes
- Direction Générale de l'Économie et de l'Emploi (DGEE) (General Directorate of Economy and Employment)
- Institut Wallon de l'Évaluation, de la Prospective et de la Statistique (IWEPS) (Walloon Institute for Evaluation, Prospective and Statistics)
- Groupe ICHEC, Bruxelles/Brussel
- Haute École Albert Jacquard, Namur (Albert Jacquard College)
- Département Économique (Department of Economics)
- Hogeschool Gent, Gent (University College Ghent)
- Departement Handelswetenschappen en Bestuurskunde (Faculty of Business Administration and Public Administration)
- Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel (HUBrussel), Bruxelles/Brussel
- Katholieke Hogeschool Leuven, Leuven (Leuven University College)
- Katholieke Universiteit Brussels, Bruxelles/Brussel (Catholic University of Brussels)
- Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen (Faculty of Economics and Business)
- Koninklijke Militaire School/École Royale Militaire, Bruxelles/Brussel (Royal Military College)
- Departement Economie, Management en Leiderschap/Département Économie, Management et Leadership (Department of Economics, Management and Leadership)
- KU Leuven, Leuven (University of Leuven)
- Centrum voor Economie en Ethiek (Centre for Economics and Ethics)
- Departement Aard- en Omgevingswetenschappen (Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences)
- Afdeling Bio-economie (Division of Bioeconomics)
- Sub-Faculteit Economische en Bedrijfswetenschappen, Kortrijk (Sub-Faculty of Economics and Business)
- Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen (Applied Economics)
- Afdeling Landbouw- en Voedseleconomie (Division of Bioconomics)
- Energy Institute
- Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen (Faculty of Business and Economics)
- Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen (Faculty of Business and Economics)
- Centrum voor Economie en Duurzaam Ondernemen (CEDON), Brussel (Center for Economics and Corporate Sustainability)
- Department of Economics
- Department of Accountancy, Finance and Insurance
- Department of Economics
- Lessius Hogeschool, Antwerp (Lessius University College)
- Departement Handelswetenschappen (Department of Business Studies)
- LICOS Centre for Institutions and Economic Performance
- Onderzoekseenheid Bedrijfseconomie, Strategie en Innovatie (Department of Managerial Economics Strategy and Innovation (MSI))
- Vlaams Instituut voor Economie en Samenleving (VIVES) (Research Centre for Regional Economics)
- Fakulteit Sociale Wetenschappen (Faculty Social Sciences)
- Instituut voor de Overheid (Public Management Institute)
- HIVA - Onderzoeksinstituut voor Arbeid en Samenleving (HIVA - Research Institute for Work and Society)
- Lisbon Council for Economic Competitiveness and Social Renewal, Bruxelles/Brussel
- Nationale Bank van België/Banque national de Belqique (BNB), Bruxelles/Brussel (National Bank of Belgium)
- RAND Europe, Bruxelles/Brussel
- Re-define, Bruxelles/Brussel
- Transport & Mobility Leuven (TML), Leuven
- United Nations University, Brugge
- Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve (Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve)
- Centre d'études Interdisciplinaires en Économie de la Santé (CIES) (Center of Interdisciplinary Studies in Health Economics)
- Centre de Recherche en Démographie et Sociétés (Research Center on Demography and Societies)
- Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires pour la Solidarité et l'Innovation Sociale (CERISIS), Charleroi (Interdisciplinary Research Center for Solidarity and Social Innovation)
- Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche Travail, État et Société (CIRTES), Charleroi (Interdisciplinary Research Center for Labor, State and Society)
- Chaire Hoover d'éthique économique et sociale (ETES) (Hoover Chair in Economic and Social Ethics)
- Faculté ouverte de politique économique et sociale (FOPES) (Open Faculty of Economics and Scoial Policy)
- Institut d'Administration et de Gestion (IAG) (Louvain School of Management)
- Louvain Institute of Data Analysis and Modelling in Economics and Statistics (LIDAM)
- Louvain Institute of Data Analysis and Modelling in Economics and Statistics (LIDAM)
- Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE), Louvain-la-Neuve
- École des Sciences Économiques de Louvain (Economics School of Louvain)
- Département des sciences économiques (Department of Economics)
- Institut de Recherche Économique et Sociale (IRES) (Institute for Economic and Social Research)
- Institute of Statistics, Biostatistics and Actuarial Sciences (ISBA)
- Louvain Finance
- Louvain Research Institute in Management and Organizations
- Louvain School of Management
- Unité d'économie rurale (Rural Economics Unit)
- Université de Liège, Liège (University of Liege)
- HEC École de Gestion (School of Management)
- Centre d'Économie Sociale (Social Economy Centre)
- Centre de Recherche en Économie Publique et de la Population (CREPP) (Research Center on Public and Population Economics)
- Centre de Méthodes Quantitatives et Operations Management (QuantOM) (Centre for Quantitative Methods and Operations Management)
- Service d'Économie Internationale et Interrégionale (International and Interregional Economics Service)
- Tax Institute
- Unité d'Économie et Développement Rural, Gembloux (Rural Economics and Development Unit)
- HEC École de Gestion (School of Management)
- Université de Mons, Mons (University of Mons)
- Faculté Warocqué d'Économie et de Gestion (Faculty of Economics and Management)
- Université de Namur, Namur (University of Namur)
- Faculté des Sciences Économiques, Sociales et de Gestion (FSESG) (Faculty of Economics, Social Sciences and Business Administration)
- Center for Research in Finance and Management (CeReFiM)
- Centre de Recherche en Économie Régionale et Politique Économique (CERPE) (Centre of Research in Regional Economics and Economic Policy)
- Centre de Recherche en Économie de Développement (CRED) (Center for Research on Economic Development)
- Faculté des Sciences Économiques, Sociales et de Gestion (FSESG) (Faculty of Economics, Social Sciences and Business Administration)
- Universiteit Hasselt, Diepenbeek (Hasselt University)
- Faculteit Bedrijfseconomische Wetenschappen (Faculty of Business Economics)
- Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles (Free University of Brussels)
- Centre d'Études du Développement Durable (CEDD) (Centre of Studies for Sustainable Development)
- Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management
- Centre Emile Bernheim
- Centre d'études économiques et sociales de l'environnement (CEESE) (Centre for Economic and Social Studies for the Environment (CESSE))
- Département d'Économie Appliquée (DULBEA) (Department of Applied Economics)
- European Centre for Advanced Research in Economics and Statistics (ECARES), Bruxelles
- Centre Emile Bernheim
- Universiteit Antwerpen, Antwerpen (University of Antwerp)
- Centre for Health Economics Research and Modelling Infectious Diseases (CHERMID)
- Centrum voor Sociaal Beleid - Herman Deleeck (Herman Deleeck Centre for Social Policy)
- Faculteit Bedrijfswetenschappen en Economie (Faculty of Business and Economics)
- Departement Accounting en financiering (Department of Finance and Accounting)
- Departement Algemene economie (Department of Economics)
- Institute of Transport and Maritime Management Antwerp (ITMMA)
- Instituut voor Ontwikkelingsbeleid en -beheer (IOB) (Institute of Development Policy)
- Management School
- Universiteit Gent, Gent (University of Ghent)
- BE4Life
- Centre for Advanced Studies in Law and Economics
- Economy, Ecology, Demography Research Unit (EED)
- Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration)
- Centre for Entrepreneurship Research
- Vakgroep Economie (Department of Economics)
- Vakgroep Landbouweconomie (Department of Agricultural Economics)
- Vakgroep Studie van de Derde Wereld (Centre for Third World Studies, CTWS)
- Université Saint-Louis, Bruxelles/Brussel (Saint Louis University)
- Centre de Recherche en Économie (CEREC) (Economics Research Center)
- Vlerick Business School, Gent
- von Mises Institute Europe, Brussel
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel (Brussels Free University)
- Centrum voor Bedrijfseconomie (Centre for Business Economics)
- Faculteit van de Economische, Sociale en Politieke Wetenschappen en Solvay Management School (Faculty of Economic, Social and Political Sciences and Solvay Management School)
- Department of Business
- Monetair en Financieel Beleid (ECON) (Section for Economic, Monetary and Financial Policy)
- Micro-economics of the profit and non-profit sectors (MICE)